So... explain to me how you're not exactly like The_Donald?
So... explain to me how you're not exactly like The_Donald?
Pol is not on reddit
We can't use t b h
It's obvious we've been overrun by shills and Redditors
the donald is purposefully a circlejerk to take advantage of the shitty attention whoring design of reddit, the upvoting and the karma cancer.
they're cringy as shit too.
Are you talking to Sup Forums? Or the reddit fags and liberal cucks constantly shit posting here?
No upvotes = doing it for the sake of doing it, not for attention
explain how these comments are something i couldn't find here
You can, definitely. Most likely from the same idiot that posted it over there, except well... user. Cuck
"He's not my president" is a true statement for most of us.
I see what you did there.
reddit is just lame as fuck, its like your parents trying to get into stuff you like
No stupid upvote/downvote shit - content and posts survive on pure merit, not vote spamming.
But they suck Israel's dick :(
I left after they started doing it
>explain how these comments are something i couldn't find here
same information, completely different culture and rhetoric. now fuck off cuck.
We don't have retarded branching comment trees, comment visibility by voting and usernames. Granted we have mods, but nowhere near as heavy handed and faggoty as reddit.
Cant say nigger on it
you realize /NuPol/ is literally just reddit right
they no longer allow political discussion on this board only in the traditional sense if you try to start a thread talking about fluoride in toothpaste/water it gets 404'd for off topic this is deliberate and board has suffered greatly from it
And all the Trumpfags can do is yell: SHILLS REDDITORS CTR!!!!
It´s over boys.
Reddit has to pretend to like niggers and jews
We hate Drumpf here you fucking Trumpanzee
its true a few years ago there was better discussion here
KEK. We've only just begun....
>So... explain to me how you're not exactly like The_Donald?
Itchy vaginas make me laugh
Is your vagina....itchy...?
Also niggers
The_Donald started as Sup Forums claiming lebensraum on reddit
>And all the Trumpfags can do is yell: SHILLS REDDITORS CTR!!!!
>It´s over boys.
Kys you commie vermin
Their posting style is fucking annoying