Ask a Turkish Nationalist anything

Ask a Turkish Nationalist anything.

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You brown?

Fuck off roach.

im a white dude with a ged

if i went to turkey would i be able to score a hot turkish chick

No, I have white-ish olive skin

referanduma ne diyeceksin

Why are you such a cuck? You do realize that Turks aren't really T*rks right? Your ancestors were forcefully converted to Islam and T*rkified, and now you worship their conquerors.

If a shit skinned K*rd farm animal broke down your door and fucked your mom in front of you you would probably declare yourself a K*rd lmao.

Depends. If you're not hideous you'd fuck a ton of Turkish girls. Our girls like to be seen as honorable virgins but that's not the case for most of the time. And they have a thing for foreigners.

What the fuck is a national turk?

Hayır diyorum kardeş. Mhpcuck değilim.

Nice try hewal

Stay in turkland and we'll be cool.


It's nationalism, but not white nationalism. We're Turanids my kike friend look it up

If I convert to Islam can I get Turkish waifu?

do they have the fat asses

redbull me on kurdistan please?

>Everyone who burns my ass is a K*rd.

Top kek. Enjoy worshipping steppe monkeys whose only contribution to humanity is yogurt.

Short answer is yes. You need to be circumcised too, consider it.

Do you support Erdogan?
Do you at all identify with muslims further south or east?
Do you miss the greatness of the Ottoman empire?

Give back hatay and we won't give k*rds independence

First i demand you hand over your basturma this instant!!!
Second how are turkish girls? In comparison to greek girls who are complete sluts. Are they fully westernized?

Already circumcised, once I convert what are the next steps to obtaining Turkish gf and then hopefully waifu?

Do you get insane wpm since you have two extra appendages?

Turkish nationalism is literally the most retarded wewuzism there is. Kill yourself bro

hello fellow nazi

When will you capture al bab?

Yeah but not all the time, not in the good way sometimes

K*rds want independency even though they were not capable of establishing a government, never in the history. They were always citizens of other states. As they stabbed us in the back when we were fighting our great Independence War, they are stabbing us from the back today. """K*rdistan"""" has a lot of k*rd population but many Turks/Turkmens live there too. TL;DR: K*rds are the niggers of Turkey and Arm*nians are our kikes.

Atsız babanın dediği gibi Türkün düşmanı çok. Sen hangisisin?

> (You)
>It's nationalism, but not white nationalism. We're Turanids my kike friend look it up
What is your agenda?


I do not support him. I don't like Arabs except a few. Ottomans were fine but Seljuks were a more Turkish empire. I miss the older days, Atilla, Genghis, Mete, etcetera.


It's all yours my friend :^) Turkish girls are mixed in this way, some are huge sluts and some are virginal. There are many differences when it comes to lifestyles.

If I knew I'd have a waifu kek. But probably you'd have it on easy mode since you're an American.

What are you saying my fellow Mongoloid

Hello gousin :D:D:DDD:DD

Heil my neighbour

Soon, partner. Hopefully soon.

>Atsız baba

Öff... Yürü F*cebook'a Çopur.

To unite all Turanids under one big glorious country. Probably not compatible with your agenda.

Hey bro is it fucked up to actually have more than 1 wife. Like let's say I'm a successful American with good money and I can support more than one wife it's totally cool for me to get married again? I mean Islam is pretty fucking awesome if I can do that. It's literally the ultimate red pill the men control everything and the women don't. Literally god tier.



Apologize for armenian genocide.

He can't apologize for something that didn't happen.

Thanks i give you some Μαστιχα in exchange :D

Good to see someone appreciating Islam. Maybe not for the right reasons but still good. It's the ultimate redpill. Coming to your question, you can get married to multiple women. In modern parts it's look down upon. People have one wife in modern parts of Turkey. But in non-modern parts, do it kek. Just beware of k*rds in non-modern parts

Come home greek man

How does it feel being a roach?

If you find your shithole of country this good, why do you all want to live in germany?

Whats it like supporting ISIS?

>Turkish Nationalist
sorry I only trust Mexican intellectuals

Can a foreigner join Turkish Army? Dağ inspired me to kill k*rts. If not can I join POLİS?

Found the roach!
Lookup the massacre of chios.
Islam is a plague, the turkish got cucked from the start

Polygamy is illegal here.

