Let's impeach the most inept President in our history who makes James Buchanan look like a strongman.


>Sam Harris-The Most Powerful Clown

>Bill Maher-WTF is going on?

>Don Lemon Fact Checks Lies

>Ben Shapiro-Donald Trump is a Liar


>Swastika Blowing Up

>Do You Hear the People Sing (in 17 languages to piss off stormfags)

>How Most Americans will feel when Trump is impeached


Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw Trump will be the first president to be executed for treason

Bump because fuck these guys.

Not gonna lie, former drumpf supporter here. It was funny at first watching him crash and burn but we really can't let this fucking lunatic have access to the nuclear codes.

He needs to be impeached immediately.


Enjoy your Muslim immigrants raping your entire country and murdering all of you, UK fag.

Impeach for what, exactly? What grounds are you calling for impeachments for? What crime has he committed?

fuck off

10 cents have been deposited in your ShareBlue account

Go home CTR shill.

>He needs to be impeached immediately.
More than that - he needs to be thrown in jail - along with Pence, Bannon, Flynn and all his other goons.

Only a matter of time now.

Can someone explain to me what exactly happen. I've been too busy trying to find a job to watch the news.

Fuck off OP you lost and will continue to lose

shill etc kys

>Impeach for what, exactly? What grounds are you calling for impeachments for? What crime has he committed?

read the news, dingdong

tons of his campaign aides were in close contact with Russian intel officials

Trump is a puppet being controlled by Russia

impeachment when

He's worked with a foreign government to undermine the American electoral process. This is beyond dispute now.



>president Dumbf

Lol, how many times are you coming to copy pasta this reply?

Have your fucking (you)

You have my sword.

>if it sounds bad for me, it's FAKE NEWS!!!!

lol stay mad, britbong

I'm looking forward to the Sup Forums meltdown when their leader is finally jailed.

I was Trump supporter blah blah blah nuclear codes

the news that flat out says that there is no clear ties to Trump?

>Impeach Donald Trump

Can I get a quick fucking rundown?


get fucked trumpanzees



>"Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence"

Let's see what the article itself says:
>"The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation."
No evidence of Russia influencing the election, which was literally cited as 'confirmed' by multiple news outlets just a few weeks ago.
>"All of the current and former officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because the continuing investigation is classified."
No official source, no official statements, all untraceable and unverifiable statements from 'anonymous sources.' All information in the article is, as such, worthless.
>"The officials would not disclose many details, including what was discussed on the calls, the identity of the Russian intelligence officials who participated, and how many of Mr. Trump’s advisers were talking to the Russians. It is also unclear whether the conversations had anything to do with Mr. Trump himself."
Read this, then reread it, then reread it again. This article is based on phone calls, yet they don't even know what was said, what they were about, or who was even speaking. Yes, the news media is this fucking horrendous.
>"A report from American intelligence agencies that was made public in January concluded that the Russian government had intervened in the election in part to help Mr. Trump"
NYT BTFOs itself by destroying the credibility of its own sources or the 'intelligence agencies.'

This is why the libel laws need to be expanded. This is fucking insane.

>read the news, dingdong
>tons of his campaign aides were in close contact with Russian intel officials

The news? Like the New York Times article with the headline "Trump aides were in contact with Russians", but actually says in the article itself intelligence officials have uncovered no evidence supporting these claims?

why not?

I've been a Trump supporter from the beginning but now he's finally crossed the line. It's her turn.

>Trump's top aides communicated with Russia during the campaign
>Somehow Trump didn't know about this

Yeah, what a (((coincidence))). He's either an incompetent moron who has no control over his staff or a traitorous liar. Either way, he shouldn't be within a 10 mile radius of the White House.



WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.
American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted the communications around the same time that they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee, three of the officials said. The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.
As part of the inquiry, the F.B.I. is also trying to assess the credibility of information contained in a dossier that was given to the bureau last year by a former British intelligence operative. The dossier contained a raft of salacious allegations about connections between Mr. Trump, his associates and the Russian government. It also included unsubstantiated claims that the Russians had embarrassing videos that could be used to blackmail Mr. Trump.
The F.B.I. has spent several months investigating the leads in the dossier, but has yet to confirm any of its most explosive allegations.
Senior F.B.I. officials believe that the former British intelligence officer who compiled the dossier, Christopher Steele, has a credible track record, and he briefed F.B.I. investigators last year about how he obtained the information. One American law enforcement official said that F.B.I. agents had made contact with some of Mr. Steele’s sources.

fuck trump and fuck white people

The New York Times ran a headline titled "Trump Campaign Aides had Repeated Contacts with Russian Intelligence". The actual article says that there is no evidence to support this claim.

But morons only read the headline and have made their opinion based on the headline alone.

wtf I hate Trump now.





>but actually says in the article itself intelligence officials have uncovered no evidence supporting these claims?

Why can't Trumpkins stop lying?

The article said it's currently unknown what was actually discussed in those calls, not "we don't know if they actually had contact."

