>What is this deep state shit?
>Where did this endeniable tension come from?
Something feels different guys, things really feel like there going out of control. I can't be the only one noticing this.
>What is this deep state shit?
>Where did this endeniable tension come from?
Something feels different guys, things really feel like there going out of control. I can't be the only one noticing this.
Other urls found in this thread:
You're feeling that Drumpf is about to get impeached, stay mad.
This, only rural and suburban retards voted for drumpf, city folk all voted hillary
Read this. It'll explain what it is.
The World is a business and it's run by the richest folks, not the government. Some of them like morals, some of them don't. That's pretty much it.
You are losing sweetie
Taste the air of incoming defeat
DNI head Clapper on Muslim Brotherhood: youtube.com
CIA Director Brennan on Islam: youtube.com
They want global merger of nations and Islam in the West
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
They're starting to show their hand. It's a necessary step to trashing the fuck out of them. Trump expected it. We expected it. Now we get to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
The simple facts that (((you))) shills are shitting bricks desperately here means this train is on the right track.
Get gassed idiot
weather changes, same feeling here.
always starts at mid-end february
what your feeling is uncertain of donald trump.
>trumps people are talking to russians?
>why are the headlines saying all this?
>impeach trump?
they're all the same tactics used before my friend.
"Feminist" Shill or Hillary aged shill
Regular shill
Nigger shill or outdated shill manual "stay mad" (have seen him use that in multiple threads tonight)
Trump will probably deport half of their friends while the police rightfully shoot another quarter. The last quarter will either grow up and red pill or die from AIDs.
People up top don't even care to hide it anymore.
It's almost Happening.
how new are you
If he gets impeached the US is done for.
Old enough to know we switched "stay mad" with the official Sup Forums (all caps newfag) secret handshake.
I think we've slid to a darker, weirder timeline.
All this deep state shit, and pic related is one of the North Korean assassin qts.
XD snibbedi snapped the shillesd :D:D:D:D:D:D
That's weird, Koreans always say "kekekeke" not "lol". I'm guessing not a real Korean but actually a spy.
Deep State is the final boss
>le 9gag turtle
Not fooling me shill
the GOP is about to back stab Trump and install Pence.
The useful idiot's time is over.
>What is the "Deep State"?
From Wikipedia:
>State within a state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ ("deep state"), such as the armed forces and civilian authorities (intelligence agencies, police, administrative agencies and branches of governmental bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership. Although the state within the state can be conspiratorial in nature, the Deep State can also take the form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests (e.g. job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting and subverting the policies and directives of elected officials. The term, like many in politics, derives from the Greek language (kράτος εν kράτει, kratos en kratei, later adopted into Latin as imperium in imperio[1] or status in statu).
For a revealed example, see Turkey:
(specifically the "Acknowledgement of its existence":)
(see pic related)
the fbi is basically the top police or kgb of america
it intervened to get trump elected
the former ceo of exxonmobil is now the secretary of state
because shit is about to get real.
both sides are full of morons who are more violent than the other side thinks.
ive always been anti happening because 90% of the time it is bullshit. this time i have the feeling things are gonna go real bad. it is the same feeling i had when that dune coon shot up the club. i knew the reality TV star using scare tactics would win.
but i just did you SHILL XDXDXDXD-------DDDDD
I hope you are right. Can we get kek to will it?
I feel it too.
Everything is going dark. Seriously.
No talk about the muslim ban.
It is not a coincidence.
Trump needs to act now.
Maybe you americans need to prepare to act now.
i think your only hope is the military. Ask them to save you.
If I were a shill I would have an abnormally small penis like the rest. So either A. I am a genetic enhancement over your model or B. Your dad's dick and your mom's boyfriend's dick were smaller than mine, cause she swore it was the biggest she has ever seen.
>reeeeeeeddit didn't know about the deep state until now.
>muh tin foil hat
>muh Alex jones
>Not a leaf
fuck off larping faggot.
It's literally nothing
You really dont. War is not like the movies nor the video games youve played.
A coup.
To be frank though, they're being so inept about it they revealed themselves at the cost of literally nothing.
So Flynn resigned. So what? It was small scandal. Implying we can't get some Flynn likes as his replacement.
If you believe the JSOC guy, it could be big with CIA getting BTFO though.
