Why is the gay suicide rate so high?
Why is the gay suicide rate so high?
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Because they know it's a sickness and that they're responsible.
because people like you two treat us like shit?
Only flaming faggots get treated like shit, does that describe (you)?
so when are you going to kill yourself?
Slit your fucking arms pedo.
It's not high enough.
AIDS is a hell of a drug
Because they lived the transition from normal to faggot. They realize that it's just a series of decisions to take the easy, immediately pleasurable path that leads a person to faggotry. They also realize that it will never lead to true fulfillment and naturally speaking it is completely self-serving and serves no purpose.
Hormonal imbalance, drug use, aids, many partners not real relationships, getting fucked in the ass entire life just want to end it
As if we should do anything to lower it. Honestly we just need to meme it to be as high as the vet or tranny rates.
because they're gay
Exclusion from society. /polgb/ favors positive wholesome representations of gay men in media to be role models for LGB youth.
Sup Forums. Just kidding. It really isnt. We read g spot manuals that say "most men have no clue this exists". We have no slippery porno slides. Yet we're bored whores. Nothing makes any sense through the hetero lens
Because it's not normal.
Anything that isn't normal has a higher rate of suicide, the less normal it is, the higher the suicide rate.
There's consonance. Harmony. And dissonance. Disharmony. Do men and women have the same harmony? Of course they don't
They're not responsible for being anything. I'm not responsible for being a hetero. The responsibility comes in play when you act like an idiot.
Devil fuckers at the tree. The lot of ya
So what if I'm bisexual (which is even more degenerate) and I don't feel bad about it?
Ask limp-fish Trump? Cinderella at the fucken waltz over here
because theyre trained from birth to believe being gay is unnatural/sinful/wrong and also most people view homosexuality as disgusting so that adds to the self-esteem/anxiety/depression issues gay people have
A lot of gays are secretly conservatives.
The problem with that is even if you're gay, if you hold conservative beliefs (such as thinking Gay Pride is a bad idea, or being against Islam) on the left will automatically hate you for being an "alt-right fascist" and betraying the (((LGBTQ+ Community))), meanwhile everyone on the right will still hate you for being a fucking degenerate faggot.
The only escape is death.
I guess men aren't normal then
He maybe gay, but at least he isn't a nigger like you. Now get off the internet and back on the plantation. Fucking nigger
I hope you find a cure one day, friend.
No idea why gay men would. It's a lot easier for them to find a bf than it is for a gay female to find a qt gf.
Especially if you want a non sjw qt gf. Sigh.
>typing out sigh
Getting fucked in the ass all day must be mental torture to any guys ego no matter how much he enjoys it
Yeah, this is true. I posted Trump with the pride flag on facebook saying I was pleasantly surprised to see a pro-lgbt Republican candidate and got defriended by a bunch of people. It's tough since I'm pretty redpilled politically but I'm not bisexual in the slightest. All the girls I meet irl or see online seem to be extremely sjw or "political lesbians."
There was that blonde lesbian qt who got peppersprayed in cali though, which gave me some hope. Maybe more of us will be able to come out of the closet with time. For now, I'm going to go creep on her github again...
back 2 ribbit faget
kys homo fiend
Who touched you when you were young? All lesbians repress feelings of their attraction to men
so it's natural selection at work then
>>typing out sigh