And in places it isn't, it is one of the worst things that can happen to people who browse Sup Forums. All women end up marrying Chads or becoming their concubines and never end up having to settle for betas.

This is idiotic. Why should anyone apologize for something other people have done?

Whats it like living in fear of stupid spirits like the rabbit lives his life in fear of the eagle?

You are no sportsman.
Doomed to walk to earth searching for a meager existence to which you could inflict you esoteric ganders of true being or lack thereof.


If something similar to a """genocide""" happened, it was all for the right reasons. Arm*nians who stabbed us from the back were wiped out. Nobody touched women and children though. Apologizing for that would be pure cuckery. That's why all I call the arm*nians the kikes of Caucasus. Because they really like to yell "MUH 6 MILLION" like their kin.

My bruh.

Enjoying Glendale Kronos Setrakian? Literally nobody cares about dead Armenians. Greeks and Turks have been at each others throats for a while, with massacres on both sides, but Armenians are literally Jews in everything but religion.

Bro I ask you because Turkish Islam is the way I think Islam should be regarded. Turks have a different way of looking at things. I used to think like the typical westerner. Talking shit about Muslims and Islam, but then I realized they don't back down from anyone. Currently Europeans can't even get a grip on their women and they dare criticize a religion that gives all that control and more. Sounds fucking retarded to me atleast now it does. It's like we are being offered a golden ticket to control, yet everyone fights against it.

I agree desu, whole reason Islam in Turkey is how it should be is because they had a Renaissance (Atatürk, Kemalism, Tanzimat). Ar*ps never had one, thus they're basically monkeys.

hey man leave those runes alone, you can't use them its cultural appropriation

Okay if you give up on baklava :D:DD

Ask yourself, negroid

Better life conditions. Money. Aryan chicks.

Ask our glorious leader kek

I always kek at this

Don't know, need to ask. Try it though. Kill k*rds

While denial of genocide isn't really admirable, I admire your nationalism and wish you well with the immigration issues of radical muslims in the future.

But, I gotta ask, why are your youths so often such unnecessary cunts to Australians?
I don't know if most of it is just lengthy, flinch-inducing ""trolling"" or if your youth genuinely hates us for winning a battle against us a century ago?

But if you admit that germany is better than turkey, would being a turkish nationalist kind of, you know, stupid?

Why is your fellow countrymen so stupid?

Can you come pick up your Turks here since your country is that much better?

We have a fucking colony here now.

East Turkey/k*rds lower that score, like how niggers raise our obesity rates.

Do you need a concealed carry license to purchase bug spray?

Yeah I bet their IQ will raise to 150 when they get rid of kurds.

I think the same too. Have you read the Quran?

True. Ar*bs just corrupt the religion more and more. They even justify major crimes. Of course Islam is not that.

It's Göktürk runes though. Look it up mate

Thanks. I don't know about there but here we are neutral to Australians. Even Atatürk said something like "ANZAKs who died here are now our brothers". I don't know the Turkish youth you're talking about mate.

Conditions =/= history, culture, people, ...

Thank mr kike

Yeah I know, I've been to Rotterdam. As a tourist though. Place were crawling with our people

When are you taking this fat sack of mudslime back to Turkey?

True that

Enjoy your crime rates

k*rds are stupid because inbreeding is so common amongst them. It's a miracle they can even breathe. And a standard k*rd gets several wives and 10+ children from them. Disgusting.

"...exalting one nation above all others..."
If you admit that you country is a islamic shithole and that you dont want to live there, that makes is contradictory to be a nationalist.

But you are a turk. You wont ever understand this. You are proving the world another time that you all should be gassed.

why are all your daughters in north america huge sluts? there was a girl in my culinary arts college who seriously fucked 90% of the dudes in our program, and she was fucking turkish

I want to better my country. In history we lived in great conditions. An android like you wouldn't understand how people can admit their countries are shitholes and can be nationalists. Our aim is to make our country the greatest.

Probably because all the men in Turkey are shitskins

Most of the interactions that abide by my statement's proof are online, so this is why they seem absurd, but also being online brings out the hidden agendas of people.
I have personally met Turks in real life but none have been explicitly offensive to me for being Australian.
However, others related to me have, and although they're experiencing city immigrants expected to be scum, they're annoyingly persistent in their nationalistic hatred of Australians, and are of course, often Muslim.

