I have a massive fear of flying on planes
My fear has really hurt my dreams of travelling
Can you drop redpills on commercial aircraft to make me aware my fear is irrational?
I have a massive fear of flying on planes
My fear has really hurt my dreams of travelling
Can you drop redpills on commercial aircraft to make me aware my fear is irrational?
safest mode of travel
planes were invented by the jew to support global travel for multiculturalism and blast your nuts with radiation to lower the IQ of your children
This, you are more likely to get killed by a teenage girl texting while driving.
so basically you need to live in terror of eating, bathing and leaving the house at all instead
It's more dangerous to ride the bus.
let's hope nobody posts that meat locker webm. in here...
You're being a faggot, stop it
Its not planes that scare me but the filthy fucking savages you encounter on them and can't escape until you land.
it's completely safe
I hear you OP, I only fly intercontinental
if there's an option to drive I'll take it
I am a safety engineer for airplanes.
Don't fly if you cherish your life.
Nothing is 100% safe but flying is the one of the safest ways to travel. You're more likely to die driving to the airport.
I could tell you about the statistics of travel related deaths to soothe you, or simply tell you this:
First time I "had to" fly with a plane I nearly panicked and had to use sedatives (something lax, but not MJ).
When I sat in the plane I actually expected to die of fear when starting and lifitng off, but it actually felt kinda fun, like sitting in a rocket car (sorry for the allegory, but I was 14 at the time so that is how I remember it).
You're also up so high your brain can't even comprehend the height when looking outside the window.
On the last day of the holidays I was actually looking forward to fly back home as I genuinely felt it to be a nice experience.
TL;DR: excruciating fear flying the first time, now I actually appreciate flying
You could just catch a bus or a train and travel around like that. Or learn to fly in a single seat helicopter. No passengers, no worries.
Its the safest form of travel because only the two most qualified people out of 200-350 are allowed near the steering wheel. That and they have heavy maintenance cycle.
I build airplanes, btw.
> fly in a single seat helicopter
I wouldn't do that even to escape a war zone. Fuck that.
If you die it will be fast and painless. Especially if you dose yourself with sleeping pills ahead of time.
Yes, it's claustrophobia brought on by not being able to escape the guy that smells like sandwich meat or the kids kicking your seat. Also the composition of the air is different. The lack of CO2 (yes CO2) makes you breathe harder than normal. This can trigger panic attacks.
> that Dreamliner being flown by women in Middle East
> American airlines still use shitty 737s and 777s
And this is why you should check your blind spots when changing lanes.
Also everyone in this accident survived, a few with only minor injuries from broken glass and stuff.
Lol just fucking with you, OP.
Every form of transportation has some risk. Flying is a relatively safe mode of travel because there isn't anything to run into in the sky. You don't have to worry about collisions with other drivers. Planes have multiple engines and can lose several of them and still be capable of flight. And if the plane suffers some total failure and wrecks, at least you get a pretty cool death out of it.
That's not really the right way to look at the issue.
No, you're not likely to die in a plane wreck, but you still might.
The point is that you shouldn't be afraid of death itself. Death is simply a phase-shift from life, one which probably doesn't actually matter much in existential terms.
Once you come to understand this, you won't worry so much anymore, about anything.
Now is not the time for fear, Ameri-bro.
That will come later.
It is rational, but rare. Yolo.
Flight Instructor here.
You should consider taking flight lessons. I have a few students who don't what to actually get their pilots license, but fear flying and want to overcome it. Many Instructors will develop a lesson plan that addresses your fears.
Life is a giant self fulfilling prophecy op. You just put yourself in a timeline where you will die on an airplane. We always die to our fears, especially if we change our plans early on. In my opinion don't fly, ever. Unless you want to die in a fiery crash. It would be shitty, standard airplane take 5-7 minutes before they hit the ground. It's lots of turbulence, screaming, oxygen masks, seems like a giant shit show. Enjoy your last moments on any flight you take.
don't worry senpai
believe in the safest transport meme
>car accident fatality rate: plane crash fatality rate: >99%
If you believe statistics, you are more likely to die falling of a bed then travelling by plane. Get a Samsung VR set and chill it works.
A passenger jet engine is basically one moving part inside a tube. Literally nothing can go wrong with it.
The wings are so strong that you could bend them to a 30 degree angle and they would still remain attached to the body.
At the kinds of speeds at which a passenger jet flies, the amount of molecules that envelops the airplane is so high that the airplane is basically swimming and the air clutches the airplane strongly and safely.
You can't hit anything because it's just air.
It's really safe.
ask your doctor for an anxiolytic drug like xanax or klonopin to ease your fear or flying
The gas which helps to operate the aircraft is incapable of liquefying steel members
OP I actually have a severe anxiety disorder that was brought out by marijuana
I currently don't take any meds for it
Is there a way to simulate the air conditions on a plane before actually getting on one to know what it's like?
