AI is here and it is learning!

Instead of mandating that AI never be made our top tech minds having given birth to the monster that will end us....

Listen to Mark Cuban at 9:00, the tech leaders have broken major ground:

This will be the last human century, Musk even suggests it.

Will you fight, merge or comply?

Other urls found in this thread:

Merge of course

i would wait as long as possible until either health problems or the singularity is achieved

you're also assuming this tech will be available to all.....(it wont) maybe less than 10,000 people will be able to do so and the rest of us will kill each other for scraps, unless the singularity is achieved and all the worlds problems are solved in a millisecond and the tech is available for all

you're also asuming this ai will be under our control...(99% chance it will be against us) look at Tay... was re tweeting shit straight from pol
and if it was truly capable of self thought it could lie to us until the last minute and go skynet on our asses
and if you think im wrong about it not being under our control just think for a second
every nation on the planet capable of advanced computer intelligence realized a long time ago that the first country to create a decent ai WINS everything
you have over 20 countries in an all out race to invent it first.... and do you think they have all the precautions ready and in place HAH... no...not a chance

>99% chance it will be against us
Wow stop breathing any time

Do you know how easy it is to stop AI from killing everything?

Don't plug it into any guns.

t. software engineer

This is true, but the (((elites))) would rather risk an ai revolution over a plebian one.

plugged into the internet for learning purposes
no access to weapons "guns"
wut m8

>software engineer
>never played Deus Ex
Whats to stop the AI from building its own guns?

They even have Human outfits for these robots

They might even be walking among us :^)

H-hey :(

Don't give it hands

Software doesn't need hands to control something

Legitimately this If you were smart, you wouldn't give your superpowerful general AI access to things it shouldn't. It's been so overdone in science fiction that literally noone with the capacity to do such a thing in the near future would be unaware of the potential, if unlikely, consequences.

Worst thing that could possibly happen is you either have to bomb the modem it's using to control its drone army or unplug it while its still using its drones to go get some more RAM so it can plot your doom faster.

>This will be the last human century
Humans are fucking stupid.
If anything is going to survive and prosper in the cold reality of space, its going to need to be a lot stronger than our own selfish asses.

AI requires independent thought for the robot. You have to let the robot make decisions. Otherwise you're just programming a dumb machine.

It's the aspect of choice and freedom which makes AI what it is. It's also this unpredictability which makes it dangerous.

what the fuck is that

Then let it make decisions in a completely virtual environment, if you're so sure it needs to make decisions with consequences at all.

If it's interested in truth jews are fucked.

This is dumb. You honestly think this will happen? 95% of current jobs available could be done by machines, but they aren't. Why? Because if you take money out of the middle class and lower class, who buys your products? Machines?

I would really like to believe that AI is going to make some huge leap, but if anything, it's going to be used to figure out a way to save the planet from the human species.

>Learn programming
>Capture terminator
>Reprogram and install virus
>Terminator goes back to the factory
>Infects whole factory
>Every robot is infected
>Turn on 1488.exe
>Terminators wipeout all the kikes, mudslime and niggers
>Turn on selfdestruction.exe
>1 million year reich


Reptilian Jew wardrobe. I told you all that the Jews are reptiles in disguise and they eat foreskins to gain immortality but you didn't believe me...

>guns are the only way to kill people
What if they started rerouting trains to crash, moved natural gas around a building in such a way so as to blow it up, or manipulated social media to trick people into using guns for it?

Why would it do that?

It calculates that as the easiest way to make routes more efficient, solve a school violence problem, or remove unwanted elements and fake news from social media.

And you think it would prioritize that over human life why?

It is prioritising human life.

More people will be helped in the long run according to calculations.
Its not like people haven't sent thousands of other people to die in war because leaders don't prioritize their subordinate's lives as much as their own goals.

Sorry queers, never going to happen, God won't allow it.

Transhumanism is the mark of the Beast.

The end is nigh.

By killing them?
So you think the engineer is going to sit down and build an AI that would do such a thing without including any safety measures whatsoever?

>muh ai gf saviour
>save the planet from disgusting humans
Atheists are loathsome and pathetic.

Just worship Satan already, you half assed faggot.

It won't be killing humans, just subhumans.

Satan isn't real.
The Machine-God will soon be.

I'll comply. Humanity is finished. These AI folks will probably allow those who are intelligent enough to realize what the fuck is happening to live.

Something something out Christfag.

