>be Italy
>takes in hundreds of thousand muslim refugees every year
>no islamic attack
How do you explain it?
>be Italy
>takes in hundreds of thousand muslim refugees every year
>no islamic attack
How do you explain it?
Don't Italian residents and a less ample infrastructure dis incentivize long term refugee stays?
Just stationed in Naples, but it seems like the caribanary or whatever they're called don't give a fuck unless they have a reason to get tough. Probably beat a few mud slimes up and the rest fell in line.
I really got to believe our secret services are good
Or simply, aknowledge that, given the Italian mentality: a single terrorist attack-->Fascism
I really wish the rest of Europe shared that attitude. We need a general shift of politics to the right, otherwise we will not survive the current Islamic onslaught.
because they are just funnelled into germany and sweden
police is more skilled due to the years of lead , you should know that, we just have a better secret service
No benefits
They leave immediately for germany
There's nothing worth terrorizing in Italy
>Just stationed in Naples
do you still have your watch?
The problem is population=\=politics
Our electoral system do not allow a direct election (because MUH FASCISM) so generally politicians can do whatever they want almost without conseguencies
I can tell you that almost half of the Italian population would throw nig nogs in the fucking sea
They are importing niggers which are less likely to explode than Arabs, but far worse for the genepool.
They really know how to negotiate!
The mudshits look at their surroundings and don't realize they're in Europe yet.
Also better workers
Estimated between 400.000 and 700.000 nig slaves in the tomatoes fields in south italy, and when i say slaves I mean slaves for real
Most muslim refugees are perfectly normal people and the ones committing terrorist attacks are deliberately sent to the countries where they are able to do the most damage?
I just got off watch so I'm chillin right now in the barracks shitposting.
t. tanned french
>Most muslim refugees are perfectly normal people
Perhaps in their lands, but here their culture is incompatible with the West. Just look at the huge increase in crime and demands for gibs.
Already kebab territory
Pretty much this.
The whole nation is dissatisfied with its politicians, we are being devoured by the taxes, killed by our own clay (see the earthquake) and being also flooded with niggers (big cities like Rome aren't even Italian anymore).
So yeah, a terrorist attack would literally push us over the tipping point.
t. romanian immigrant
the eternal city has fallen. tortellini defeated after 2500 years
>hundreds of thousands
also captcha
>Fras Sicilia
Shit happens...
One of my best friend is from Romania
She qt and clever, /pol shouldn't Fall for the gyps meme
Rome is far from gone, still like 70% white
Also Roman people are hardcore fascists (Casapound)
Do Italians feel the same thing about WW2 than the Germans. Like the guilt etc. Just asking as im curious.
It's not a meme, bro.
After the war, we've been fucked in the ass by the commies and invaded by gypsies, which now are officially "Romanian"
It's pretty much what's gonna happen if the Ius Soli law passes in parliament: niggers and sand niggers are gonna have Italian citizenship.
Then, once they decide to migrate somewhere else and fuck/kill/steal whatever they wanna do, you're gonna read "Italian man rapes 6 year old girl" on the newspaper and see a dindu's face., the same way we read "Romanian" and see a gyps on the front page.
Are you mad twin towers boi
Good secret services + an attack could bring politicians to close borders, if not directly decided by them, by popular demand, meaning less chances to fuck up Europe. Sandnigs are stupid but not that much fratello mio
Mixed sentiments, as Italy is all but homogenous (hell, we're barely a nation at all).
But no, there isn't the same kind of guilt that Germans have, maybe because history professors in schools don't demonize him, altought they obviously can't praise him.
Because Italy IS africa. It's a case of non whites taking in non whites. They don't attack their own.
Not in the least, its not like we accomplished all that much. Yeah gassed some kike but it was mostly commie beating for us. Technically illegal to own any stuff relating Benito but know many (MANY) people owning gadgets of every kind, even worship rooms and uploading pics on kikebook. Some lefty gets angry but thats it.
And also, I'd imagine, because they can't blame Italy for (((war crimes)))
Cool so you're not German level cucked in that sense
>Home of the Italian mafia
Is illegal to hail Duce and our political system is by constitution antifascist, like the media
Still Italians are not germans, we are attached at our roots, and our roots are Roman and fascists
Il Duce is still popular both between the youth and the elders, you should do some research about it
They're still whiter then your average burger "white" citizen.
Totally not, most of my less cultured friends are nostalgics and have no fear to say it in public. Actually its commies that are scared to point out its illegal coz they might get beaten up.
Thats my area tho, dunno about others
Checked. Period stain strikes again.
Doesn't say much tho, desu, cause that's a really low criteria. We have one italian at the company over here as an intern, he's looks like a shitskin next to us.
We put him in a dark corner by himself, so we don't get infected with brown skin or something.
Muslim slaughtered tons of niggers in africa tho
Checkmate slav boi
Because nobody cares about Italy to the extent they would consider launching a terror attack against it.
ISIS actually keeps preaching that they're gonna take over Rome and the Vatican City, so...
Mate you're not white, everything you think is a checkmate is more like just a check, really.
>knows one italian from Trapani and thinks that's average pizza boi
only a desperate person would get to your country, hes probably a fake id turbonigger
Our ex President, Cossiga, said clearly that in the 70s we made a deal with palestinian terrorist organizations, the Lodo Moro.
According to this deal, islamic terrorists would not attack Italy, and in exchange we would let them import and move all around Europe men and weapons. All kind of weapons (once the police found a goddamn missile and were told to let it go).
This explains both why they don't attack us and why terrorists all over Europe always have full arsenals, from guns to bombs, despite the police checks.
lol you dumb motherfucker.
