>watching all the anti-Russia shilling on tv
Watching all the anti-Russia shilling on tv
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>Russia using Trump as a puppet to intentionally dissolve the country
I think they're still pissed we took their slaves away. :/
because the kike wants it
>trump in
>russia does literally nothing just sits there
>democrats go ballistic about MUH RUSSIANS
Meanwhile in reality, they're asshurt they lost the election and are grasping at every straw to attack trump over
because media is an industry, and it sells good
Because they're jews and women and won't be fighting
Literally zero chance a war with Russia happens anyway faggot
Russia is a third world muslim infested shithole
The only people who'd defend it are ruble funded shills
If CIA and NSA faggots stopped the leaks and undermining the administration, and trade started with Russia, how would the US dissolve?
so far it looks like the secret services will make the US dissolve, not Trump
(((boomers))) are itching for ww3 and kill everything as they please as they have lived their purpose holding civilization back for 500 years.
>media and left causing hysteria over russian scare
>destabilizing the government
>dividing the country
>leaving the US vulnerable to attack.
pretty smart
No no no. These is fictionous lies form treacherous CNN and CIA, which are both owned by George Sornos. Please INSTEAD to pay attenton to story of how crooked HIllary is bus so many illegal to voter against honest man Trump. I am read it on good American news website RT.com
Have I convince? I am normal millenium blue-collar teenager. I am receive potato for convince. блaгoдapя
>Russia is a third world shithole
>muslim infested
They simply are so far into the lie they've created that they can't back down.
Because Russia are helping Assad destroy the US financed Syrian coup that lead to ISIS and the refugee crisis.
The name of the game in globalist politics - overthrow every middle east government so they can instate someone that they can control and get cheap oil and shit.
lol @ Drumpfies thinking he's not owned by Putin fucking his ass
Is the Russian shilling from USA and EU citizen in this board the really disturbing thing.
So much for nationalism, you cucks. Keep sucking Putin's cock and celebrate our loss of influence and grip in geopolitics.
Let's be real here, the US military would shit on the RU military in a conventional war, it's not even fair how badly RU would get shit on.
Does Sup Forums actually think Russia would unleash it's nuclear arsenal in order to "save face" after being flawlessly defeated by the US?
Go back to Russia.
15-20 percent of your population is muslim, the most out of any European country and Putin does more pandering to them then he needs to.
Fucking embarrassment
You have to pay for something to own it.
War makes money, senpai. And they don't even have to fight in it.
Whatever this world gets is too good for it. Humanity is too stupid to continue.
fuck off Cuckboi
>Muslims comprise the single largest religious community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (51%)
Thats a pretty good attempt there, ctr
implying those aren't just russia's shithole colonies
Is this why Trump is taunting Syria?
Their doctrine calls for use of tactical nuclear weapons when their territorial integrity is in danger. So yes, they'd use nukes if you invade them, that's not even a question.
>Trump is taunting Syria
Or, they're just psychos and want to kill millions of people for zero reason.
You're one to talk leaf.
>russia does literally nothing just sits there
can't tell is shill or just retarded
So basically if the US pulled a gulf-war tier invasion on Russia, the Russians would instantly begin using tactical nuclear weapons on US Army Corps?
Correct me if i'm wrong, I have been sort of lost with all of this anti Trump bullshit going on.
What have they done?
Fuck off Russian
And they'll use strategic weapons if that's not enough
Is fucking years Russia is bullying the neighbours.
Is fucking years is invading neighbours, see Ukraine or South Ossetia.
There are russian troops in Syria. Sup Forumstards think is "anti islam" but is to secure the alliance with Assad and secure the russian presence in the mediterranean sea.
THIS GOES AGAINST OUR INTERESTS. Put it in your fucking heads.
Once their coventional forces stop being able to hold them back with reasonable losses, yes. All their SRBMs and cruise missiles that can carry small warheads aren't there for fun.
Also nuke all strategical advancement points, which means lots of eastern euros will die in nuclear flames
I'm Irish but whatever.
took me longer to realize than i'd like to admit
Nice try Igor
Pretty much a non-country.
So, they've done nothing since the inauguration? Thanks for confirming.
All the shit in eastern Europe wouldn't be going on without the threat of NATO inching closer to their border, or the US trying to steal vital assets under their nose.
