Turns out Trump's "security" adviser had to resign because of his ties to Russia.
Lol. and Trumptards still live in denial. Just waiting for Trump to be impeached.
Turns out Trump's "security" adviser had to resign because of his ties to Russia
did u just wake norberg?
make sure u only respond to these threads by typing a sage in this field
like so:
and by typing a sage in the options field just above this field
that way these retards get no bumps, and nothing of actual importance is slid
No, he had to resign for lying about talking to Russia.
I'll bump it for you, faggot.
also gotta love the tumblr tier censorship attempt here
How about this one?
>sign attack on yemen because muh terroras
>ignore that obama didn't sign on it for "operational reasons"
>attack without yemeni approval
>kill 23 civilian women and children
>miss target
>kill faggot navy seal
>get taunted and laughed at by al qaeda.
>call the mission an "absolute success"
He resigned be a use he lied to Pence
What is even the problem with the security advisor discussing national issues with Russia?
This is America Norfag. That means Innocent until Proven Guilty.
>There is no proof at all that he had ties to Russia.
He wasn't part of the government at the time, retard.
Hence he had to resign. Also, I'm American.
>spoke with russian ambassador where sanctions may have been mentioned
>no other information than that they were mentioned
>"""ties to Russia"""
please kill yourself on Rådhusplassen, faggot
Bumping for great justice.
Lol when my unit took over your countries AO in Afghanistan they were so fucking scared they wouldnt leave their bases and let haji plant bombs right outside their wire. Wouldn't even stand post those fucking faggots.
>>spoke with russian ambassador where sanctions may have been mentioned
No they weren't.
>The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said.
if you must speak in these, please do remember to sage
Dumbest bot ever. Impeached for what exactly? You don't even know our laws, Trump did nothing illegal, Flynn technically did nothing illegal either. You're just a dumb fucking sheep, repeating propaganda. Flynn "resigned", because he was not forthcoming of his conversations, allegedly. I'm quiet sure he was order to make those calls, either way, it was no illegal according the fucking FBI, who has already reviewed the conversations transcriptions. Now kindly fuck off, you smut peddling autist.
Intelligence said that there was nothing illegal about the contents of the communications. He was fired for not being transparent about it to Trump.
Fuck off back to /r/eddit.
No not technically as of today there is nothing he did at all that is illegal.
shit shill thread
So? You making up conspiracy theories every time Trump makes an ass of himself doesn't make your paranoid fever fantasies true, you fucking imbecile.
>Implying anyone gives a shit.
We all love Russia here m8.
>muh russian influenced votes
Reddit kikes man
True or false: The two largest nuclear powers on the planet should be enemies.
True or false: The two largest nuclear powers on the planet should not be in contact with each other.
What do you think he was lying for? What was there to lie about to his direct superiors, after all?
>Flynn "resigned", because he was not forthcoming of his conversations
And was caught. Don't forget that part. He wouldn't have resigned if no one had caught him. It's a big difference between saying no to a position because of potential interest problems and resigning because you were caught keeping such secrets.
BLACKMAILED so hard he has to talk sactions behind pence back.
Russia has dirt, just like they did on shillary.
You really haven't been paying attention, have you?
You should be more knowledgeable about the outside world. Living in Europe we've experienced a lot of Russian interference, especially espionage years before this election even started. America's closest European allies have had their phones tapped, computers hacked, borders violated, governments infiltrated, you name it, by the Russians since Putin was elected.
In Norway fake cellphone towers were discovered in the capitol, which intercepted government cellphones and listening in on the conversations. Both Norway and Sweden has had Russian submarines in their waters. Germany has experienced numerous Russian cyber campaigns against their government. Several countries have had countless Russian hacking attempts. Russian fighter jets and naval crafts have repeatedly tested the borders of European countries (as a person who works in this type of security I can say this is a common tactic to find loopholes in security defense).
You see, outside USA this is common knowledge and regular occurrence, and only Americans pays this little attention to the world that it sounds unlikely. You're just not aware that Russia and USA never were friends, there was just a little pause in the Cold War because USA managed to get pro-American leaders elected in Russia. Now Russia has turned the table on us, and we now have a pro-Russian leader instead. The result is that Russia now has the upper hand rather than the USA.
It has happened for years. The American election is just one case in a long row of events.
I already refuted you here troll
>True or false: The two largest nuclear powers on the planet should not be in contact with each other.
I don't think you understand what's going on.
Tell us whats going on
And Russian airplanes testing neighboring countries' border security isn't breaking any laws either, but it's not exactly benign.
And just to point out your hypocrisy; Hillary hasn't been convicted or tried for anything either, yet most of Sup Forumstards consider her a murderer, criminal, election rigger, member of a child porn ring, you name it. So if you're going to use that defense you have to concede claims about Hillary as well.
He wasn't in contact with Russia when he was allowed to. This shit has to be monitored and controlled, or else anyone in the government can make secret agreements with foreign governments which harms American interests. Not following these rules is what's called corruption.
>And Russian airplanes testing neighboring countries' border security isn't breaking any laws either, but it's not exactly benign.
What does this have to do with Flynn?
>And just to point out your hypocrisy; Hillary hasn't been convicted or tried for anything either, yet most of Sup Forumstards consider her a murderer, criminal, election rigger, member of a child porn ring, you name it. So if you're going to use that defense you have to concede claims about Hillary as well.
What does this have to do with Flynn? Show me proof he did something illegal. The FBI didn't just like they found nothing wrong with Hillary.
>He wasn't in contact with Russia when he was allowed to
He can actually be in contact with Russia you dumb fuck. He just isn't allowed to discuss certain things. As I already showed you the FBI looked into what he said and found nothing wrong.
I'm sorry, I didn't know you were unable to understand comparisons.
Anyway, CIA's former Chief of Russia operations, Steve Hall, says otherwise. He's calling for a full investigation. He's worked 30 years with the topic so he definitely should know what precautions to take. FBI didn't investigate, just reviewed the conversations. It's no secret that Flynn is already a dubious character.
haha blumpft btfo