Sup Forums, why is it that you can't prove that children are inherently racist, and that racism is a social construct?
Sup Forums, why is it that you can't prove that children are inherently racist, and that racism is a social construct?
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Already want the almighty bbc
They aren't, children don't inherently shit in the toilet either
You're right, it is a social construct. Constructed after being around niggers and learning how absolutely abhorrent 98% of them are.
Once again. Black male and white female. Why not black female and white male?
I am agreed with that poster.
Yeah fuck learning.
because be dumb is something good even my cat know the difference
SBS disproved that with a show that was meant to criticise racism
Some little girl picking which baby faces looked Australian, and she picked all of the white ones
Pretty sure they are, whenever you get little kids they'll always gravitate towards the doll of their race, and when thrown in a room, they'll cluster togeter in groups based on race.
Not that it matters though, look at adult ineractions. Without any media and liberal brainwashing, adults of races will cluster together usually, because that's who they're attracted to. People want their kids to look like them, and that influences attraction, which influences interaction.
American children aren't racist because they grew up seeing niggers and spics all around them. Children in Europe who grow up outside of the city are very racist when they see a nigger for the first time.
Never seen that flag before. How the hell do you even have internet in the 'Stans?
>racism is somthing you learn
Yeah, i learnt it from watching niggers running round shooting each other and stealing.
And then via the medium of rap **music** they are encouraged to brag anout it.
Youre damn right its somthing i learnt.
>Babies/Children are commonly acknowledged to be less intelligent than adults and less experienced in the world
>Babies/Children are not racist
Really toboggans my noggin
We all suffer from human imperfection. Unfortunately, that imperfection also includes prejudices towards our fellow man. It also doesn't help that people choose to further reinforce those ideologies by being ignorant and act like niggers, spics, crackers and everything in between . It's about a set of common beliefs IMO
Nobody is inherently AUTOMATICALLY anything. Some traits are learned, while others are fostered, and yet others are realized.
Racism is one of those you realize as you experience life. It does not naturally begin by social construct, but by personal experience, which then may lead to a social construct based upon mutual understandings within a society or community.
Of course, racism can be learned or taught also, but most likely it is by experience that one adapts to any such kind of racist trait, be it by ignorance, stupidity, logic, reasoning or some actual purpose. I've seen plenty of racist black people who hate whites, a hate which they were brainwashed into, brainwashed I say, seeing that black people in 'white' America are the most wealthiest, healthiest, comfortable blacks in the world.
Then there is the fact that most people don't actually know what racism is. For example, speaking about something in regards to its racial relation is not automatically racist, as some liberals would have you think, quite hypocritically at that. Since it's okay for brown Latinos and blacks to talk about race, without being racist, but lord forbid a white man talks about race, let alone his own race.
Bottom line, any concept of what racism is, or where it comes from, that the left has created, is completely wrong.
language is also a social construct, you fucking faggot
Niggers are racist. Prove me wrong.
You can tell with just one look at her face she will be lynching niggers when she gets older.
Racism is just territorial-ism. It's 100% natural and rational to be racist.
The only ones who don't want racism are the globalists who want cheap labor. They are trying to social engineer it out of society, which is against human nature.
Living in a culturally enriched neighboorhood thaught me to be
Good eye! R A R E
Yes, very true.
After spending any amount of time with niggers you will learn to hate them.
This has been proven to be wrong multiple times, kids fear black people innately, even black kids fear black people. The scarier men look, the less likely kids will want to be near them and black men are ugly scary looking fuckers.
the girls eyes say "why is mommy making me do this. I hope it's over soon, I can't hold my breath for much longer"
the black kids eyes say "ooga booga I can't wait to eat fried chicken when I get home"
Not really any worse than shit tier whites, asians, mexicans, redskins, etc.
Trash is trash, the color just changes the appearance not the nature of it.
Since 1924 from the one of the evil psicopatic mothers fucker of this world
When i was young they placed 2 nigress into a 99% white and 1% chink rural elementary school.
