Redpill me about Alexander Dugin. Is it true that this guy is behind all Sup Forums memes? Is it true that he wants to collapse the world? Is he behind the alt right e-celebs? Why nobody talks about this guy here?
Alexander Dugin
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If you're trying to make a new Bogmeme, it'll never work.
He triggers Ghost hard and that is enough for me.
He's a communist
He is a weird little crazy guy in Russia. Still has a bit of followers he peddles books to etcetera. Funny thing that because of their symbol and stuff he is like a real world Warhammer Chaos cult leader.
Radical subject/perosn
Baron Ungern
Resurgence of the Gods and Heroes.
modern day Rasputin
btw, off topic do you know a group called aquarium
Yeah, sure, I have some on my phone to listen to.
Klassno. Ya ochen lubylu BG.
Ya rad shto, b rossie est rock n roll
Are you native Russian though? Since BG's texts are as sophisticated and comlex as you can get.
дa, мoй дpyг. Я живy в CШA, нo тoлькo мeчтaть o poдинe. вceгo 20 лeт. .....
Migrated rusfag here. He's basically irrelevant. Don't buy into the memes.
Indeed. He is just a shit who because Russia lost in the cold war he wants to collapse the west.
he is a fucking kike
He's not even ethno nationalist.
It seems to me that he is known in US more than Russia
Oткyдa ты? И гдe живeшь в штaтaх? Пoпpoбyй пocлyшaть гpyппy Hoль. Oни звyчaт кaк pyccкиe The Doors, дoвoльнo нeoбычнo
Who the hell is that Ghost, his threads pop out regularly...
The Bogs bow to Dugin
Right-wing conspiracy theorists say Soros is the puppet master. Because he's a Jew, and Jews have money and there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood or something.
Left-wing conspiracy theorists say Dugin is the puppet master. Because Dugin is Putin's Rasputin, and Dugin has a systematic plan for Russia to regain its dominant place in the global theater by supporting a Syrian dictator and war criminal, thereby facilitating an influx of Muslim refugees into the EU, thereby facilitating a golden age of know-nothing-ism because white Europeans don't like it when a bunch of unannounced brown people show up at your door.
No, he isn't Kikes hate him a lot and more. They actively insisted on his dismissal from the Moscow State University.
Erastianism is ultra ethno nationalism that just want separate Russia from European influence
Я из нoвгopoдe, нe нижe. я oбoжaю нoль, чyвaк. ддт, кинo и тaк дaлee. Я живy в Baшингтoнe
Dugin was a political advisor to Putin. He wrote this
read it
я зaбывaю Poccии,кaждый гoд к coжaлeнию,
so what does ultra ethno-nationalism want, and for who.
Dugin want conservative revolution and wanted it already in soviet time where Soron couldn't relationship with him. And he was in radical oposition to Eltcin.
it means that you can follow shariah law in your country, incas can eat hearts in their country, russkies can drink vodka in their country
and there is no big boy to tell them they are violating human rights
literally nothing wrong with this
then explain it better
Eurasianism is inspired by the Byzantine Empire. They want their unique civilization and Thy don't dissolve in Europe. It is still the European civilization but with independent culture.
Unless Dugin wants Russia to balkanise it sounds awfully 'civic' to me.
there is nothing wrong with
>it means that you can follow shariah law in your country, incas can eat hearts in their country, russkies can drink vodka in their country
>and there is no big boy to tell them they are violating human rights
Russia already has some of these cocepts running
national republics have their constitution, their state languages
it doesnt stop them from being russian
The only serious national republic is Tatarstan. And there is 50% Russian.
Chechnya and the entire Caucasus is not important. But it would hold that there was no basis for the Islamists.
how can anyone who isn't russian read this?
Unless it's his idea that these federal subjects are eventually independent I don't see how this 'ultra ethno nationalism' is not just a hybrid civic nationalism.
an obscure russian intellectual who the western media has thrust into the limelight with awful conspiracies, move along.
his "Fourth Political Theory" is interesting and explains modern politics well I think
Other than that he is a crazy Russian nationalist/imperialist ideologue with a 'Eurasianist' world view (basically a revival of anti-Western thinking that arose after the Crimean War in the 1850s).
He's anti-liberalism has led him to making some retard anti-white comments.
>He's anti-liberalism has led him to making some retard anti-white comments.
So, you want to say that white on west are not retarted with suicide politic?
The Tony Blairs of the west aren't our new right heroes.
Nazbols need to expelled from society.
there are analysis of it in english with translations
go to the bottom of the wikipedia page, there are works cited. the first one is a good translation
>oligarchs bow to him
>single handedly destroyed all three mayor political ideologies with his 4th political theory
>has a confirmed IQ of 240
>fluent in 20+ tongues
>funds nationalistic movements all over the world
>controls russia with an iron but fair fist
>reincarnation of saint george
>in contact with all the archangels
>plans to vaporize the atlantic ocean with nukes to reveal atlantis
>you probably have duginbots inside you
>runs the infamous bhutanese shadow market (with an iron fist as well)
I really can't quite grasp what this man believes in. He's seemingly contracting himself constantly.
Is he a communist or fascist?
Is he a Slavophile/Panslavist, or does he hold cosmopolitan views?
Does he believe in God and sympathize with the Orthodox Church?
he was a nazbol party leader, so something like both
he is antiglobalist and anticomsopolitan
yes, he is an old believer
Ignore the man, focus on the book he coauthored with Russian Head of Defense. Spend 60 seconds just browsing the summary.
You will notice much of what he said Russia will do has already been accomplished. Half of it is plausible deniability bullshit.
Shills will focus on the man himself, not the foreign policy bible he wrote in cooperation with the Russian military leaders. This allows them to direct attention away from the fact the book is a step by step roadmap for Russian foreign policy that predicted the invasion of Georgia, Ukraine, Crimea, etc a decade before they happened.
Within the United States itself, there is a need for the Russian special services and their allies “to provoke all forms of instability and separatism within the borders of the United States (it is possible to make use of the political forces of Afro-American racists)” (p. 248). “It is especially important,” Dugin adds, “to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics…” (p. 367).
Nobody talks about him here because Sup Forums has been full of Kremlin shills for a while now.
He is a literal satanist who wants to bring about Russian domination of the world. He is to Putin what Rasputin was to Romanovs.
>Is he a communist or fascist?
He is a national bolshevik. He believes that culture should be modified based on the current circumstances. If capitalism is currently dominant, national bolsheviks will become capitalists. If fascism is, they become fascists etc.
According to him, the conception of a culture should be changed with every generation to avoid enemy infiltration.
That's why he's a nationalist and cultural Marxist at the same time. Richard Spencer, for example, is his guy. So is Tsipras.
literally this
He's a living meme.
He was raided often back in the day when newfags like you weren't so prevelant, now he is taken seriously a lot lot than he used to, often because many of his predictions actually happend.
He pretty much predicted the whole shtick with Syria, Third Wave Feminism etc.
He quit the show years ago but came back because of Trump.
He is the main driving force behind Putin. This is why he knew.
Russia was planning all this for decades.
He also controls the man who controls Erdogan. fucking 143d chess