Prison riot edition
Aus/pol/ Thread
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We don't really care dude
So the Queen put the whole Island on lockdown?
Go away Juan, this is an Australian thread for white people only.
warden couldnt handle the bantz
what happened, did south australia's power go out again?
Some fucking idiot, probably a woman, decided they want to ban cigarettes in prisons.
If SA had power it would probably be a major news headline
Why do prisoners deserve cigarettes? All their health bills are paid with tax money
i've been watching question time recently and the politicians are going at it over SA, what is happening in SA itself?
well good, why do you deserve a TV and cigarettes when you held up a store?
A bunch of factors came together to cause major blackouts in SA. Left blames climate change, Right blames renewable energy.
Reality is somewhere between the two
Solution is nuclear power
Isn't that just another way of saying y'all closed the borders?
I can't watch question time. I can't look at any of those smiling fucking smug faced cunts anymore. Is the prosperity of our country a joke to them? A fucking highschool debate team would take the job more seriously. These cunts are supposed to be our fucking leaders.
Prisons on lockdown inside of a prison, what will the Bogans think of next?
Let the prisoners kill each other.
Of course, then they would not be profitable to the privatized prison system industry.
the guy is consistently getting rekt everyday in the House of Reps and dejected glum face he pulls in question time makes me scared that if he is bullied any harder he might top himself
actually feel a bit sorry for the wally.
>Solution is nuclear power
yeah. why isnt nuclear energy more popular in australia? are people scared of natural disasters and terrorist attacks or are people concerned about where to dump the waste?
this cunt has got to go
Based Malcolm
I'm legit worried about this country, turnbull is worse than shorten and we all know how bad ALP is.
We're fucked either way!
Anyone got the list of the kikery turnbull has pushed?
How is climate change even partly to blame?
People fell for the propaganda by the oil industry in the 60s and 70s
Read the Greens page on nuclear energy, literally ever point on it is easily disproven and they still tout themselves as the only ones listening to science
Hernandez please, the Whites are talking.
its almost like you dont like jews. youre not one of those racists ive heard about, are you?
They are a microcosm of the people.
People say they want this that and the other then when it's given to them something else happens because of it and they waahhh.
So it kind of is a joke.
Frydenberg for Prime Minister
The liberals decided to replace based Tony - they deserve this.
We could dig a tunnel network in the middle of the Gibson desert and put reactors in there and people would still not trust nuclear power
This country needs a professional sophisticated Nationalist Party. I admire Pauline for flying the flag and she will be getting my protest vote for the foreseeable future but boy is she thick as shit and her oratory skills are non-existant. One Nation arent winning their votes rather Labor and the Liberals are giving them their votes for their years of incompetence and for being SOO FUCKING OUT OF TOUCH with the public.
is it mainly boomers against nuclear power or is this more of a right/left rather than generational thing, with conservatives being more in favour of it?
Climate change causing blackouts. Good one.
How much of your prison population are abos? How fucked are you?
Starting a new party from scratch is basically impossible. Your only hope is if you can get someone who already has a high profile as the leader.
Shit on the news said if rates were raised only one percent one fifth of people with mortgages would default.
These high house prices are a result of us getting far too into debt for them.
People are just the same old half wit dross they always were, and hiding in their 4wds to make themselves look like they're all good.
Pretty much, pauline is not perfect but she's better than what we have.
My god are ALP cucks and libs turbo-jews hell bent on selling our country out.
What does everyone think about Virginia Trioli?
It's more like 90% of the population is against it rather than a political or generational divide.
It's fucking depressing.
And the rba has already said they're looking to raise the cash rate this year
No one will vote for it whilst they are a bees dick away from getting kicked out of their house.
You need to do a military coup. Infiltrate the army and cops.
>Infiltrate the Libs/Labor/One Nation - (if they are still around)
>Become an MP
>get put on a high profile portfolio
>Perform well for 5 years
>Split and form own party with your established name and brand.
too easy cobbah :^)
Its a boomers thing more than a political thing but its been dismissed for so long that most people don't even consider it anymore.