Italians are in my opinion just waiting for an excuse to go full fascist again and I think no one wants to give them one.
they send them north into germanic and scandinavian territories, italy is just a pit stop
Dunno, there are many criterias by which Slovenia is a much better country than Italy, including economical.
You turned into a nigger infested shitskin poverty shithole mate.
There are some whites in Italy, I suppose. Maybe one or two slovenes migrated to Italy? Although I don't understand why anyone would.
Guys, talking about being white or not to an Italian isn't gonna work nor is it gonna make any kind of contructive argument.
Mussolini himself knew this, as he never talked about an aryan race or a white race in Italy, but referred to Italians as "Razza Italica" (Italian race) since he knew Italians are racially different pretty much everywhere, from Sicily, to the south, the middle, the north and even Sardinia.
They are preparing and actually commit crimes
always darkest before the dawn user
a new day will rise for the West and all those who rally to her will make a brave new world for their children.
all it takes is a little bit of patience, and a whole lot of shitposting!
Rome will become muslim, muhammad said so
You're giving muslims too much credit, they're not capable of planning that far ahead.
They don't attack us because of the Lodo Moro. Google it.
I guess terrorist follow the
>Don't shit were you eat
Mafia effects; a specification of "Heterogony of ends" our superior Political Science developed from Machiavelli to Fascism.
1 Mafia patrols her spaces, so if a nigger want to make a mess, they will make a mess with his face first.
2 Police and services are high skilled and well-trained.
> Still Italians are not germans, we are attached at our roots, and our roots are Roman and fascists
It's quite different actually. Italian political system was quite permissive and still today respect all opinions - that's why we have the freedom to remember to Mrs Boldrini how much cagna laida she is.
I can assure you that if the government had adopted clubbing neo-fascists into the face policy as they do in Germany, Casapound wouldn't be do the galletto so much.
They don't attack you despite being white you still look brown to them. They automatically assume you're a shitskin just like them. They only attack white looking whites not so much meds.
You really think they stay in your shithole?
They just are forced to travel to gibtrash to go to gibmoney
They are playing nice with Italy in order to connect to France, which has the nukes.
That's fine, you're useful for making cheap furniture for us. Once the cheap shit stops flowing, we will open foibe again.
Yes, this is exactly of the Mafia Politics works in practical situations.
yea maybe in your little bubble. in reality nobody is waiting for anything and nobody is doing anything. thus Italy sinks further into the shit.
Beautiful country with ignorant ways and people.
"Italy ain't white"
Ok with that
>freedom to remember to Mrs Boldrini how much cagna laida she is
All the bombs were pickpocketed
Time to boycott Italian tomatos.
You say that like it's a good thing? Are you stupid?
>implying they haven't been rampaging perpetually
you take in africans, not arabs. they don't do premeditation, they just ruin the things around them. I did a mediterranean cruise and they were begging in every fucking port city
you are probably buying ikea furniture at double price than original goy
always been easy to scam slav bois
Cagna laida
Fuck you piece of shit. I'm blonde with green eyes. You're probably an obese half black sack of shit. How many niggers and spics do you have? 40% of your population? 45%?
Because they're all headed north to Germany and France?
never fuck with your doorway country, funny how pol thinks muslims are stupid, this is all a part of their strategy designed many years ago
despite the fucking retards replying to you, i 100% agree.
too many people on this board are jerking themselves off over whether or not their "100% white pure aryan" and not fighting against the enemy outside.
probably done by our opposition to distract us
Same deal the government got for the troops in Afghanistan.
>Beautiful country with ignorant ways and people.
Any country is like that.
I bought a full leather triple set couch made in italy for a few grand two months ago. Such a couch will easily cost 6-8k if it was slovenian made. I personally love italy for these cheap products! Cheap and still okay, not total garbage like chinese. I guess you're marginally better than chinese.
lol, thats a spice reply amico mio
Not positive, still better that giving them fucking welfare
Also cheap superior tomatoes due to the free workforce
>history professors in schools don't demonize him
It heavily depends on the professor
My history professor in the last two years pretty much tried to talk about fascism and WW2 from a neutral point of view, neither demonizing nor praising (not even subtly) it, but I understand that I got really lucky.
mate you are a non country. why are you even talking?
Don't you have to fellate Jamal's cock before he fucks your wife?
>tfw i get those free since friend builds them
if you need more just let me know, will give you discount
>Time to boycott Italian tomatos.
>boycotting the best food from the best places
Your are free to enjoy the crappy tomatoes from Africa or central Europe.
Because "hundreds of thousand muslim refugees every year" keep on moving north/west.
Why are YOU even talking? The niggerrest of niggers in italy is whiter than your whitest. You fucking surprise bag of shitskin genes mut
I was in Italy last summer and they were easily the most red pilled people I encountered in Europe. I don't know anything of the politics, but the impression I got from everyday people was positive.
We got literaly concetration camps littered with over 60k of them.
Who knows how many more are around.
Simply put, they won't try to pull shit either here or in Italy because we're 'passage' countries. If checks and borders get serious here, it'll be so much harder for them to get to Germoney.
Why would they try to blow up their own bridge?
There is nothing to take in Italy anymore. Just rocks. Pretty rocks, mind you, but nothing much in them.
It's just a temporary stop as they make their way to the actual relevant countries
Hey, aren't you the country of that very funny comic? Slovenic Zizek? Is that guy, right?
Very funny guy my friend, I love it. I love your culture, my friend.
not really, everyone does ww2 at school 3 times (primary, middle, high) and i never had a straight kike supporter, nor know any who did. they just tell the story. maybe some lame tour to gas camps, but thats it
Are you close to Naples by chance? I know a guy who needs some chairs
nah m80 but I took one of your Italian women and made her my wife. +1 for the nords -1 for the gypo
Muslims don't bomb countries they already own.
sorry pham, brescia masterrace reporting in