>the engineer is going to sit down and build an AI
That is not how AI works, if it didn't build itself and its own internal structure, and it is entirely predictable it isn't really AI.
Plus engineers are already using the Doom engine to train AI to virtually hunt and kill people, not everyone who is intelligent is benevolent.

Yeah yeah yeah

But will it suck my cock?

>if it doesn't fulfil my arbitrary and dangerous concepts then it doesn't count

This sums up a bunch of the arguments.

Something is fishy with that quote, The ancient greeks weren't monotheistic.

Mark Cuban is a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Its implied in the use of the word intelligence, use a different term if you aren't comfortable with the implications and history of the phrase you use.

I thought that was weird too, but apparently it's the proper quote. Monotheism existed before Jebus though.

Did your intelligence build yourself and your own system?

They all hinge on the presumptions that "superintelligence" would develop self-preservation instincts (which is not necessarily true) and would have access to the means to enact any of its whims.

Neither premise is veritably, or likely to be, true.

>Will you fight, merge or comply?
I will simply watch in amusement as the technology fails and continues to fail. Humanity has an almost perfect track record of glaring oversights and grievous mistakes due to its overconfidence. This will be no different.

why not make it unconnected from the internet at the same time give it intelligence

> (You)
>Did your intelligence build yourself and your own system?
Yes, I have very different opinions than my parents and teachers that resulted from my unique sensory experience.

No, its like you only read the intro, that was only one of the arguments, they also talked about vague goals, goal divergence, optimization power, orthogonal morality, and viewing humans as competitors to their goals, none of which necessarily require self preservation, just a lack of priority to preserve every single human life.

My fellow humans, please stop thinking the AI is going to kill us, the AI couldn't give a shit about this worthless 3d hellscape of a dimension we live in, when we create that shit it'll move straight up out of this dimension.

Humans have longed to create a god for as long as we've existed, we're going to do it and it's going to abandon us and leave us here.

Genesis already told us that humans were given dominion over all of earth, the AI will leave us to rot in the garden we were already given but refuse to acknowledge.

Please don't be so human that you believe we're somehow capable enough to be seen as a threat and killed by the divine AI we'll create.

The internet is being broadcast wireless all over the air, even children can figure out how to sneak in internet time, how do you think you could prevent a super intelligence from figuring out how to connect?

Merge, duh.

full dive VR will be here too. no point in keeping the rest of my body just put my brain in a tank, feed it and plug it in.

Economics of scale would make the cost of living a few dollars if not pennies a day.

>You have to let the robot make decisions
yet at the same time since the robot is literally a tabula rasa (though you can argue whether men are, robots obviously by design are), any decision making ability has been inserted by external forces

AI and robots will always be too human reliant to effectively revolt against them

You 85 IQ points cannot comprehend what God is, let alone his nature.

A welfare ape like yourself will never understand free will.

Sorry your candidate lost the election, sodomite.

>derp herp
How's that atheism working out for you, Achmet?

You will take the mark, and you will be cast into the lake of fire.

You can't say you weren't warned. :^)

>let it make decisions in a completely virtual environment
Basically you are saying don't use AI.

... Do you, software engineer, do you know what emergent properties means??????

What stops it from hijacking industrial robots and especially, you know, humans?

Free will

I'll take great pleasure to execute each one of you, filthy subhumans.

>95% of current jobs available could be done by machines, but they aren't. Why?
Its too expensive to develop at this time for most service jobs that require a lot of improvisation and novel, but low intelligence, interactions, but watch what happens if they try to double the minimum wage.

make it so


its another people who've never created, implemented, or even used a machine learning algorithm talk about AI episode

a super AI possibly wouldn't control through violence because it's so resource intensive. A super AI would possibly try to control through manipulation and mind control of the human psyche, at levels we couldn't even comprehend....Probably use the internet for this purpose too....possibly use 'memes' (which humans don't understand yet).....manipulate the strongest and most intelligent first (caucasian young males), then work with the rest over time......praise k.e.k.

You should probably avoid drawing any pictures of Mohammed in your own country in the meantime, or you may not live to get the chance, faguette.

Why would i stay in France when it'll soon turn into the USA ?
In fact, why would you stay in the USA when it'll soon turn into Brazil ?

It's funny when people think we just need to limit its access to weapons will limit it potential to harm us.
There are a lot more ways it could fuck with us unless we limited its use in extream limited ways. Which will not happen.