Global temps are the highest ever recorded, whether its the result of man or not. The massive heat puts extreme stress on power supplies
Leigh sales > Virginia > Emma alberici > sabra rugmuncher
>half wit dross
Don't insult my people please.
do you live in sydney. a few years ago the city was blanketed with red dust blown in from the desert. i remember a woman making a dramatic statement like "this is why we're not safe from nuclear power plants in the desert" or something stupid and alarmist like that. people find ways to be scared of things. i still wouldnt like a nuclear power plant next door to my house though.
I heard that but I also heard there would be another cut. NAB says they will cut in November.
Prime Minister Frydenberg soon lads
Yes, yes!
>current PM an unofficial son of david
replaced with
>100% hebe
Just what we need
More people die in the US each year from coal power pollution than have ever died from nuclear accidents.
Don't even get me started on the poison used to make solar panels
People are dumb
They're my people too and they're dumb cunts.
Tell that to the early pioneers. Anyway...
>believe in global warming
>push for energy supply systems which can't cope with hot weather
You can't blame climate change in that instance, only the left/SA Labour.
i cant remember the number but its massive compared to what percentage of the population they are.
>They are a microcosm of the people.
honestly this. even the aussies on here are a bunch of gibsmedats faggots. everyone wants more benefits, more free shit and bigger government taking control of more of their lives.
which is fucked given what an absolutely shit group of people we elect into office. we have no guns, everything is taxed, everything fun is illegal.
and despite all that it's still a pretty good place to live.
you'd literally be safer than living next to a coal plant
if you live really close to a nuclear power plant you'll get given a packet of iodine pills, if something goes down take them and get the fuck out of dodge. if you see a bunch of people in adidas apparel show up in a bus marked in russian, fucking run. other than that you'll be right.
nine news is going on about how you can take money out of your superannuation early to pay for holidays and shit if the banks won't give you a loan.
considering boomers are their primary market, i have bad feelings about the near future.
The media announced days in advance they would be cycling power through different regions of SA because the grid wouldn't handle the increased load. No idea why it surprised everyone. Aircons use fucktons of power.
>execute all prisoners who participate in a riot
>no more prison riots
Why do we have to make everything so complicated these days?
The police are too soft.
Never feel sorry for a Soros agent.
When is damaged Latham going to announce his return to politics?
Cops are brutal here in Melbourne, it's the government state and federal always getting in the way of justice.
i dont get why its so unpopular in australia.
from google: "France derives about 75% of its electricity from nuclear energy, due to a long-standing policy based on energy security. This share may be reduced to 50% by 2025. France is the world's largest net exporter of electricity due to its very low cost of generation, and gains over €3 billion per year from this."
Couldn't be on a higher ivory tower if she enlisted Japan, NASA and Elon Musk to build her a space elevator. Completely out of touch with reality and different opinions held by the majority of Australians. No real journalistic integrity and no clear reason why she should be employed in the role she is (not exposed to free market).
Also, keen observers will note she is constantly on leave/sick/missing - literally paid to do nothing most of the time.
I want Based Tones back more than ever. I always knew Malcolm was a Jewish puppet but now I can truly see
>"The Guardian"
It's about 30% abos.
They're about 3% of the population.
Add to that, the entirety of Frances nuclear waste, from the 60s to now, is stored in a single room the size of a football field
anyone got that facebook screencap with the "indigenous" science students or whatever?
thinking of joining a religion lads or should I save up money and travel and broaden my horizons
Only to people speeding, not carjackers/home invaders/niggers raiding festivals.
Judges are even worse.
>When is damaged Latham going to announce his return to politics?
He's the only one I would actually LIKE to see be PM. But I don't see how he could do it. LNP is a mess and likely going to break up soon. Labor is borderline communism, if he went back to Labor, he would have to clean house big fucking time.
Super shouldn't be compulsory
>damaged Latham
He is our Nation's only hope.
We need him desperately.
