ITT: American heroes

ITT: American heroes

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Serious answer




Quentin Tarantino?

One of the greatest presidents ever










The 4 officers who were doing there job and got caught doing it correctly. FUCK RODNEY KING



The fact that millions of people pretend to believe this makes me actually rage



I'll bite. Blowing up a bunch of innocent people doesn't denote "hero".

no such thing as an innocent fed

"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambition for his country, which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."

JFK - Prelude to Leadership pg 73-74


>Innocent people

Real quick

Who was that guy at paid people to crt Sup Forums??

>>>reddit pls leave

Leader of the notorious "Shadow Government"

I've watched all the interviews about George Rockwell, he was literally hitler but not in a racist way i mean he had all the leadership qualities and charisma. He was right about the commie jews funding the black power movement and he was sincere when talking about deporting blacks, you can't simply dump them you gotta build a proper settlement and train the niggers to actually run the place properly but nobody knew at the time the africans would fuck it up for everyone.

anyway george rockwell is recommended pill



he was a fag who blew up a daycare

Came here to post this

Wow shes hot. Id love to eat her pussy

I agree. But he probably didn't even kill anyone involved with rugby ridge or Waco. He single handedly stopped the uprise that was building up against the fed.


i wouldnt talk shit sweden. you might get hit.


So his answer was to blow up a bunch of office workers and kids?

You got me.


One of the greatest entrepreneurs in history.

Thanks user

Id smash your little shit colored face and turn it purple Tyrone






kys lolbertarian scum


this bloke

>american heroes
>post picture of someone who tried to destroy the USA


Problem with one of my heroes, Nigel?




He is smart as fuck. Wish I had the patience to read all his books cover to cover

what's the story with him?


God bless McVeigh

Literally Sup Forums incarnate

is Dan Burros, a Jew who joined the American Nazi Party and became a member of George Lincoln Rockwell's inner circle

is Eugene Debs, Socialist presidential candidate

is William Luther Pierce, author of the Turner Diaries

is Bo Gritz, Vietnam War veteran and Populist Party candidate for President. Was also a mediator in disputes between various militia groups and the U.S. Government.

is Willis Carto, supporter of Bo Gritz and George Wallace, leading Holocaust denier.

is William Dudley Pelley, founder of the Silver Shirts (American equivalent of the Nazi Brownshirts).

is E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine

is Revilo P. Oliver, rabid anti-Communist, also Holocaust denier


His only mistake was not liquidating all the prisoners.

Good one

Nigger plz go

Literally nigger-tier, I will personally execute him on the Day of the Rope if the Feds don't get around to doing it themselves.

Oh yeah and reminder that we need more men like McVeigh.

top notch



Fun fact, three of these guys had daughters and they all race mixed to get back at their dads for being spergs like this. Their mixed children were all beautiful

Nice try Shariablue

>McVeigh said that he had no knowledge that the federal offices also ran a daycare center on the second floor of the building, and that he might have chosen a different target if he had known about it.[49][50]

Vidal, Gore. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. pp. 1,81.

indeed friend I would love to put my penis in HER VAGINA - the female sexual organs that she has between her legs

>Dan Burros, a Jew who joined the American Nazi Party
I don't understand



His only mistake was not killing more prisoners.

What about Andrew Joseph Stack III?

Fucking beats and a flat bill at a funeral what a nigger



why does Sup Forums instantly recognize that Hamas put their important shit by schools so they can whine to the media when the schools get hit but can't understand the Feds doing the exact same tactical placement with that cresh?


Ted Kaczynski

Why did he want to blow up the federal building? What made him want to attack the government? Just angry about Waco and Ruby Ridge?





They didn't know at first and he eventually left the party to do other political work. He hated Jews and was mentally unstable. He killed himself after the NY Times revealed his Jewish heritage.

Oddly enough....


Is that fucking faux zebra skin lining at the top of that photo? Fuckin KANGZ.

Fuck right the hell off..

I shared a lot of his sentiment over what was going on in the world. But what he did can not be excused. My wife is always on my ass about going to the memorial park. I don't need some fucking statue to remind me of that week.

I was a county deputy that handled narcotics K9s. The call went out that they needed dog boots at the scene, as the SAR dogs' feet were getting rekt. I had several pair, so I made the drive. A lot of the dog handlers had more than one dog, so I was conscripted to help in the search. I found an ear in the first hour or so. It wasn't an adult's ear. It looked about doll size. Around day three or four, the smell was evident. A couple of days later, it would knock your hat off. Every time you little shitstains hold that dick up as a hero, I think of the body parts I recovered. Unless the fucking gov't is conscripting goddamn four year olds, they were innocent.

So, fucktard, he managed to kill a bunch of kids, secretaries, a few agents, and the fucking militia movement in one fell swoop.

Zimzam based af