What is your stance on the T in LGBT, Sup Forums?

What is your stance on the T in LGBT, Sup Forums?
I'm not sure what do you mean by "muh degeneracy". It is confirmed, gender dysphoria is a mental illness, yes. But how exactly should society deal with them? And most importantly, why like this and not like that?

Poll: strawpoll.me/12342520

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Always read LGBT as Le Gay Boy Time

I think they should be treated to solve the mental issues rather than just feeding into it. The trans suicide rate tells the true story of transitioning.

And people need to keep their hands of kids, let them make that decision when they are an adult.


Not acceptance or enabling.

Just tolerance, the same courtesy one should expect from them.

I think we should just persecute them anyway regardless if it's a mental illness that isn't their fault

It's always good to have a group that is dehumanised that you can bully and murder without consequence

Fuck off. We're not helping them.

We should torture them.

>The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide.

The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide.


>The trans suicide rate tells the true story of transitioning.
Liberals always say that the Swedish long-term study is not an argument and is proven to be less "scientific" (whatever than means) than the German study that says "everything is fucking awesome".

I don't oppose SRS and hormone therapy on principle, but if it's to be considered a legitimate treatment for gender dysphoria, there needs to be a sufficient body of evidence showing that it does more good than harm and that there are not better treatments available.

Until such a time, I consider the normalization of such drastic treatment regimens as politically rather than medically motivated.

>And people need to keep their hands of kids, let them make that decision when they are an adult.
This. Idgaf what they do when they're older

I've seen this article. It's just one case. Not nearly enough to say that we have a solution

>be non-binary-gender-free-demisexual-post-sex-platypus
>constant screeching about being a victim everywhere you go instead Getting/doing your job and giving back to society
>inevitably kill self

>future archeologist digs up bones
>future TECHNOLOGY used to analyse
>bones belong to some guy
>throw away and look for something useful/interesting

Who cares. Pimozide will kill em anyway

Death is a cure

Not that bothered, I know two and they're definitely unconventional but harm exactly no one. Tbh there are far more interesting things to get worked up about than them.

We (by which I mean people in general) have got to stop enabling their deluded fantasies just to avoid hurting their feelings with the truth. Take schizophrenia for example. It's not physically possible to hear someone else's thoughts, it's a mental illness. We get schizophrenics help instead of telling them what we think they want to hear, so why should gender dysphoria be any different?
It's not physically possible to change sex. It's a mental illness.


I think srs should be illegal because I like my traps to have a qt feminine penis, not a gaping festering wound.

>I'm not sure what do you mean by "muh degeneracy"
>Straw poll options

Yea you're totally not a shill, 100%

Tranny lover

Fuck off and stop treating them like humans

We should kill both trannies and schizos
I hate schizos who take up hospital beds

Only physical illness should be treated. Mental illness is fake

Kill it with fire

> Mental illness is fake

Top kek

this user gets it
do whatever the fuck you want to do
i'll do the same
shut the fuck up already, i don't care

Dude, I just tried to consider every possibility. Who knows what lefty/pol/ thinks about it

Mental illness can be solved by shutting up and getting back to work

exactly this.

just tolerate but don't push shit

also, no fucking gibs muh hormone pillz on taxpayer dollar

fucking kek name stuck from mikeroll thread

Yes on taxpayer dollar

You owe them for centuries of oppression. Lmao

then shut the fuck up and get back to work

If there is even such a thing, we had centralist yes but they could actually have a decent argument with you, besides 1 post by this ID tier crap
Seems to me most of the so called "leftist" post

We are at war with the deep-state, it's blatant

So this is just trolling?

>So this is just trolling?
poll 2min ago showed a completely different result

The poll didn't go your way so you had to go in a and use proxies to skew the polls.
God you shills are so obviously retarded
Why not just KYS?


Nigger, I haven't voted once

Trannies make gay guys look bad. Most are gay men in denial. They think taking titty skittles and wearing makeup makes them "straight".

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Sure you did, just as you told your doctor
you took your anti-psychotic medicine.
No one believes you faggot