Dude. I worked in solar & batteries for years. I always got off on telling the most self-righteous of the hippies exactly how much environmental damage is caused by the manufacture of panels and the mining of lead for batteries. I don't normally mind the greenies, but these menopausal turbodyke vegenazi motherfuckers need a dose of reality once in a while. It shatters their world view for at least a moment or two. Good times.
Don't have a screencap but here's the article
>used to be Labor leader
>now goes on morning talk shows btfoing sjw cunts
What went so right?
> the tribunal which rules on politicians’ pay has been considering a new regime for former PMs for so long — more than five years — that it forgot it was considering it.
HAHAHA holy fuck
become a christian (Catholic or Orthodox but as a catholic id say join us desu) and also travel.
Life is way to short to waste it as NEET. go see the world for yourself during the one chance you get to see it senpai
Very well summed up m8. Exactly right.
>Based Tones
He had his chance m8. fucked everything up. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
i see it as a good thing considering most people have "investments" only in hyperinflated housing. at least we can force people to rely on (in some way) the fruits of their past efforts instead of the government.
my problem is the very idea that nine news, who caters to boomers and boomers only, is telling them that they should take money out of their super to pay for dumb shit.
if you don't have enough money to do a renovation, the banks won't give you a loan and you can't find the money anywhere else BUT your superannuation, you should probably be rethinking your budget. lots of boomers taking from their super en masse hints to a deeper problem.
Yup. The politicians here get so many fucking benefits it's disgusting. These cunts still get paid tens of thousands of dollars a year after they quit/retire, for nothing.
can we exterminate the staff at the ABC and SBS soon? why are we paying for that shit
I find it funny you cunts on newstart get blamed for being bludgers.
Last i checked the politicians are actually leeching twice as much money as every single newstart recipient combined once you factor in their travel allowances, perks and salaries.
Also, isen't newstart only like 5.7% of centerlink? I'm pretty sure its single mothers and age pension boomers really sucking us dry, not a few cunts out of work.
Would love some statistics, anyone got them?
still, would pay $$$$ to see Virginia Trioli, Leigh Sales and Emma Alberici lez out
Yea but at least he was more tougher on refugees than Malcolm Prepbull
I legitimately have no idea how the SBS can be so biased
What is it even for besides soccer
I like Shaun Micallef and his shows though
what's he doing now? newstopia was pretty good
>a current affair is literally just running a glorified coles ad right now
He was part of the Labor party before it went off the deep end.
I feel genuinely sorry for the loyal Labor voters I see everywhere who don't pay attention to politics but vote for them because their parents did so surely they must be the right choice.
The two branches of modern Labor are Shorten's corrupt union crony branch and the loony-left branch which is populated by useful idiots who have no idea what they are doing but are about to be in control of the party because of Shorten's incompetence.
This stupid country will elect a Labor party led by Plibersek or even Penny Wong at the next election.
Heres an anecdotal statistic. I was banging a single mum with a 4yo daughter. She was receiving more, sitting on her ass, than I could earn working 2 casual jobs, 16 hours a day, 6 days per week.
Its fucking disgusting.
>I find it funny you cunts on newstart get blamed for being bludgers.
What do you mean "you cunts"?
I've never been to Centrelink my entire life and the ONLY reason I would ever want to go is if I have a wife going for maternity leave. I haven't had a full time job in 10 years, and still never went. I'd rather be dead than be on the dole. I live pretty damn frugally
He has had a show called Mad as Hell on ABC for the past few years.
That's your own personal opinion and fair enough. But there is absolutely no reason why the public should be employing him to make shows.
No its just all of our power stations are past there use by date
Too many retards get their information about nuclear power from episodes of The Simpsons.
Not referring to you, just saying in general.
Holy fucking shit. So why are we bashing on unemployed cunts?
Single mothers, old people and politicians are bleeding us dry!
>Penny Wong
>Asian PM
>I'd rather be dead than be on the dole
that's the fucking way need more cunts like you
>So why are we bashing on unemployed cunts?
Same reason our government is "tough on the boats"
To distract the masses from the real problem. Mass Legal Immigration that is killing this country. Boomers and Feminism is
become a Zoroastrian.