Ask a paki anything

ask a paki anything

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Why's Drumpf about to get impeached? Stay mad.

Do you even poo in the loo ?

Why are Pakistanis obsessed with trying to arabize themselves? I'm asking as an Iranian. At least when our government is doing it we almost unanimously hate it and backlash with cringey patriotism over events 3k years ago. Fucking Pakistanis wish they were Arab. What's the deal with that

says the Iranian trash, a jihad sponsored state.

Our beaches are relatively clean, some atleast.

Why do all pakis smell like a cadaver?

Do you know a paki when you see one?

Why haven't you guys blown up India yet? Come on, do the world a solid!

I've heard Canada has been populated by sikhs, that true?

What's up with Kashmir?
Who does it belong to?

do you or anyone you know fuck kids up the ass?

Are young Pakis falling for anti family liberal propaganda there?
Talking to a Paki here w a 27 year old kid who's not married and he's giving him 1 more year before he arranges a marriage.

>diaspora flag
Opinion discarded

Other image.

There's a few, but they hate mudslimes, so it's like the lesser of the two evils. They also don't cut holes in the floors of their transport trucks so they can shit while driving. Fucking pakis, it's Canada! There's trees everywhere! Pull over and shit in the woods like the filthy animals you are!

Cashmere has always been a difficult conflict, no clue.

We have 'khusras' here, openly transsexual people.

There's a retarded medieval concept of 'arranged' and 'love marriages' there are 'arranged' marriages happening but are becoming less common by the years.

Why do you immigrate to western countries?

Ask those that do, for that matter I'm not one of them.

When are you and India going to nuke each other?

You are not terrible good at this AMA thing

How to get a paki bitch?

Thats what this guy was saying.
He was arranged but got to give input to his parents beforehand.

Chance of me getting fucked up by crazy desert people if I go there for climbing?

How do you feel about the american drone politic in your country. How would you react when a drone kills all of your family member while they enjoying a marriage party?

Buy her off?

> How would you react when a drone kills all of your family member while they enjoying a marriage party?
Only taliban and taliban associates live in the mountains, win-win I guess.

Very high, safer than your neighboring countries though.

Why can't you get along with India to recreate the ancient empire you had together? You are one nation, yet you allowed religion to divide you.

theyre not so easily bought off here

Why does your flag have Moonman?

do you support a political party?
if so, which one?
t. isi

>no british flag
obvious proxy senpai

get an AOC please, ancaps will move there otherwise and you don't want that.

what will you do when we start selling toilets to the indians and finally elevate tham to anti-islamic superpower status?

Why are you Muslim?

The Hindu Kush is a traditionally Hindu and Buddhist region. Why do you keep the religion of your Arab conquerers now that they've gone?

1.Redpilll me on Amir Liaquat.
2. Rate the following - Ayub Khan,Yahaya Khan, Zia Ul Haq.

Where in london do you live?

kashmir? pakistan and afghanistan belong to us too

Why do you always cheat at cricket?

who even wants to play cricket with them? not in their country atleast

be white and non muslim is usually enough.

True, and they killed Bob Woolmer.

The majority of Iranian Millennials dislike their government. Like in Burgerland only the Rural and Suburban retards like the government.

fucking pakis
>boom in a room when?

They fucking attacked our team with Aks
Filthy sub humans
Sad what has happened to our team tho

The poo squad is here, All that's left is Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

more like poo squad,boom squad and others are irrelevant squads

Yeah-..sorry about that.

How would you compare Khusras to transgender people in the USA and Europe?

>Why do you keep the religion of your Arab conquerers now that they've gone?
Cause they are pussies who can only exist as a subservient subspecies of muslims who need to be ground into the dust and their properties flooded by the poor indians.

Why do you keep telling people that you are Indians or associate yourself with them? Why don't you all kill yourself already?

Yeah Canada will be blown up first, you Muslim asslicking cuck

They ethnically cleansed 900,000 Kashmiri Pandits and forced them out of the Kashmiri valleys where they had lived for thousands of years. This happend in 1989 and the traitor congress did nothing about it.


We were the same country a mere 50 years ago you retard.

Then why the fuck is your country called Pakistan? I used to date this muslim chick who kept claiming she was from Ludhiana until I found out she was a fucking paki from Peshawar, I punched her in the face and dumped her. You cunts go overseas and misrepresent yourself as Indians almost ALL the time.

Congress is the worst thing that has happened to India after Mudslimes. Kissing Mudslime sand nigger asses so that they can have their votes. They also suppress the information that Muslim blood is genetically very different from a true blood Hindu blood. I hope BJP remains in power for atleast one or two more terms so that these filths can be neutralized.

Have you ever tasted Naswar chewing tobacco?

70 years you mudtard

Do you keep track of how many goats you fuck? I had a Palestinian Gardner who I caught trying to penetrate an Osama bin laden bobblehead in my yard once, have you ever done that?

For India: how do chairs made out of cow shit feel?

That is the biggest lie perpetuated by shit congress. In fact you are the blood and descendants of Middle East invaders, while the True blood Hindus who from Indus valley civilization are the only real Indians. You just barge into lands like animals and claiming it as your own. Just like you are doing now in Europe.