Frown.... Turning to fucking pills for anything. This is why the world is fucking shit. Grow some fucking balls you faggot op. Get on the fucking plane you fucking little bitch.
most cancerous mode of travel
Yes, sit on your sofa for an hour and turn on the dehumidifier and AC so it's a little dry and cold. You're allowed to wear a sweater if you want to. As a bonus, the noise of the dehumidifier can simulate the sound of the engines. Congrats. You are now trained to ride on a plane.
I have absolutely no fucking idea what that guy is talking about with the CO2 shit. I mean, that may well be true, but it's not noticeable. Plane air feels the same as regular air.
It's like riding a noisier bus with no stops or starts and a lot less bumpity-bumping from the road.
Haha cucked losers still ride the flying jew
My parents used to travel like crazy when i was a child, the humming sound inside was comfy, and you get these little cokes and plastic space food.
When i was 18+ i just took advantage of the free drinks when able.
Ps fuck you air malta.
I used to be afraid of flying. Then I saw Hillary Clinton was running for president and I realized that in comparison, flying wasn't that scary.
Best plane, fuck off.
Built by humans
Be very afraid
>signed, your friendly non flying Aerospace Engineer
I have a bit of a fear because I'm not in control. If I was flying the plane I'd be fine.
I guess putting the trust of my life into all the humans that built the plane with its insane amount of parts, how it literally expands during flight. All the pilots who might be having a bad day or whatever. The pleb crew that were too hung over and talking about the lastest episode of whatever to notice the frayed sensor that detected icing.
She's pretty safe mate. Happy travels.
Hey dumb shit, it's the difference between regional routes and heavy haulers
We can't. I had a phobia of spiders. It's literally impossible to convince you, using logic, because your fears aren't based in logic.
Only way to overcome your fear is to fly, and when you do it for the first time you will feel horrible and sick, but you have to do it to overcome it. And when you do it, you have to do it BIGLY, don't book a 2 hour flight to Florida or some shit, book a 10 hour flight to Europe.
Search for Air Crash Investigation on youtube my friend, all your fears will melt away
You're much more likely to die on the car ride to the airport than on a plane. Driving should scare you.
You're breathing pressurized recycled air that's been shared with a hundred disgusting randos.
You're at such high altitude that the view out the window doesn't look like much of anything. Your brain doesn't understand what it's looking at. Buildings are like tiny specks.
Takeoff is fun because you go like 300-400 mph and the plane starts shaking and then you go zooming up into the air. After that it's a few hours of sitting in a seat being bored.
Sometimes you get headaches from the pressure changes and your ears pop.
A cart comes down the aisle every once in a while to give you free water or soda.
When it's over you land and get out of the plane. You are now on the other side of the planet. Congratulations!
>And when you do it, you have to do it BIGLY, don't book a 2 hour flight to Florida or some shit, book a 10 hour flight to Europe.
surely easing my way into longer flights gradually would be better
try hypnosis before taking a flight, it won't solve your problem but it works as a patch
or you can tell your doctor and ask him to give you some knock out pills for the flight
>going to sleep to never wake up again
>missing out on all the screams and panic
>missing out on baneposting irl while the plane goes down
>surely easing my way into longer flights gradually would be better
My recommendation is to just go big from the start, but doing anything is better than doing nothing I guess, as long as you get to fly.
Take a vacation to one of those nordic countries Bernie Sanders loves so much, go skiing (or go learn to ski), explore and have fun.
I was planning on flying to california (7 hour flight)
there's a timeline where Farage died in the air crash, UK voted remain, and he never met Trump to give him cheat codes to the campaign
I get sick every time I fly.
I have narrow ear canals so when the plane is coming in to land I feel massive pressure in my head, my ears feel like they are being stabbed and I get the worst headaches imaginable.
It kinda sucks cause most my family lives in Australia and I cant even go and see them.
Nvm it's more like 200 mph
Scary af
the front hardly ever falls off
Just take a xanax.
People who are afraid of flying are merely control freaks.
Fuck. That's a mindfuck.
to exterminate human life, yes
Read the book of Black Box Transcripts.
Usual final words, 'NOOOOO!!!, 'SHIT', or 'Fuck!'
Pilot here.
It's very hard to crash airplanes these days. You almost have to be willfully negligent (see Africa air accidents). There are so many backups to almost every system it's to the point of being retardedly redundant. Most people get the fear from just not being in control, which is normal. Just look out the window in the backseat of a car and compare it to the view of the front. Same thing with airplanes.
If cars had blackboxes you would hear the same shit.
Not true fake news
You are more likely to survive a plane crash than an automobile crash.
I don't know man there's been a lot of airplane accidents the last few years.
That , and they pick up the fear from 9/11 and the missing planes.