>low punch
only commentses from side is this :----DDDDDD
Could someone give me a quick rundown on what "deep state" is? Been busy the last few days and dont know what is up
War isnt like TV, Moviesand Vidya games? What about books? Is war like the comic books I read? Or maybe I don't give a fuck because I have an accurate grasp of what war is like and feel it is needed.
Trump created a parallel reality where he became president, but parallel realities are unstable. The reality he created is collapsing.
The universe is correcting itself.
We are the same shill. See, no matter the differences in idealogy we are the same. Guess global peace is attainable. My religion says I can rape your sister though, that is cool right?
than you are edgy as fuck. you have no idea what war is like. reading books dont mean shit.
See here
im not a shill, just dealing with depression like finbros do:Spurdo-shitposting.
im bored as fuck m8
I am edgy as fuck. I have one side that is just the nicest guy in the world and this other side that did 3 tours to Afghanistan and is well aware what war is like.
Sorry that a little bloodshed is going to interrupt your safe space sit ins if it happens.
We are currently having an internal war in our government that is simmering to a boil and I'm not sure what is going to happen when it does.
Yeah, Finland. The least cucked of the once great Nordic lands. Depression is expected.
>tfw you realise we're living in a real Deus Ex universe minus the futuristic technology
You can feel the Globalist Masters working behind the scenes, shaping the narrative of the main stream media and pushing the information that fits their narrative to the front of everybody's vision. They're willing to start a civil war; no, a global civil war just to make sure they get their chess pieces into place. They're like ghosts, shaping the world to their twisted vision so they can live like gods among men.
Is the left/right narraitve really the same though??
I feel like the deep state IS the millitary industrial complex and that IS the right wing neocon cucked republicans (think mc cain).
The left is globalism funded madness hell bent on homogonyzing the wolrds populace into one brown turd.
Are they working together? Are the same?
Are they just two arms of the bigger ((((body))))?????
wtf user did you go to one of those Gangster's Paradise nigger schools?
The only ones who win from wars these days are the bankers which happen to fund both sides with plenty of interest, good job
Eh, yeah. When you talk about shit tier 3rd world countries like yours I am sure. Reality is sad though, and the reality is that you don't live in America and just can't understand what it is like to be fighting for something worth it.
seriously man, this shit is getting deep.
imagine what is going on in trumps head right now? the fucking mind games that must be going on. who does he trust? who is a mole? who is legit? meanwhile, every country he makes friends with (japan, russia, UK) has their own agendas...
The (((CIA))) is 100% in globalists hands. And they are getting ready to overtly take control of the entire US government.
>Yeah, Finland.
>Depression is expected.
Yes, but im in Russia....
(btw, you sound like you have PTSD)
>Are they just two arms of the bigger ((((body))))?????
That's how it's always been my man. Nothing is real.
>feel it is needed.
It is needed, I don't think they'll allow it to get to that point though.
>i can feel a happening coming!!!!!
fuck off kid
Nah, PTSD is just how cucks get out of service. It really isn't that hard.
Good post
The only thing that's real, is that I'm already dead.
Brand new Trump Russia leaks form the NYTimes. I wonder who could be behind this.
>PTSD is just how cucks get out of service.
It does exist. visible on MRT scan, there are significant brain changes in the Amygdala region.
>Trump gets impeached
>Civil war begins
Let's goooooo
The reality is that (((The eternal bankers))) put you against each other and they were damn successful at it so yeah reality is pretty sad, at this point you guys have no other course of action other than fight each other
I do sympathize with your side, don't get me wrong, but regardless of sides there is only one true winner despite the results
t. welfare queen with a gun aka veteran
>minus the futuristic technology
Friend, that's only for US. I guarantee you that the elites have all the technology you can think of AND more.
>At the very least, the US government's military tech is ~20+ years ahead of what public tech is.
Want to do some fun? Look up things on archive.4plebs.org
>Casaba Howitzer
>Laser weapons
>SB-3 Ghoul
Someone is nefariously messing with the timeline again.
This doesn't feel right at all. It's not supposed to be going this way...
Fucking this...
Absolutely fucking this.
We're just getting the lid loose on this can of snakes...
Hold on boys
They are the same. Always have been. They destroyed Nixon together, they killed Kennedy, tried to kill Ford and Reagan. It's all one rootless international clique.
