

That pee is pretty clean

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>not having a discreet camera set up in the back seat to catch them in the act

>leftists act like literal children and piss on things they disagree with
>wonder why the pendulum is swinging to the right

OP being petty AF


Jokes on you, its sterile and Mike likes the taste

>implying leftists are the only ones who do dumb shit like that

If digits, OP gets prostate cancer and must piss 14 times daily.

Checked leaf bro

wonder why cucks like you suck my piss

they are currently.

I pissed on your girlfriend's face and she enjoyed it, does that count?

where in NJ are you fag, I'm coming to fuck you up

There is no "pendulum" when the electorate is undergoing a demographic transition. Pendulum theory only applies to a constant electorate. What we're seeing is the last gasp of White America. Praise Israel!

oh must be down south, you're all faggots anyway


What does it smell like

You're a little fuckin' faggot, dude.

I live in Colorado, I enjoy putting trump stickers on the car of every California license plate I see. Look into the face of evil and weep

Nice pun.

That thing is cute as fuck. Reminds me a bit of Alf but without hair.




its obviously water its to clear
libshits dont even have enough balls to take a piss on something

Fuck Drumpf and fuck White people

Those were my first thoughts, but, bro..



Cucked by emu.


Yeah talk about some low energy pee, not even a tint of yellow to it

That's how you tell the pisser is "low test"

God dammit my sides

Wow sure showed him. Surely he's finished now.

Drumpfies will cry and rage ;)

that doesnt even look like a dick to me
but maybe those circumcised freaks have weird dicks

oh my