Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that.

Enjoy arguing with Gaytheists, enjoy watching them squabble and show they have the theological knowledge of a 12 year old. Enjoy them failing again and again. Enjoy this because you are better than them Sup Forums, and you always will be.

Deus Vult.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fully agreed, praise the Lord my brother, vargcucks can go back to their containment subreddits and larp their shitty neopaganism amongst themselves.



Christianity is one of the ideologies that is destroying western civilization.


Daily reminder that OP is a faggot ass loser that posts these bait threads every day.

However, the retards that keep responding to this thread are just as pathetic

Daily reminder that it's a daily reminder.

so how does the 7 virtues and 10 commandments destroy anything? lol

You mean he posts daily reminder threads daily? Yup, sounds like a Christian. You won't be back tomorrow though

>I love d&c slide threads

Where's the d&c? Marxist atheists attacking God and Christians for being Christians?

Time to fuck off, heathen scum, Sup Forums is a christian board.


I appreciate and accept my fellow Christian Sup Forumslacks. Why can't they do the same when I'm atheist?

Fiat mihi secundum verbum

Because you're part of the problem.

>I'm a leftist/liberal but I'm not like THOSE leftists/liberals

truly ebin post my good sir! XD up 'dora'd!

To me, atheism is like smoking cigarettes.

You can do it if you really want to, but do not come to others to say it's a good thing, and others should follow it.


>Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that.


But I am conservative.

You attempting to redefine Christianity as an inextricable part of conservatism doesn't make it true.

Why can't we stand for largely the same things and accept each other? I do not agree with everything you believe in, but I will defend to the death your right to believe it.

Sup Dinesh

Way to larp as jews.

Daily reminder that catholic church is in fact cult of Satan, that promotes degeneracy, and russian orthodox church is the only true christianity.

>I appreciate and accept my fellow conservative Americans. Why can't they do the same when I'm degenerate?
Can you see the problem yet?

I'm alright ramesh .

but how do you explain pic related then

So I'm degenerate now? Take ten full seconds and consider your answer before you start typing your reply.

Upvote this post so that we can get it to front page

are you Mudasir or the other guy that was too proudy?

it's an analogy dumbass
but yes, atheism is degenerate

First day on Pol. Got tired of reddit

>But I am conservative.
No such thing as a right wing atheist. Only badly veiled marxists pretending to be conservative. The concept of Holiness and righteousness is completely alien to you. Thus you are incapable of being right wing/conservative.
>Why can't we stand for largely the same things and accept each other?
Because you and your ilk bring death and destruction to all that you touch.
>I do not agree with everything you believe in,
I do not require your permission.
>but I will defend to the death your right to believe it
I do not want or require your insincere defense.

You people are sad.

You didn't take ten full seconds.

That said, if I stand for most everything you stand for, but do not believe in certain things that ultimately will not affect your life, are you prepared to declare me as your enemy? We are posting on the same board and want more or less the same things.

Am I your enemy?

Repeatedly numbers confirm
Christian threads are Sup Forums heritage threads

You're either with us, or you're our enemy.

Very well. Then we are enemies, as you declare it.

I will not forget this.

don't go back

Yes goyim follow the totally not a jew pope and accept more immigrants!

Please stop

Godless immoral heathens who bring societal rot are absolutely the enemy.

Tell it to God, not me.

I like this place tbqh


>already failing at bantz
really accelerated the electron transmissions in my neural pathways

No it's not

>tell God's will to God

what are you even doing on Sup Forums, you should focus to what you teacher is saying over at Tartu Kõrgem Kunstikool

How the fuck did you know

Unless you repent to Christ and seek His light.

He's the only one who's prepared to listen to your cultist babbling, you fucking moron, presuming your god exists.

I extended the olive branch and you slapped it away. I will never, ever forget.


Provide objective evidence for the existence of a higher being. Also Sup Forums is a natsoc board

I will never submit to a lie and neither should you.

Fuck you goy i dont need religion to reach god.
But gnosticism is nice, cathol is pure retarded

Why don't you just embrace the Lord? Why do you hate Him so?


Because he is responsible for you.

When was the last time you went to church?

You dont even believe in god, do you?

Running away from God won't make Him go away. You'll realize this someday.

Because his heart is filled with hatred. Pray for him.

He is responsible for all of us, user. Why don't you just open your heart a bit?


There's nothing to run from except the poisoning of my mind by cultist nonsense.

You'll understand that you are alone on your deathbed.

Ah. Still in the teenager phase.

I did, but you niggers slapped it away. God does not exist, because if he spoke through you, he just rejected me.

Fuck off kike shill.

There is, brethren, one God, the knowledge of whom we gain from the Holy Scriptures, and from no other source. For just as a man, if he wishes to be skilled in the wisdom of this world, will find himself unable to get at it in any other way than by mastering the dogmas of philosophers, so all of us who wish to practice piety will be unable to learn its practice from any other quarter than the oracles of God.Whatever things, then, the Holy Scriptures declare, at these let us look; and whatsoever things they teach, these let us learn; and as the Father wills our belief to be, let us believe; and as He wills the Son to be glorified, let us glorify Him; and as He wills the Holy Spirit to be bestowed, let us receive Him. Not according to our own will, nor according to our own mind, nor yet as using violently those things which are given by God, but even as He has chosen to teach them by the Holy Scriptures, so let us discern them.
See, your false traditions aren't needed, papist!