They have no tech only money. They can't hide shit it's the same central banking cartel it's always been hiding in plain sight.
So blacks and spics
Jokes on you, I didn't vote for anyone on that shitty ballot!
Deep state is all the people who don't get washed out with each election. It's only going to get worse from here but it shows just who Trump is and how afraid they are of letting him consolidate power.
Have you heard GLR speak at UCLA? Winston Churchill himself identified an international clique of jews
Well, the left definitely isn't becoming any less radicalized, if that's what you want to know.
Eventually someone's going to put a stop to the sedition, and then shit's going to hit the fan.
Jesus, you people would be more entertaining if you weren't so fucking serious. You really want there to be some sort of enemy to fight, and you're jumping at shadows of your own design. Smoke some weed or something.
It's called shilling, if you haven't been here long enough to identify it, then fuck off back to r*ddit where you belong
>FBI is the KGB
Please the CIA is closer to that, atleast get your alphabet organizations in order
one subtle hint kiwi
>1 post by this ID
That's not true at all. You should look into "Deep Underground Military Bases" (D.U.M.B.s)
Also, just to activate those almonds of yours, look up this doomsday weapon we were (and are) fully capable of building.
>Project PLUTO
>The proposed use for nuclear-powered ramjets would be to power a cruise missile, called SLAM, for Supersonic Low Altitude Missile. In order to reach ramjet speed, it would be launched from the ground by a cluster of conventional rocket boosters. Once it reached cruising altitude and was far away from populated areas, the nuclear reactor would be made critical. Since nuclear power gave it almost unlimited range, the missile could cruise in circles over the ocean until ordered "down to the deck" for its supersonic dash to targets in the Soviet Union. The SLAM as proposed would carry a payload of many nuclear weapons to be dropped on multiple targets, making the cruise missile into an unmanned bomber. After delivering all its warheads, the missile could then spend weeks flying over populated areas at low altitudes, causing tremendous ground damage with its shock wave. When it finally lost enough power to fly, and crash-landed, the engine would have a good chance of spewing deadly radiation for months to come.
That is just one known project out of MANY top secret black site projects.
Where ever and whenever there is money, their will be people who love it. Call em Jews or whatever, they will do whatever is necessary to get more of the rich stuff. There is no more conspiracy than that.
Project Pluto is unintentionally hilarious super villain levels of evil
Well fuck, maybe I'm the reddit faggot now. I usually check to make sure it''s not concern trolling, but I've had a long fucking day at work. Too tired for this shill shit.
Do you guys want a Civil war?
The American right would end it before lunchtime.
Yes of course.
There has been a very real political Revolution. A Revolution without a shot fired.
We revolted against the status quo
and they are resorting to treason and sabotage to attempt to regain control.
Time will tell who wins the game.
>status quo Globalists who could care less about the citizens
>American patriots
Pretty much every nation has their secrets.
Mexico has its own damn underground railroad, I hear
>deep state
t'was most likely some low level analysts who are die hard democrats. The rats will be smoked out soon and then skewered and fried.
It would be between the Democratic high crime low education low quality of life coasts and the rest of America
Our enemies live in commifornia and zoo york
They want all of us living like the people of the coasts.
ahhh ima virtue signal real quick and say he lost me at the end... that said, i didnt really fathom how complex of a task this would be for Trump. He is going against the monster. I hope he know's what he is up against... I just want some fucking libertarianism or hell even a nice gold backed dollar and some nationalism with a little capitalism mixed in and some hippy shit love thrown in. is that too much to ask for?
>Too tired for this shill shit.
kek, everybody is.
and the worst part, its so poorly realised that you can screencap and compare threads.
nothing new, i dont know who this people are, but they have 0% creativity.
them 40Mil are literally wasted.
Don't those regions make most of your money though? How would the US fare without its moneymakers?
Their view of the future is a perpetual gulag of warring ethnicities that purchase and consume on demand.
They don't want happiness they want conflict to rule over.
The major Democratic cities are their model for the world.
Oh it's okay when Snowden and Assange leak but if someone leaks truth that destroys your little bigoted world you have to get upset honey?
It's over soon dear don't worry babe
You have to understand.
Democrats have ruled over the worst most murderous, lawless and depraved cities for almost 5 decades.
This is their vision for the future.