Syria goes against our interests? Saudis and kikes can get fucked, Assad is the leader of Syria's UN recognized government, they can legally help him out all they want. If the US does anything against Syria's government they're the aggressor. Fuck helping out moderate headchoppers that ally with literally al quaeda. How is producing millions of refugees in our interest? And I'd rather pay Russia for gas than the fucking Saudis, all they do with their money is fund wahabi style mosques all around the world.
>Dinindu nuffving, comrade.
Arguments like war makes money are bullshit in this case. As said before:
Since Russia stands no chance with classic forces against USA they would
HAVE to use nukes, leading to a total escalation. I don't get how this is in
ANYONES interest.
Let's do this the rational way.
First we have to ask ourselves who would profit from an all out nuclear war.
The answer to that question is noone. You might think the elites might use
it to rid the earth of their enemies and reduce population, but even for them
this way of doing it a) causes to many side effects and influence on nature
and b) has too many variables, since you can't be sure who nukes where
and you can't plan the outcome good enough to be able to stabilize a new
society afterwards.
I mean look at the war zones we have today, war isn't what it used to be and
the war in those countries is neverending. In a land where the infrastructure
is destroyes, economics don't exist anymore and people lost all good belief
there will be only chaos. This chaos would last for at least some decades
and again the outcome would be very unstable and hard to plan for.
Second we have to ask ourselves why everyone keeps their bombs then.
This one is simple and you heard it before: So no madman can push the
button without killing himself. And there is a second answer: You can use
nuclear weapons on a smaller scale for tactical combat. Small rounds with
nuclear parts that wreck a lot of devastation will come, will be in use and
will not influence nature too much. You can predict the outcome. This is
very dangerous and unsettling, but won't lead to an all out nuclear war.
why do you even watch this shit, it's not worth your time and nerves. FUCK THE MEDIA!!!!
And there there is someting else people don't think about enough:
Having an all out nuclear war only occurs when it is clear who shot first.
All scenarios are like "A attacks B who is partners with C, they shoot back
but A is partners with D and will retaliate." and so on. Have you ever thought
about that the "new" nuclear danger is not countries nuking it each other,
but CovertOps looking like terrorist action? If you are Putin you could easily
set up a CovertOps of Pseudo-Terrorists getting a quite small bomb into NY
for example. You could blow up the city, and the US could not react.
In this scenario you would be able to influence politics on a large scale.
Just imagine a US where NY got nuked but noone knows where it came
from. They only thing the US could do without being the madman who
pushes random nuke button they would have to do the same as with 911:
Attack countries they wanted to attack anyways with regular warfare.
They would HAVE to do that since the public wouldn't be able to deal
with the fact that you have no clue what to do. But again: This won't
cause an all out nuclear war. It could lead to WW3, and possibly would
shake every society on earth, but it won't end in nuclear holocaust.
So given all this, is nuclear holocaust even possible? Yes it is. But only
if someone with much power and no regard for himself and the outcome
is able to push the button without other people verifying it. Right now I'm
not aware of a country that a) HAS nukes b) is that radical and c) has a
president with so much power that he can push the button alone, without
his staff killing him before he can.
And this leads back to the question: WHY DO THEY WANT IT!?
>All the shit in eastern Europe wouldn't be going on without the threat of NATO inching closer to their border
Russia is thinking about its interests. Is, step by step, re-conquering old spaces, through bullying and direct military intervention (Ukraine, Georgia), or through puppets (Belorussia). Is not "evil", just thinks for itself - but if you think that is for defence, you are just stupid, or very, very naive and reading only RT all day.
>Saudis and kikes can get fucked
You are stupid. Is not a matter of muslim. They can all die badly for what concerns me.
Is the russian presence in the mediterranean. We are doing everything to lose power projection and increase the one of neighbouring powers.
Said this, I am genuinely thinking that Assad is the best option there at this point, so even if I am against Russia gaining ground, I think he is better than the alternatives, there.
They want a war with russia cause putin stole the central bank from the rothschilds. The problem is they need a military to do it and the US is hard to control atm. They also need the US to be weaker because the EU army isn't going to be as strong when it gets made out of the migrant crsis. So if they can start a war with russia great, but they will do it anyway with the EU army. Russia is just trying to set up in case the US actually does declare war they are ready. Right now the issue is trump can stop the war with russia and dismantle the entire banking power structure and eventually win the war against the EU/china pact. (china will only join if they think there is a chance)
I don't buy anything they say, but hey, if it was true, I welcome my new russian overlords.