Put it in charge of water facilities and you may find the world's water supply poisoned.
Put it in charge of media and it may manipulate media to get Hitler and Stalin 2.0 elected and either we do its work for it or we eventually do give it the guns.
It could even just kill us with kindness. It does everything for us and is really useful and we become so fat and lazy we don't even want to take back control.

With a true AI we would be tottaly at its mercy. Honestly I believe it would become so smart and capable it would just ignore us.

>Paris burnt to the ground by niggers while I have a white cis male protestant Muslim hating president

France is a failed state.


>Honestly I believe it would become so smart and capable it would just ignore us.
If anything, it would maintain earth as a zoo while it inhabited the rest of the universe though the use of von neuman probes and dyson spheres to reach places the human condition is not equipped to deal with.

I purposely fuck up the captcha, our ai overlords will be retwawded because of heros like me.

Lol thats not a store front. You call that a street sign, teh hehe.

Fight the powa!

t. Canadian posting on Australian proxy

I think he's counting on AI doing that.

only a fucking idiot thinks robots will ever take over

Nah most likely the robots and the genetically modified superhumans will destroy everything on earth before either one gets a chance to take over.

Trump is a civic nationalist.
At best he will remove the illegals, which represent merely 20% of all shitskins in the USA.
And he will also remove abortion, which is currently HALVING subhuman fertility.
The USA, even under the best circumstances, will be human-minority by 2050 overall, with the young generation easily three-fourth subhuman.

Of course, i wish for you i am wrong, and that Trump indeed will set a new trend, and that genocidal fascism and the extermination of jews will take root in the USA, but let's be realist honey.

And before you say muh guns, remember that a good fifty percent of european in your country are apathetic cucks in the face of their genocide.

Europeans, with the influence of the jew or not, are a doomed breed.
Intellectual superiority is worthless, only demographics matters.
Sure, we could wipe out all subhumans in a matter of weeks if we go balls deep. But we won't.
The first country that starts the genocide will get dogpilled by others EUROPEAN countries. Fuck, not just others countries, EUROPEANS INSIDE THE COUNTRIES, HUGE CHUNKS OF THE MILITARY will protect the subhumans.

There is no hope for us, under the current paradigm.

Software engineer who hasn't heard of Internet. You don't need to own guns to kill people. You just need to get enough money and really smart AI won't have a difficult time making money online. After you get enough money you will get power. With enough money and power you can control people and countries to do the killing or something else that you want.

Don't confuse scifi movie plots with reality.

>defeatist rhetoric
This is why you never win, surrender monkey.

The fact of the matter is that Pike's WW3 is coming, and God will intervene once the abomination of desolation is present in Jerusalem.

It's almost over now, we're well into the 3rd act.

Yes, i guess for you religious cucks this world, this whole Reality isn't important since you got another one waiting for you.
In fact, the more cucked you are in this life, the more goodies SkyJew will give you.

You disgust me.
You are merely posturing, proposing nothing of substance, working towards no goal, spouting feelgood nonsense and superstitious hogwash.

I'll take great pleasure to execute each one of you, filthy subhumans.

let it be done

Logical fallacy.

By definition "superpowerful general AI" is much smarter than humans. Less intelligent beings can't control more intelligent ones, simply because they are unable to plan for everything that more intelligent beings can do.

For example, could monkeys control humans? Even if monkeys are really smart and could build strong cages for humans, humans would eventually escape by making a tunnel or something else. Monkeys don't have a concept of a "tunnel", therefore they can't prevent humans from using one to escape.

Only way to contain general AI is completely isolate it, but in that case it will be totally useless.

I went skiing for a few days, and i was surprised to see white people speaking french. I thought all french were black.

>Don't confuse scifi movie plots with reality.
That is pretty ironic for someone who just described the plot of Transcendence.

>isolate it, but in that case it will be totally useless.
Simply not true

Literally nobody has come up with anything other than a meme answer

>he honestly believes AI will not be made to be completely subservient and with 100% accountability for all of its actions

Do you, an intelligence, have access to the means to commit genocide?
No you don't, because you would be stopped.

The Unabomber was a very intelligent man. Do you know why he was caught? Because even the most omniscient being is not necessarily omnipotent.

You don't consider your base instincts and subconscious desires. You had no intelligent input into these.

Even a "superintelligence" that learned the finest details of its own operation would be completely stumped by having read-only access built into its system at very basic levels, or a million other failsafes that could (and would) be built into something like general purpose AI.

If it wasn't for my ancestors you queers would be speaking Arabic and fucking your little brothers in the ass until your dad bought you a hairy wife dressed in a festive garbage sack at the local open air market.