They got literally hunted and lynched by us in the breaks. After 1 week the family moved out of town.
I learned about racism years later.
Lol. Bullshit. Even different nationalities know when shit is shit.
When I was a kid one of my best mates was a half german flip, another was a half aussie chink. None of us liked coons. That dislike is not instilled by parents, its a natural repulsion that actually spans across different genetic backgrounds and nationalities.
Blank slate was done away with long ago. Get with the times. Never heard of in-group biases? The effects of oxytocin? Never stopped and wondered why people marry within their own race at rates of over 90% despite views of interracial relationships being at an all time high?
You know how babies know how to breathe? You know how babies know how to drink? You know how kids can recognize patterns in things they've never seen? You know what the difference between pattern recognition and racism is?
There isn't one.
The only thing this proves is that black children are disciplined more by their poorer parents, thus they project their "badness" onto the doll
because racism doesn't exist, it's xeno"""phobia""" (there's no actual fear)
it has nothing to do with races specifically, just people who are different than the status quo. if there's no one exceptionally weird, someone will always be picked to be the loser out of the group
child abuse
I can't wait to teach my daughter never to trust a nigger.
My,my... Let me tell you a tale of a little girl meeting the shower for the first time and burning half her skin away because she did not know to expect hot water from the red valve.Now she expects hot water from the red valve.How racist is that?Now change the red valve and water to fit your story.Examples like nigger,looting,stealing.
>inb4 mummy merkel issuing you a court order from Ministry of Toleranceā¢ for hate speech
Can I refugee into glorious Estonia if that happens?
Stop being racist eneli
My first ever experience seeing a nigger was on the first day of elementary school.
The teacher was kind enough to assign this 5-foot lanky black abomination as my guide for the first week.
I remember being fucking terrified of that thing. His skin was so black but his palms were bone white, it was completely unnatural and wrong.
i used to be terrified of niggers when i was a kid
she's gonna fuck one if you do that
Sure. I should reverse psychology her.
Also buy her a lifetime membership of
>natural repulsion
even if it wasn't a genetic repulsion, just interacting with them sets up the repulsion almost immediately
in elementary school
first black kid i've ever seen
doesn't wash himself
everyone knew not because of his smell, but because THERE WHERE FUCKING MASSIVE PUSTULES BEHIND HIS EARS
in high school
bused around county for 2 hours one way, to hide intercity black schools terrible scores
inner-city black students are fucking thugs, can barely read, who should have been shot dead by now
inner city black administrators actually staring shit with the smart passive white students, because they don't understand how to interact with humans
at game shop
Have a bag filled with boardgames
Bag includes random nerd objects like a yarn rainbow cupcake, a giant prop gem, and a wand with a fist on it for making who's turn it is clear
Nig comes up to me and asks what the fist is for
Tell him I forget who's turn it is, so i use an object
He thought it was a White Power symbol
last thanks giving
walking out of grocery store with bags of food
some nig with his 4 nigglets in car shouts as my family walks by: "hey yo gimme yo pizza"
At low income work
the nig employees are always late, or absent, or moving on to next job, are never on task, and barely complete any of the simple manual labor
Meanwhile every non nig there fucking does 3 times the work and can't say shit about it because "discrimination"
That meme ain't true.
Take a kid raised in an all white area and watch his or her reaction when they first meet a black person. They either start crying or try running away with looks of disgust on their faces. It's embarrassing as hell but it always happens.
should Kazakhstan BTFO!!!
There is literally ONE nigger living in my city since he was born, 30 years ago.
I'm 30, too, so i went to school at the same time as he did.
He was being "racially harrassed" 24/7 for being a nigger from africa. But, the nigger didnt take shit from anybody and immidiately wanted an "honor fight" so he wont be considered a pussy.
He lost some fights, he won some fights...... All in all, when we entered high-school he already respected by everybody and nobody was calling him a nigger anymore.