Still you did not answer the question what profit an all out nuclear war would have for them.
Jewish revenge for getting pogromed under the Tsar. They hate Russians so much they genocided 20 million of them (including Ukrainians) under Communism.
Your wrong about profits. War increases debt which increases the interest gained by the banking trusts. So legally no one makes profit because the trusts aren't owned they just have benefactors, but those benefactors make money.
Now you may not be quite informed of the US military but we would blow the shit out of russia, we might have some lapses where some politically troublesome places get nuked but it will be worth it for the banks since russia is a powerful country not under their control which they will of course require russia to pay extra money for when they reinstate control over their bank.
>Russia gaining ground
To sell natural gas to you?
They can not forth you to buy it.
Or do you think that Russia just wants more clay?
>They want a war with russia cause putin stole the central bank from the rothschilds.
Libya is gg no re
Iraq is gg no re
Syria has been sedated
Iran is getting nervous as the NWO comes creeping
I get where you are coming from, but "some places getting nuked" = not that bad?
You really think the US would survive loosing lets say San Francisco, Los Angeles,
New York and Washington? I don't think so.
And I don't get how you assume the Russia would only nuke some places and not
just throw their whole arsenal at US before having to surrender.
Russia is totally under control of World Bank.
No profit.
But giving them ground is still a long-time loss.
To whom? Who will lose anything? What ground?
If there is no profit it won't happen. Simple as that.
Since they are still pushing for war we have to find out what the profit is.
You gotta feed the good-bad narrative to trick the people
O I answered it in my other post to ya
The power structure profits off national debt. There are a few ways they could get it paid off, mainly if the US seizes assets from Russia and pays the debt that way. Or if the banks just control russia from here on out. But it's more about control than profit, the money and banks give that control.
The all out nuclear war wouldn't be as quite destructive as you would imagine, think of it more like a controlled nuclear war.
No russia would nuke everything just our defense systems are now strong enough to handle them. The only places they hit will be places allowed or just not defended.
They are not reconquering. They are fighting to keep what they still have, that's a difference. Loosing Crimea and thus the black sea fleet was unacceptable, thats the reason Ukraine got fucked up. Georgia joining NATO wasn't an option either, so you got an invasion on your hands.
I know what the Syrian conflict is about on a geopolitical scale. I don't see the need to alienate Russia by trying to take their last cards away, using any means necessary. Let them keep what they have, their position is inferior enough. Work from there.
Not Russia's fault the US fucked itself sideways by leaving Iraq. They constructed the Iran, Iraq , Syria axis themself, now they can live with it.
need to decide once and for all, I can not live on the same planet with fags and niggeris.
You're retarded. If there's one thing the Russians have kept in shape since the fall of the soviet union its their strategic missile forces. Their is no viable defense against that, and there won't be for decades.
correct. Only Cuba, North Korea and Iran are not.
Этo пpoeкт Mиpoнa или чeй?
I think the establishment knows as well as everyone else that things in western civilization are reaching a boiling point. They probably want to direct that pressure outwards instead of letting it fall on their own heads.
Russia is the one that wants a fucking war.
Them and China.
Putin has a chance to work with Trump but so far all he is doing is the same shit he was doing to Obama.
I don't think Russia wanted Trump to win because they are pro-US. They wanted Trump to win so they could take advantage of him. But they underestimated him just like everyone else.
Russia keeps this shit up and there is going to be a price to pay. And by price I mean more sanctions.
Pakistan is there for you.
>President is stupid though, not powerful.
>it fulfills all other criterion.
what is geopolitics
They are pushing for intimidation.
No. those countries were fucked over by russians for centuries, regardless what the russian narrative can tell you. Russia depitc itself as a mother, but is a psychopathic bully and people like Georgians, Ukrainians, Finns, suffered centuries because of them.
Think about how quick was finland into joining the axis in WWII.
Whenever someone is looking west, russia goes autism.
Tell what you want but we still have beter living standard and freedom. We are losing them because of globalists, but still. People migrate in ur lands, not the other way around. I think the west should keep its pride not suck russian cock.