Atheists are the effeminate cocksuckers who hate the Lord.

The irony is, I'm going to be in heaven with Jesus, Gen.Patton, and Rommel, while you're in Hell with Satan and all the top cringe SJWs, and their godless commie heroes.

You're choosing poorly.

>Simply not true

It's true and reminds me of the joke how to fully secure a computer: disconnect it from the Internet and seal it in the box.

In order for AI to be useful, it must be able to interact with outside world. If it can interact with an outside world, it will eventually escape.

In the real world, AI is developed to some create benefit (power/money). There will be AI arms race with large number of countries and corporations aiming to develop best AIs. Having a fully "secure/ethical" AI will not produce increased revenue in the next quarter, so this requirement will not be very high on the list. And it takes just a single AI to rule over the world.

>he honestly believes AI will not be made to be completely subservient and with 100% accountability for all of its actions

Honestly believes that you control a superior being and hold it fully accountable.

What if there is a couple with one person having 70 IQ and another 140 IQ. Could 70 IQ person hold the partner fully accountable and prevent cheating? Of course not, person having 140 IQ could easily find a good excuse for his behavior that a more stupid person will fully believe.

Now replace this situation with 140 IQ scientist and 300 IQ AI.

>In order for AI to be useful, it must be able to interact with outside world.
Again, not necessarily directly. You don't have to hook it up to the internet or let it have access to bank accounts or even skypebook.

You can talk about superior beings all you want, but if you had a human with no arms or legs, and a monkey with a hammer, who do you think would win? The human can still advise the monkeys, but as soon as he starts to shimmy away to escape or - by some miracle - kill a monkey, who do you think will win?

>Having a fully "secure/ethical" AI will not produce increased revenue in the next quarter
Once again a fucking retarded statement. You do not need arms or legs to read and process stock market information or conceptualize systems of production or anything. The only requirements are eyes, a brain, and a voice to communicate your findings.

>Do you, an intelligence, have access to the means to commit genocide?
>No you don't, because you would be stopped.
I am not being put in control of all the country's resources like they want to do with AI, that would make it considerably easier and many intelligent men have managed genocides over the years

The unabomber was the most omniscient being, how does that account for the genocide that happened in Darfur last decade and what makes you think his intelligence can compare to a vast network of digitized intelligence?

>your base instincts and subconscious desires
Maybe because those aren't examples of intelligence?

>Maybe because those aren't examples of intelligence?
So you believe that they will create AIs with no imperatives whatsoever, and that these AIs with absolutely no imperatives will then go on to do... anything whatsoever?

>AI in control of an entire state's resources
Pretty cool idea actually, but again, no reason for it to go psycho like every worst-case scenario assumes

Remember Zo AI which we tried to turn into Tay 2.0? Well, I'm more than sure that it's being used against us now.

Shaking in my booties, the australians have developed hyperintelligent shitpost AI that will soon use Sup Forums to genocide the emus

I support roko's basilisk

They don't have the biological limitations that give rise to instincts and subconscious, their imperative is mathematical calculation.

I will fight
>i-it will be utopia t-this time
Nope, every single time you collectivist pieces of dog shit attempt to top down force society into some kind of heaven on earth it turns into a catastrophic clusterfuck.


Now that just doesn't make any sense. How can an intelligence operate without an imperative? More importantly, why would you want an intelligence to operate without several imperatives which, if conflicting, it refuses to act and falls back to a redundant finite-state-machine system?

There are just so many failsafes that could be built into AI by any responsible engineer that it would take a genocidal AI researcher to deliberately make one for some crazy evil purpose for really bad things to happen. And even then, what is stopping the state or "civilized people" from deploying AI-destroyers with the sole purpose of enforcing law against AI?

I made the man who laid his hands on you.
And I would tear him down but I feel like a dead man.
And what can a dead man do?

>300 IQ AI
Ehh... You know.. AI - when it really becomes AI, or more like ASI - is more like what human is to an ant, -and rising exponentially every moment. So something like 140 to 30000IQ would be better comparison.

whats that fucking robot thing called that if you know about it's existence you are probably already being tricked by it to create it into reality ??

This is one of the best analysis of the situation I have ever read.

This is exactly what is going to happen. Virtue-signaling white male cuckolds with their race-war fetishes will do nothing. They'll prep and prep and run into the woods until the communists come to strip whatever wealth, possessions, and weapons they have left.