But that wasnt because of the fist-fights, it was because the dude integrated so fucking much, he was probably more Polish than a lot of Polaks.
You know, stuff like throwing "kurwa's" in your sentences in perfect places, and calling muslims shitskins, he even started calling other niggers "dumb fucking niggers".
This is the ONLY EXAMPLE of when integration works.
Literally ONE NIGGER per 1 million native population.
1 single nigger, he had no other niggers to nig with, he was swimming in "Polakness" his entire life.
That's why mass immigration is bullshit.
Take 1 nigger per 1 million natives? Sure.
Take 2 million (like germany) and expect them to "germanize"?? LOL good luck with that.
last fucking week at a diner
siting at bar
I've been a patron for years, always come in on Wednesdays,usually the normal fry cook know me by sight, but he's not there
this week is different, all the servers are nigs i've never seen before
some nig walk in sits on one side of me along bar, and starts flirting with his girlfiend server
another nig walks in and sits on the other side
neither of them order anything
I get served my food
they recognize each other
they proceede to have a conversation with me right in the middle of them, instead of one just moving to have a private conversation
a conversation about who's fucking who, and why some sheeboon would lie about getting pregnant
I am forced to eat my meal during this whole conversation
seriously what the hell are you supposed to say to these barbaric retards??????
I can count on one hand the times that i've had a reasonable human interaction with random nigs, and its almost always older folk who act like real people
Racism is a codification of classism, and thus of class struggle.
99% of the time people are racists against those poorer than they are.
In Spain we have two kinds of foreigners. Immigrants -those who are poorer- and "guiris" who come from richer countries and which we respect but try to rip off.
I'm not Eneli, you are
I have lived in Denmark for 8 months (studied in Aalborg), it's only a fair game you can come here too
>racism is codification of class struggle
>we dislike the poor foreigners
>we try to rip of the rich foreigners
fuck off commie
Hatred and avoidance of anyone different is one of the most basic instincts and survival strategies any living creature has.
Why do you think none of the cheetah cubs try to go play with the lion cubs?
It's easy to prove. Go to any pre-school or daycare and pay attention to who children tend to play with the most. They will almost always prefer their own race and gender.
I actually did this once in a study for a class. A small percentage mixed it up a little bit, but often they had something in common (Blacks with blacks, whites with whites, boys with boys, ect.)
>hy is it that you can't prove that children are inherently racist
I don't have to prove anything, xenophobia is part of a learning process which will enable your children to defend their habitat against foreigners. It's not good and not bad, it's fucking nature. Perfectly fine.
when I asked my 7 year old if there were any bullies in class told me. Tyrone is mean and he smells bad. Racism no but already learning niggers are shit in grade 1. Priceless
It's simple to disprove: their parents told them to hang with their own kind, or they were afraid because of one thing or another in their upbrining to hang out with different kids
Look up heuristics. It's natural evolution and human nature to make shortcuts based on experience. Surprise surprise, most people's experiences with blacks are overwhelmingly negative.
A child won't know that fire will burn you until they learn about it/interact with it.
Amen. This is exactly why you should demolish ghettos and distribute unwanted elements amongst gas cham^W^W normal people to reintegrate perhaps.
children also don't inherently have a sense of what is right and wrong
they also don't inherently know not to do things that will get them killed like walk into the middle of the street or stick their fingers in electrical sockets
using kids as an argument against racism is pretty retarded.
Agree 100%
I learned it from my dad and I'm teaching it to my boys.
Thanks for the tip nigger.
That also explains why the most racist states are the states with the most black people. Dealing with black people causes racism
There's also studies that toddlers are indeed racist. Just like most of these kind of images, this is false too.
Racism is learned, like any patternfinding. In fact, NOT being born with it just proves its validity, if anything
Children also aren't born with the idea that you should be so far left Karl Marx himself would puke
Babies would also eat their own shit if they weren't taught to not do that.