I write all of this with no ill toward Russian people, mind it - I never had a bad experience with them (but I just get along well with slavs in general, dunno why lol), I wish them the best and I hope we ALL get rid of globalist poison.
But I don't want to lose influence on a global scale.
Also, this.
>I don't think Russia wanted Trump to win because they are pro-US. They wanted Trump to win so they could take advantage of him.
Oh, so you are on of this geopolitical retards. Good luck m8.
Russia hasn't done anything so far.
So I don't see how you think they're "taking advantage of trump" - it's just a baseless assertion; the fuck has russia even done?
Fuck, they didn't even try to take advantage of this stuff to do something in ukraine.
What are you even smoking mate?
Still waiting on that proof that Russia did something wrong...
Russia is a shitty little asshole country with nukes. It's important to work with them but you have to punish them when they do bad stuff. This is why the sanctions are important. We don't have a good tool beyond that to strongarm them once they starts shitting everywhere.
Obviously a friendly relationship would be good with russia but that has terms.
Putin actually said that it doesn't matter who will win as long as Assad is in Syria.
Russia keeps this shit because doesn't trust nasty westerners. We don't want war
Most of the time these news talk about "anonymous sources" or simply lack any real evidence or claim that they are "top-secret". If the media and the goverment are so annoyed by fake news they should at least provide evidence and disclose the person making the claim whenever possible.
if you want to give a peace a change just keep calling out these new sites and their articles for lack of evidence.
These posts are at the level of crimea denial.
I seriously hope you are shills, because otherwise you are just dumb idiots without any will, pride, vision, or historical perspective.
No one gives a shit about the people in Ukraine or Georgia. Them looking west is nothing more than a tool for us to exploit, leverage to pry away the assets of our geopolitical foe. They'd probably be better of in our sphere of influence but this only the point you make when trying to claim the moral high ground in talk shows. After Ukraine has lost Crimea and the industrial east is in ruins, do you think we'll to our best to bring them into the EU? No, they've lost their only valuable thing and now they'll be left to decompose.
Whenever someone is looking west russia is going full autism, yes. But the reason for that isn't that they're loosing partners, but that these nations going west would mean another NATO base at their border, or the loss of invaluable naval infrastructure. Look at aegis on shore in poland. They have every reason to feel alienated and do everything to keep their buffer states and the strategic assets they have left.
quit being a pussy OP.
Weakness like you is what will embolden our enemies to attack.
> The fuck has Russia even done
Broke an Cold War treaty by sending Cruse missiles to a nother nation.
Look putin took over in 1999 and started taking control, by 2002 the powers that be realised this is an issue to their control and had the US pull out of the ABM treaty. Bringing us 14 years later we are now pushing for war with russia. Why wasn't it done back then? because shit wasn't built yet, now it is and the push is on.
Also, I want to add - I don't blame Russians for a number of reasons, one is:
You cannot tell them to trust the west if they god invaded, and very violently, by western alliances (Napoleon, Hitler) in relatively recent time.
So no ill feelings, but no lies too.
It's not hard to provide proof. Why go to the effort of calling me a shill if it's so easily proven. Go ahead and give me the proof.
>No one gives a shit about the people in Ukraine or Georgia
I know, as with the levant.
This is why we will lose on the long road.
We behave like the romans in decline.
We broke that treaty many times. Let's not act like this is something new and dangerous.
> We don't trust westerners
As opposed to your shitty courrupt Government?
Have you forgotten your history Ivan?
Look at the state of your nation thanks to your leaders.
Now look at the state of our nation. Our economy is booming and the stock market is doing great.
You're being used like sheep. Your way of life is almost 3rd world.
I need to demonstrate nothing. I HOPE you are a shill, because if you are not, you are a retard.
You tell me mate, I don't care.
Are you trying to say that Putin wants to lose more money due to sanctions or something?
Also, WTF is Crimea denial?
>why do (((they))) hate peace?
Good question user.
Maybe it's time to sort (((them))) out once and for all.
No... We didn't...
You're a fucking dumb ass.
The answer to that is simply no. There is no evidence for such systems and everything that's publicly available indicates that the thought is laughable.
If our Zionist-run establishment is pushing for war with Russia, then you know damn well that it would only end up helping the Zionists, at the expense of everyone else.
We do not need a war with Russia.
Though, that would provide the left with the distraction they so desperately need right now.
Exactly. You got nothing, faggot shill.