Ok, so Sup Forums is being completely overrun by normies, shills and faggots. Give me some alternative places where I can shitpost in peace and wait for things to come back to normal
Ok, so Sup Forums is being completely overrun by normies, shills and faggots...
its over man
this is it
No fuck off we're full shill sage
keep shitposting with dank memes and dank thoughts to slide all this shill shariablue off the board. don't ever stop.
Looks delicious user
awww, is your safe space being invaded, special snowflake?
it sure looks like we have been completely taken over by ctr style propagandists.
Shariablue will run out of money eventually. Soros must have lost a lot on his faulty election bet.
>going to Jimchan
Literally kill yourself famalam
we need a good ol' fashioned gore thread to thin them out a bit
Most of Sup Forums visits infinity Chan and vise versa still I don't understand the hate
But it will only attract more edgy teenagers!
Actual Sup Forumsitical discussion is dead. These are my current filters. If I added the word 'impeach' Here would be no threads left.
After Hotwheels that chan went to literal shit.
No one with a little of dignity would visit that site.
*there would be no threads left.
>i want an even tighter hugbox/echo chamber
kek, spineless drumpfkins
Lol, you get banned for that now, I've had several.
It's just the normal paid shills. Just report and ignore them.
pol at cripplechan, the mods are antifa though so be careful on what you click
How does the *abc* bracketing work? Does it search for all capitalizations of the word?
It's never going back
Not always... caps can be a bitch. Its just wildcarding either side of the word because *drumpf* wont pick up drumpfkins for example. I still haven't figured it out 100%. Btfo seems to get filtered regardless of capitalisation. Its fucking retarded.
sorry; drumpf WONT pick up drumpfkins, but *drumpf* does. typo.
no, you have to stay and fight, faggot.
get the fuck back in there.
or, if you're a shill trying to destroy us, gtfo.
one way or the other, move.
I'm using Sup Forums X too.
Just kill me already. Happenings are so low-key now.
Literally just LARPing faggots. It's idiotic not to go to both.
Play some Vidya, going to play some Rim World
wtf is infinity chan
none of your business CNN
its never going back to the way it was
The election ruined this board, 8man is a little but better but it's still just shittier
Fuck off.
Nope, Sup Forums is being overrun by newly redpilled people and that's good, we are winning. Now you can put your deceptive shill thread up your ass faggot, your world is dying.
>Shitposts alt-right crap all day
Glee glee, how gay life can be
>People shitpost a small amount with opinions he disagrees with
Shills, shills! Oh how I am triggered.
Much like Islam, most Esoteric Kekists are moderates, but we still provide the vital substrate to incubate radicals amongst their ranks.
Ideology is the seed of hate which blossoms into the flower of violence
Fuck off cunt.
Alt right cucks are the problem too. Shills are one thing, but the entire board has become more cuckservative ever since the election started.
You best leave us the fuck alone, stay here and fight.
>alt right
Sorry, I should call them by their real name: closeted neo-nazis.
no ones going to any website u link leaf
No. We stay here. This is just the beginning of meme war two. Do not back down now. Just saturate their threads with redpills. Their kryptonite is the truth. Also ask about Soros and they clam up. Do not lose faith anons. We're on the winning side. Remember why we are here. MAGA
>Sup Forums is alt right
Fuck off New Cunt.
The newly redpilled batch is the main problem because they are so overwhelmed by the memes that they cant contain their ejaculate and shitpost prematurely
Altright aren't closeted neo nazis Newfag
Its just a modern chanology type "movement" which is a big tent redditism
Just like a leaf to fag up and be a coward
You disgust me cuck. No wonder your country is full of pussies. Trudeau suck Muslim cucks all day. Will you do the same?
Nope. Just drop redpills
Bombs away friends
This is what op and I are talking about
>le meme war
>le Kek
This place used to be political discussion but now it's just a slightly more focused Sup Forums
Go to voat.co. They have some good subverses.
open your eyes sheep!!!
send this one downrange. it's a rare john oliver.
Its Sup Forums talk for stormfront