Hellenic-Jewish alliance

>Hellenic-Jewish alliance

who else /bogpill/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:


bye bye golden dawn

good riddance

Also we removed Flynn, the Turkish shill together, feels good man.


really makes you think.



The Greeks win again

wasn't there some sort of ancient greek communique where they postulated that hebrews and spartans had a common ancestor.


Maybe, but it's more probable that the Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Ancient Greek converts.

Yep damn pagans resented converting to Jesus

>Golden meme


No it's not a American History X deleted scene

>Rothschild takes over
>Greece even gets more butt raped economically
>More refugees having easier access then before due to the Greek conditions

it's all ogre man

No no, my friend.

Bankers are parasites, they don't want to kill the host!

or like cancer?
they kill the host tissue and then migrate to other tissues.

> your in massive debt, assets are being strippedcfrom you at firesale orices, and your country is being flooded with foreigners as multinational corporate interests hijack you economy from the people

Yeo, sure sounds like some idiots trusted the kikes. Now fuck off with the troll thread pousti, before diaspira has to come home and smack you upside the head.

>thinks rothschilds help comes for free
The price is eternal debt slavery, one world government and white genocide.

Tfw no decent nazi punk scene near where I live.

>Implying any country isn't already under Rothschild control

great, we will have to extend the barb wire for sever hundred kilometers

Holy shit, you guys are beyond help now.

>the greek jew calling greeks out on getting jewed

Learn from your superiors, goypoulos.

I sincerely agree

>posting the modified balk meme

well greece is perma fucked

with jews you lose no exceptions you just handed your country over to the most evil family in the world. I mean these guys make george soros look like a common shoplifter.