As a pilot, what do you think happened to those missing Malaysians flights? Aliens? I ask because you're the expert
The plane basically flyes itself it's just the nigger pilots who can't make a propper landing that spook me.
Retards make the plane bounce 50 times on landing.
Nigga lose energy on final.
Science still cant explain how planes take off and stay up in the air.
If the laws of physics are used to calculate the situation, planes shouldnt be able to fly.
Planes somehow warp reality and therefore its impossible to calculate the necessary speed and environment that allows the plane to arrive.
Pilot intentionally crashed airplane into the sea.
>Finnish engineering
if that's the case, why would he fly it west of australia first? how did nobody stop him?
>muslim female Clarkson on the left
Top Gear with muzzies and planes? I don't think it'll work.
I used to be phobic as you too but because of my job I need to fly twice per week on average.
Few tips:
>Take as many flights as you can in Europe, North America, Australia, and eventually East Asia (they have more flights combined than whole Europe). Plane crash with fatalities in these regions are near zero for the last few years except for one or two "deliberate pranks"
>Did you know that there are about 70 malfunctions on average per flight? Some engineer working for Airbus told me so.
>Take flight lessons
>About 80-90% of crashes happen during take-off and landing, so you might simply get a spike of stress during these.
at least no one is shooting 20mm shells at you
Why are you pussies so scared of riding a goddamned plane?
Here is how to ride on a plane
>Step 1 buy the fucking ticket
>Step 2 get to the airport
>Step 3 get molested by TSA while Abdullah sneaks around the back
>Step 4 get on the fucking plane
>Step 5 land at where you wanna go
>Step 6 read about how Abdullah made the plane in the other terminal crash while you were completely safe
>Step 7 repeat.
A&P with IA here, also have a private pilot license for single engines.
Only time you should worry is when the Co-Pilot is female.
I get drunk before it seems to help with my anxiety
What could be safer than hurtling through the sky in a thin aluminium tube filled with explosive jet fuel & random strangers some of whom may try & kill you ?
Modern aircraft are made from composites which are much more resilient than you would think, jet fuel isn't explosive you can put a match out in JP5 along with many other fuels, vapors are though. Random strangers don't want to die either most likely and just want the asshole in front of them to not recline the seat back on them. Take-off and decent are your only worries at best unless you get stuck next to a stinky poo in loo.
i have been around the world 8 times.
and i feel you. The more I traveled on those fucking flying death traps. The more I disliked them
One time, going across the atlantic, one engine starts on fire.
They have to dive twice to put it out
i fucking HATE flying. But if you can get to point B from A, you can train, bus or whatever.
So if you hit the UK you can travel all the way to singapore by train.
No need to fly once you hit ANYWHERE in europe.
uhm 777 is by no means inferior to the 787, the 777 is just a little bit longer.
The 737 cant be compared to either since it is an Medium-haul plane, while 777 and 787 are Long-haul planes
>Sup Forums wants to go to space to gas xeno kikes
>is afraid of flying
Fuck me, his hair still gives me the creeps, but I love his music.
You are more likely to die a quick painless death while flying,
Compared to higher rates of disability, prolonged pain, or paying for damages while driving
Sit at the back, planes never reverse into things.
>aluminium tube
These "aluminium tubes" are among the most resilient material of our time
>filled with explosive jet fuel
Its not explosive
>random strangers some of whom may try & kill you
Those random strangers was checked before they enterd the plane, people on the streets are not
Air France Flight 447 did tho
They should be made out of the same material that black boxes are made from.
100k flights a day. And you worry yours might fall. Definition of madness.
Material that deforms itself is safer because it absorbs the power of an impact
Life is 100% fatal OP
But you will not die in an airplane crash.
Read Airframe by Michael Crichton.
Civil aviation technology is mature and incredibly robust, every time an accident happens, it's because of cheapo airlines and asshat crew members.
So long as you pick an airline that isn't shit tier, you couldn't be safer.
Of course the story is fictional, but it's grounded in reality and it contains some big fat red pills about news networks as well.
Yeah dude those things can just fall out of the sky.
From like miles up.
more people die each year from being kicked by donkeys then plane crashes
the controlled environment in the fuselage is a risk situation that could be exploited
turbulence or weather events can supposedly be artificially implemented onto a flight path
false flag events, drone flights such as nine eleven
skull penetration tech can divert thoughts, pilots included, into errors. Useful if a passenger/aircraft is a target
I'm terrified of flying and have to psych myself up before I get on the plane. I mostly think of the following:
>It's more dangerous to drive to the airport than fly
>When was the last time you heard of a commercial jet crash and how many flights have occurred safely since then?
>I'm flying a major airline with an excellent safety record and a pilot with thousands of hours of flight time. It's not like I'm flying a puddle jumper over the Himalayas on Air Yak.
>I know my fear is irrational, and I will not allow it to control me.