>Pakistani Refugee gets 20 months of probation for raping a six-year-old girl.
Just another day in Germanisfuckstan!
>Pakistani Refugee gets 20 months of probation for raping a six-year-old girl.
Just another day in Germanisfuckstan!
she was a shitskin who cares
I'm really getting tired of this shit, how long has it been since Germany + Sweden turned into the rape capitals of Europe? 2015?
Germany and Sweden need to be written up as state sponsors of terrorism.
Actually a good thing. Destabilizing Germany always leads to destruction and death of around 3 older generations. Boomers, Xer and Millenials will die out. Good thing desu
>turned into the rape capitals of Europe? 2015?
Little bit before that.
The left here is now in full rape apology mode claiming "oh no, there's not an increase in rape, it's just that people are more likely to report the rapes that have always happened".
This allows them to keep both the "rape is constant, 1 in 4 women will be raped" narrative going as well as downplay any effects of migration.
Of course, reviews of gang rapes and stranger rapes find an overwhelming amount of foreign names. It's virtually impossible to find swedes involved in gang rapes. And the numbers of these have gone up significantly.
Meanwhile actual women have stopped going outside like they used to and gang up or get men they know to escort them. Things are changing. It's just unfortunate that it takes women experiencing being afraid for their lives and being raped to change their minds on the open borders.
As a child I thought comic book villains who wanted to blow up the world were stupid. Why would you want to destroy the planet if you live on it?
But as an adult I understand them completely.
How long until the fourth reich?
Wishful thinking. Boomers are too old for military service.
who's talking about military service, kek. Starvation, sickness and being killed by their own will be their fate.
> killing whites
> good thing
DIE, Achmed.
But if "the world" is this...
Are they really villains?
Can you imagine if you rounded up all non Swedes and shipped them out of your country? You guys would probably be so rich that the average work week would drop to like 10 hours and you'd still have more money and a higher standard of living.
rape is literally not a crime.
Nothing wrong with procreating.
We should give those men medals for reversing our declining birthrates.
>not removing globalist cancer
>good thing
rape happend inside a refugee shelter
girl is a refugee too
father of the girl went to attack the rapist
police shot him dead
Yea but that's the actual Swedish women that want to be escorted right? The rest of Jews and immigrants wanting the open borders right? Maybe there would be a few Swedish cucks and tards rallying for immigrants but I find it hard to believe that your actual country would be so blind to the fact that migrants are ruining their homelands
> generations of whites
> globalist cancer
wtf are you smoking, Achmed?
>roasties keeping rapebabies
grew up with the imagination giving jews money will get them more money when they are old. Greatest fear, no pensions, how to counter, getting Niggers.
grew up with imagination giving jews money will get them more money when they are old. Never made children because they feared they will slow down their hedonism. Greatest fear, being piss poor because boomer took the jew money, how to counter it, get more Nigger.
A generation thought getting Nigger will help them not die piss poor.
And this goes for probably over 80% of the western population. Only hardship and death may cure it
Wtf man i didnt even hear about this story in the news, had to google it
This country is truly doomed
14 months and 88 days
come home white man.
You are wrong.
Killing whites does not fix the world.
When the uprising occurs (and it surely will) after schulz wins and brings more of these things in.. will you run or fight?
Probation... fucking probation...
Guess day when ahmeds will raise and kill all germans one night is getting sooner; then someone can nuke this hellhole without any remorse.
it's literal fake news. stop relying on Sup Forums as your sole source of information, there is tons of disinfo floating around here.
truth is that if you rape a 6 year old (penetration like vaginal, anal or oral sex, or even just stick your tongue in her vagoo) you go to prison, no way around it.
what actually happened was that some shitskin fondled the loli of another shitskin (he even undressed her), BUT THERE WAS NO ACTUAL RAPE
do I want these people in my country? fuck no.
do I think we should be lying to ourselves about reality to make them seem worse than they really are? nope
>fondled the loli of another shitskin (he even undressed her), BUT THERE WAS NO ACTUAL RAPE
Yeah... that's the reason your country will die.