No they were not. They are descendants of Middle East invaders like Mughals, they came here, produced bastards and then these bastards started claiming Kashmir, Sindh and all those lands as their own. Now this same thing is going to happen in Sweden and Germany also and Islamic states will be created out of them. They will still claim that they are Swedish or German, parasites

Why are you commenting, go back to your gas chamber, kike

We care bro.

You're Indian?

It's the same shit, Punjeet.

how many indians have you killed?

Only uber liberal ones....basically white coal burners

Speaking as a proud, red-blooded patriotic American, it's fucking stupid to make fun of Trump for the Drumpf thing. His ancestors Americanized their name. So what? That's what all the German immigrants did. That's why Weiss became White. That's why Müller became Mueller.

Yup, born there, came to NZ when i was 11. I love NZ to the end, but India is where my itihas and parampara is.

U keep relgion of your dessert cobquerors

wrong period, cowboy and indians was in the miwest.

Care about what man? I only know one decent pakistani called Tanvir, he was a straight bro and we used to hang out in high school, one day his dad shouted at him when he told him about me and the dad pulled up next to me and told me "my son doesnt need Kufr kutta for a friend."

Your people are mentally retarded, this is in a fucking foreign country that is full of christians.

>hurrr we hate the state even though we form it's backbone

No wonder the "popular" vote wasn't enough to win the election, you are all a bunch of cynical assholes

I'm from Kashmir. I'm a mix of Afghan, Indian, and Pakistani. Pretty distinct looking.

Lol fuck you. You try to pass on as Indians because the whole world spits on you. No Indian ever says that Pakis are the same, but you and citizens of your godforsaken failed state try to associate yourself with us. You're a sand nigger, Indians are true blood Hindus. Go fuck your goat Mudslime. Atleast have some self respect and call yourself Pakis

You didn't realize that girl was Mudslime from her name?

It never fails to make me laugh. They genuinely think that's clever.

Why the hell are your women the biggest feminist cunts as soon as they start living in western nations?

How are NZ chicks, from what I know they're pretty DTF.

Only true blood Hindu is Indian though

poo in loo?

who wins?

Feminist? they're more into sucking their paedophile allah's imaginary dick kek.

Get the Fuck out of my country with your cancerous ideology

>You're a sand nigger,
see the thing is they arent even liked by the arabs

They are fucking nothing, lower than dirt, they need to be eradicated.

>No British flag
Nice try.

Have you been to Wagah Border ?

The rest of the world.

is that even a question?

But technically they are descendants, blood of those Middle Eastern niggers. If we'll trace their ancestry, they'll be related to all the Sand niggers (not Arab ones) like Mughals, Tuklaks etc. who came to India. Technically they are bastards, as true Indians are the Hindus who resided in Indus valley civilization

Based Hinduposter.

Do you actually find the term Paki offence? I mean it's the name of your people. If Stan means land then you come from Paki land.

opinion on turks?

1 inch of makeup mate, they are good ones of course, but marriage material is hard to come by, plus liberal women are pretty fucking patronizing to date. According to rankings, half-indian, half white girls are Top-Tier and are spot on in personality and politics, almost entirely moderate in views which is good, White girls can be misleading initially as they say one thing do something else, but there is a level of stability except for the heinous hoodrats who seem to be the majority.

Chinese girls are hit or miss, I personally cant stand chinks because I cant tell whether they are sleepy or not, plus money is all for them which is pretty sad, maori and other boongies are fucking disgusting mlecchas and chandelas, south east asian girls are pretty alright, but a lot of niggerisms are prevalent, e.g early pregnancies, sluts.

The easiest though are the Europeans migrants and tourists, my god are they easy, you buy them a drink, you give them 10 minute conversation, then you hold hands and boom town, you dont even have to call them again and you can run into them three months later and they are still down for a fuck.

Except that Pakis and Indians being genetically far apart is true and our ancestry, bloodlines and cultures are completely different

paki is just a meme
pak stands for (((((holy))))),eestan stands for land,so its ehm,..hmm,,land of the holy

Afaik, in fact, pakis and north indian are close, I remember an indian friend (mixed north-south, a great girl and colleague) talked in Hindi with pakis we met buying stuff for the workplace, those dudes answered in urdu and they understood each other.

But she was not very fond and despised the islamic "contamination". I felt it very close, I wish Europe and Persia would have never been contaminated with semitic bullshit.

forgot of course, Indian girls, they depend on where they are from, tamil girls are uniformly heinous except for a few gems but they are prudish, North indian girls seem to stick to their own and usually dont date outside their own groups, guju patel girls for example hook up with guju guys early on during high school usually meeting through cultural gatherings and such.

Sri lankan girls are a little more liberal but still seem to stick to their own a lot more.

>I wish Europe and Persia would have never been contaminated with semitic bullshit.
wishes are for children mate, just stay strong in what you believe and dont compromise your cultural heritage and history. Dont ever forget who and where you are because it is part of your karma and its your duty to maintain it and propogate because without it we might as well be dirt.

I've fucked European women. One Basque country one, One Polish and one Lithuanian. I used to exchange nudes with this NZ chick. She was married MILF but in an open marriage. So that made me think NZ women might be pretty DTF

>So that made me think NZ women might be pretty DTF
See that is dependent mate, Open Marriage Milf is usually easy because firstly, not many takers, second they usually visit the local orgy house in the affluent neighbourhood.