We can come up with dumb insults all day about each others age or intelligence or racial characteristics, but it changes nothing. I already got the important message from you.

Daily reminder that all christian threads are run by Jews as a divide and conquer move to destroy Sup Forums from the inside.

It's a daily reminder you dumb nigger.

Kill yourself

Daily reminder being Catholicucks didn't stop South America from turning into a Communist shithole

Daily reminder that Christian groups are the ones that push for taking in sub-Saharan African refugees

Daily reminder Christianity is the enemy of a racially homogenous society

>Sons of the crusaders
At least the sons of Voltaire knew their father.

Your mind is already poisoned. It's evident because your heart is filled with hatred and anger. Typical of someone who refuses God. You'll come to this realization one day. Or you'll walk in the dark forever.

Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.

I do not speak for Him. I only want you to be willing to experience His Love, because I fear for you, I really do. I'll include you in my prayers tonight, as hateful as you may be.

because there is a very little amount of eestiposters on Sup Forums when it's morning/afternoon and it's easy to guess by the posting style who exactly you are

also, TKK is stated on your kikebook profile




Funny, because I remember a whole lot of hatred directed at me from you jackasses in this very thread while I was attempting to be conciliatory.

Whatever it is you're trying to hawk after that nonsense now, I'm not buying. Peddle it to someone else holier-than-thou liar.

Remember to mention to God in your prayers that you called me your enemy first before you made false pretenses to be my friend.

Sup Forums is a Kekist broad.


Christianity was a plot to enslave the west with feudalism and infighting
It's root Judaism was the same for the middle east, though far less successful.
Christianity is rooted in bastardised pagan mythos, just as Judaism is a bastardised form of Sumerian culture

The Anunnaki are the only true gods of men and Enki is the true creator of man

>God does not exist, because if he spoke through you, he just rejected me.

You've already rejected Him. Do you expect a relationship this way?

The Lord does not come to you. You must come to Him.

Because I do not capitulate to heathens or those who call evil good and good evil. No matter what phony smile you use. Satan already tried.

And it's clear who has influenced you to hate God in this way. Then you wonder why you are "rejected".


praze hiz nayme

>Sup Forums is a Christian board

>and Enki is the true creator of man

Ha. I had forgotten about JoS.


literally who? I thought Muhammad was the enemy. French just surrender.

You've made a lot of assumptions here.

I have no intention of having a relationship with something that doesn't exist and I have even less interest in accepting his followers after experiencing this thread today. I was prepared to disagree but stay on friendly terms but I will always remember that you niggardly Christians always have a knife behind your back waiting for me after we're done slaying your other more salient enemies.

where did that part come from? i know it's from some fedora kid saying something about euphoria but I can't remember in what context.

>Sup Forums is a natsoc board
Same thing.

>Hitler: Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany

>Hitler: Lord, we will not forsake you

>Hitler: We will defend Christianity

>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany

>Hitler and Christianity - speeches, quotes, pictures, memes

>Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide. "The church is certainly necessary for the people. It is a strong conservative element," he might say at one time or another in this private circle... "Through me the Evangelical [Protestant] Church could become the established church, as in England." Even after 1942 Hitler went on maintaining that he regarded the church as indispensable in political life. But he sharply condemned the campaign against the church, calling it a crime against the future of the nation. For it was impossible, he said, to replace the church by any "party ideology." ”Undoubtedly,” he continued, “the church would learn to adapt the political goals of National Socialism in the long run, as it had always adapted in the course of history.” A new party religion would only bring about a relapse into the mysticism of the Middle Ages. The growing SS myth showed that clearly enough, as did Rosenberg's unreadable Myth of the Twentieth Century.
Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, p. 95

Sick role play brah, mad props. I'd projectile vomit if I was role playing a godless fedora wearing degenerate with all that subtle edge and "Two and a half men" level banter.

>I don't want to be your enemy, we're the same, I'm just a disgusting God-hating vagrant

But we aren't. Some of us believe in something greater than ourselves.

Therefore, by being an insufferable edgy fuck knuckle, you alienate anyone you could reach out to, memeing aside. So yeah, that seems to be working for you. Keep at it.

If you did not antagonize us and the Lord, we would not have needed to be harsh with you

Fascinating stuff champ. Here's your (You). Only read the first ten words.

Wrong. I didn't antagonize you at all. Re-read the thread.

Nevertheless, I'm finished and I've received a very clear lesson tonight. Thanks to all of you jews-in-waiting for opening my eyes.

Assumptions aren't needed when you already know the truth of the matter.

I was exactly like you once. Seems like ages ago.

>I was prepared to disagree but stay on friendly terms

For what? Why would we accept heathenry and sin? What purpose do you have to keep this "friendly terms"?

Atheists and their marxist ilk are in the same boat as the Saracens. Actually the Saracens hate you the most anyway.

So melodramatic. Kek.

May God have mercy on your soul. I hope one day that you will mature enough to see the Truth.

>8 campaigns
>1 succeeds to take muh holy sand
Where was YAWWEH when the Ottomans took all of Hungary and the Balkans
Where was YAWWEH when muslims took all of Spain and parts of France and held it for hundreds of years?
Where was YAWWEH when muslims took 2/3rds of the christian world?
Where was YAWWEH when Rome fell?
Under paganism no foreign army ever annexed land in Europe
Under christianity entire European regions have fell into foreign control.
Thanks, Jesus.

Many of us were in that position once. We should not capitulate to him or his ways, but pray for him regardless. He is lost.