If something like that happened here he would be:
a) Lynched (not that probable as cops would get to him uber quick)
b) Killed in jail by other prisoners (who hate with passion pedos and childkillers)
c) Live 25 years in prison ISOLATED from any human contact other than guards for his protection.
And most certainly no one would be trying to defend him or try to justify it like you did.
That isn't defending a child fiddler you autist
Should have just let the father stab the fuck out of him desu
this desu
>gets 20 months of probation
Why though? This kind of shit is probably allowed by sharia
>do I think we should be lying to ourselves about reality to make them seem worse than they really are? nope
So a refugee came to your country, undressed and fondled an underage girl (but he didn't put his penis in or around any of her orifices!). This makes him a better refugee than the one who LITERALLY rapes. So he's not the best refugee, but he's still not as good as the scientists and doctors!
You are playing mental gymnastics. You will continue to explain away and excuse such events in order to accept what is happening to your country. You know the statistics (even though they are hard to come by). Remember that as your demographics continue to change, events like these (even harmless undressing and fondling) will happen more often. I wonder what your forefathers would think. Do you think they would approve of what you are doing?
Yeah just downplaying
>defend him or try to justify it
I clearly wasnt.
the implication of this thread is
this is factually wrong propaganda (look up our laws regarding child rape) and I was merely pointing that out.
Your law is clearly flawed if he is free instead of thinking which one of his cellmates will try to kill him first.
Checked and keked
He isn't so 'free'. He will have 'fun' with fellow mudslimes in another camp. You know info like that spreads like fire especially under muslims. You will see him hanging soon.
Hang what? Medal on his chest? Would not suprise me if he did nothing illegal in eyes of sharia law.
>Good goys.
Yes Muslims are known for their strict sense of morality when it comes to pedophilia and protecting female children.
hey EU you need death penalty.
shouldn't you guys be schultzposting?
Shouldn't you be downplaying the seriousness of immigrant crimes in germany?
t. Osmet Istanbuliogliou
>it is another jap spams images episode
I thought schulz was more leftwing than merkel? isn't he the sort of person who wants MORE refugees?
Yes he is the jewish merkel
>6 year old gets raped
>father pissed off attacks perp with knife
>father gets killed
>perp gets probation
>meanwhile daughter got raped and has no father
why does this make me feel sad
Still a shit ton of these rape niggers get to stay here
>I can't refute statistics taken from Bundeskriminalamt so I'll call him a Jap
Not a Jap. Enjoy the eventual rape and murder of your siblings and possibly mother. you seem keen on it.
Why so angry jap
>Es ist nur eine Dusche
Als ob.
In zwei Monaten wird seine Duldung eh verlaengert.
here is what happened
here is what pol said happened, but didnt:
>kinderfiddln mit reinstecken
there was no rape. she was examined by a physician.
simple as that
Die haben schon erwähnt das se net wissen wie es weiter gehen soll wenn er in nen anderes Lager verlegt wird. Sieht so aus als hätte er so nen paar 'Freunde' gefunden.
This is such a fucking joke. I honestly can't believe how people can defend this guy instead of sending him back to where he came from. Why do accept refugees from fucking Pakistan anyway? I hate our Bundesrepublik
He said he did it "spontaneously" so he will most likely do it again, maybe to a German girl.
>You are wrong,
I think you have enough memes for today.
Get off this board
Your attitude will change when your loved ones become victims...not if but when.
Not everyone is living in cuckcentral aka Berlin
Mohammad was a pedophile. Do you dispute this?
just shoot him and all the other shitskins and get it over with
sounds like progress to me
protect the rapist and kill an angry father
>If he kills him he wins
Explain why the father tried to kill this fiddler then
>inb4 it was his daughter
No we all know that shitskins act like animals