CTR/JEWCREW/ShareBlue trying at least, before the big pizzagate revelation.

Impeached for what? There's no proof he's a puppet, even the transcripts show Flynn's conversations were fairly innocent. How are you going to get a supermajority in the senate to get this through? So fucking weird, no one can answer exactly what he could be impeached for.

FLYNN AND MANAFORT SPOKE TO RUSSIANS (but it was fairly innocent and there's no evidence of anything worse).

>prolongs the sanctions
>says that Russia needs to give back Crimea

Shitposters on this board should be executed on sight

It doesn't matter what they spoke about - the fact that they did speak is a violation of the Logan Act AT MINIMUM

No, it isn't.

Go read the law.

False alarm?

I don't know who to fucking believe any more. The Mayne Stream Meteor is full of shit but so is Sup Forums.

Imagine if Hillary Clinton were president and something like this happened. Everyone on this board would be screaming from the rooftops.

Fucking hypocrites. The lot of you. #LockHimUp

The Logan Act - never been used before, basically irrelevant. insanely old. That's the only thing people can come up with in response of "impeached for what?"

The act itself is barely even coherent. That's why this is retarded - they're blowing their load on something that has little legal basis.

Gonna be so fun when this orange faggot gets thrown out on his ass. Wonder if they'll execute him for treason?

More CTR shilling.

One day the liberals will realise that they're the bad guys, and that Trump is trying to save America. And on that day they will neck themselves out of shame.

This is some real god tier bait.

Because impeachment requires an actual crime. Trump saying mean things and violating your safe space is not a crime.

Of course it's a fucking false alarm. They've been doing this shit for a year straight.

They smell a drop of blood and swarming, unfortunately Trump is in a boat relaxing while they swarm around urging him to jump in the water "or else"

I'm arresting you for violating the Bogan Act

bloody hell! ctr can't even make a goddamn general thread.


The law is the law.

Fuck you, I'm a liberal and I haven't been shilling. Trumpcucks shill more on this site anyway.

the media would just brush it under the rug unlike what they're doing now.



>promises to jail Hillary
>gets jailed himself for treason

Can't make this shit up.

not gonna lie...

Oh yeah, because they totally brushed aside the non-story of her emails and Wikileaks. The media was out to get Hillary from the beginning. If they did more research on Trump's Russian ties, this wouldn't be happening.

One of these things is not like the other....

Why the fuck is it bad that Trump is trying to have a good relationships with the second greatest world power? It literally boggles the mind. Liberals say "Trump is making enemies of everyone!" But when it comes to Trump being friendly with Russia they're like, "Trump is a traitor and a conspirator!"

There was no negotiation. They just said that they'd talk once they had power.

Go read the law.

>laws don't matter if they're applied to my team

Obama has too so who cares

Good luck, faggots

not gonna lie, post this shit hourly, bro


If what happened? She had a conversation with a Russian? What is even the scandal in a liberal's mind?

Oh, they've gone back to saying Trump is Putin's puppet again.

Trump is the 3rd fattest president in U.S history at 235 lb

>Bill Maher
>Don Lemon
>Ben Shapiro
Good good.

>>Ben Shapiro-Donald Trump is a Liar
hello manlet kike.



>I'm a liberal

When you had to convince yourself that other people's opinions are just paid for by people you hate is when you should have killed yourself.

In my perspective I am well aware that there are millions of uneducated hick flyover states that generate terrible people with terrible uneducated opinions. It just the truth and fact of life. The fact that you need to mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance to rationalize why people don't agree with you is your own fault.

It's finally happening. Drumpf is finished

>impeach Trump
>Pence takes over

now you liberal twats are really fucked, because Pence knows how to play the game

>Implying people like McCain, Graham, Rubio, Cruz etc won't turn on Trump when they smell blood

Of course you have bootlickers like Chaffetz and Paul, but they'll be thrown against the wall, too.

Sadly, you have to commit a crime to get impeached. You can't get rid of a president just because you don't like him. We're stuck with him until 2021 unless he does something really stupid.

>read highlighted parts
>no mention of sanctions and nothing that can even be interpreted as being about the sanctions

>Liberals say "Trump is making enemies of everyone!" But when it comes to Trump being friendly with Russia they're like, "Trump is a traitor and a conspirator!"

Because Trump pissing off those countries is directly in line with Russia's geopolitical goals you fucking tard.

>trump made me mad

>suddenly I have this opinion on Russia

Mental gymnastics is in season.

Pence is not taking over. He's just as culpable. Say hello to president Paul Ryan.



>I'm a cuckservative
After we get done decapitating Trump with the guillotine, your bitch ass is next.

IT WAS MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at all the hate flowing through these poor fuckers. You Trump supporters can't understand the magnitude of how fucked your president is. Get used to more leaks, cause there's gonna be a lot more.

Libreals live in la la land.
They are hypocrits and are looking for a boogey man.
Cant wait for that Russian gun/ammo tarrif to be life's
Cheap AK ammo for remove kebab.