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No shit. Is it right wing? Is it an idea? Take a huge dookie on its face
After a month of screaming and russia smear the entire msm still dont have even one proof..
not to mention that literally everyone in the hillcampaing was always in touch with several countries. Gee i guess she ebil bitch traitor now right?
fucking checked and keked mate
So um, as an uniformed crumpet what does this mean for Trump?
alt right and fake news........................
Not good. Makes him look more like a Russian shill
nothing, it's fake news.
That nigga in the middle should be hung for treason.
make sure u only respond to these threads by typing a sage in this field
like so:
and by typing a sage in the options field just above this field
that way these retards get no bumps, and nothing of actual importance is slid
or simply do not respond at all because this is a troll post by op made explicitly to get a response
>can't tell when a shill operation is going on
or it makes him someone who is trying to not have a war with russia, just because the lame duck is chimping out chicago style in the oval office
fake news, going to make CNN look even worse than it already does, which is pretty amazing
CNN = Collapsing News Network
How does it feel to be constantly gargling Trumps wrinkly balls?
I don't understand why this is even a big deal. We're not at war with Russia. Russia is not our enemy. But apparently if someone close to Trump talks to Russia, it's somehow treasonous? How the fuck does that make any sense?
>fake news
biggest crowd ever!
True or false: The two largest nuclear powers on the planet shouldn't be friends.
It's both funny and sad that the same political left which has historically been sympathetic to Russia and Russian social theory, has completely abandoned their ally for the sake making progress difficult for the Trump administration. I guess now we all know that a friendship with the left lasts only until the moment you befriend someone they don't approve of.
Breaking: Some Guys Who Worked For a Man Seeking The Highest Office in the Free World Communicated With People Who May be Working With Him Later
Not reported: Hillary taking how much from Saudi?
Get fucked, CNN.
Flynn was not the only one who had contact with the Russians.
Hillery done the same shit with Saudi Arabia and Qatar who both fund ISIS. Where was your outrage OP?
It doesn't. They are grabbing at anything, even crumbs smaller than their dicks. They can't lose, they win or they just keep on trying to race when it is over. More than likely this will just piss off more people on the fence at the Democrats and MSM. Normal people don't buy this 'Hate Russia' agenda.
are you racist towards Russians? I think they are pretty nice people. Americans are such fucking babies, they need to be more stoic. Women in charge of children's educations, look at the result.
for it to be treason it has to be an enemy of the US
Russia is an ally
Please fuck off.
It means the left is becoming increasingly desperate. This is a last gasp and grab for straws before they are drowned by the rising tide of dissatisfaction with the political status quo.
Sure, and he is your buddy.
you've been fake ~~ buddy, now represented by tildes.
>35% of the country is MORBIDLY OBESE
>36% of the country is overweight
Literally 71% of the country is full of fat sacks of shit. Seriously. Some states, like Kentucky, it is even worse. Every 3 out of 4 people you meet are going to be fat as fuck.
Americans cannot take care of themselves. They cannot refrain from shovelling food down their gullets nonstop and eating supersized pizzas for every meal. It's disgusting.
So how exactly is it a surprise that a population of braindead fatasses who can't take care of themselves, vote in a man who is a braindead fatass who can't take care of himself and is surrounded by corrupt sycophants?
America is a social experiment gone wrong. It is a prime example why sheeple should not be allowed to voice their opinions.
When half of your population is literally dying from lack of discipline and self-control, they should not be trusted to make any intelligent decisions. Americans have pissed away their fortunes.
Wish the Chinese would just annex you guys already. Or Russia at this point, who gives a shit? Americans are one of the dumbest populations in the world, beating only African niggers. Even the niggers of the East (Slavs) have you guys beat. It's disgusting. Laziest, fattest, dumbest country.
Anything instead of talking about that traitor Trump.
Forgive the Reddit link but this guy breaks it down pretty well.
Guess what? It's NOTHING
Fake News at it again. Liberals despise leakers Manning, Assange, and Snowden and went to great lengths to villify them. How come they are not attacking all these leakers in the Trump administration?
The democrat control of the media allows them to basically make planets out of molehills.
Fake news sites who vowed to take down Trumps campaign are reporting fake news again, wow.