I've had a few bait me continuously that my grandfathers were anally fucked by their elders' big guns and that they were pussies who couldn't out-play a grandma in combat.
Unfortunately, this means my mates have a hatred flourished for the Turkish too.

Whats it like living in a country named after a flightless overweight bird that routinely gets eaten worldwide?

I see what you are doing there. You precious country i going be saudi arabia 2.0 in few years. If you want to make your country better, start voting gainst your "president".

Are Turks white?

Was the ultimate redpill for me but moat of our girls are fucking slutty. All women are fucking slutty but when it comes to Turkish girls, it's on another level. Because they were controlled and made repress their sexuality, they become horny ticking bombs that can explode at any time. I know a virgin girl. At the right time, a guy fucked her and it was a ONS. She says he didn't penetrate her but I know she at least gave him a blowjob. ""Virgins"". All women are like that.

Turks are not like Saudis and never will be. Instead of speaking out of your ass do some research into Ottoman history. Turks are wayyyyyy more organized than Arabs it's one of the reasons they held so much land at one point. Erdogan knows how to play the name of the game just like Putin and Trump. Turks are by far the most advanced Islamic civilization others should strive to be like that.

Why are Turks so nationalists?

hey, I'd like to order a kebab with fries, how long it will take?

Wow I didn't know. Aussie hate is not a thing here. See;

>In 1934 Atatürk wrote a tribute to the ANZACs killed at Gallipoli:

>"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives... You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side now here in this country of ours... you, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land. They have become our sons as well."

Actually turkeys were named after Turks, like "the Turks' bird" because it came from these places.

You have a point. I always voted against him.

We are Turanids, means we have Mongoloid ancestry and also had relations with whites. People seem white here, if you ask this. But not blue-eyed-blonde-haired Aryan white.

Yet your education system is Africa tier and you have the lowest PISA scores.

They arent more organized, or "better" than arabs. The majority of the people of this countrys following a dump ideology named islam. Atatürk did great in banning this shit, but now it returns and will move turkey back to stoneage. Seen in afghanistan before.

Erdogan just plays the religion card. Not more. And this for the sorrow of all the normal people living there. I feeld bad for themd, i wish we could exchange sandniggers and arabs for western turks. Would be a win win situation.

Just because people in your nation all have political agendas does not mean others do.

>not even once

Blue eyed Blonde haired are not white
They are snowniggers
Pretty much only the Europeans below the Rhine are white

Because after Islam, it's our most valued thing.

Then i may have done bad to you. The most turkish "nationalists" i know rioting in german tows while crying for islam and erdogan, but refusing to live in turkey because social aid is better in germany.

You know that even though you hate Islam they still have better social construction in their society. Enjoy having women call you a devil just because your a white male. Because that's the sort of shit that happens here in America.

It happened shut up you know it.
And greeks didn't kill unarmed civilians, kidnapped boys and forced them to fight their own kind.
The chios massacre, started because a man from samos burned a turkish ship.
The sultan used this as an excuse to kill the chians who had good because of mastic gum. 50 thousand civillians, only children under 10 years old, and old women survived, even butchering infants.


But this shit dosnt happen here. Our society is great, excluding some shithole liberal centers in cologne, berlin and hamburg.

I never had anyone here seen blaming another people for being white. I live in rural western germany. You wont seen any people darker than light brown and the most of them are just normal turks.

I'm Armenian. What is your favorite music band? You cant say "System of a Down", they are objectively shit.

The first black man i seen whas a boy who lived some villages near me, but was just black. Not a nigger or something.

The first real nigger/niggerlike i have met was in the army. He called us "Weisbrot" "Toast" but he was okay. Was kicked out of army for smoking weed also.

Why did Sulieman and his 300,000 Roaches run away from 17,000 German Landsknecht at the Gates of Vienna but ze kiked up and defeated Kraut of today lowers his eyes from these subhumans?

Don't worry, I already have answer cunt.

do you agree with islam being the most valued thing?

My agenda is to get shekels.

Why won't you call Constantinople by its proper name?

> Nationalistic Turk
> Praises Islam
You do get that Islam is one of the main reasons why your country is turning more and more into shit, right?
The AKP thinks they are capable of being """smart""" enough to control all those batshit insane people, but it will bite them in the ass sooner or later, while all the progress will be lost over a few years.

Those people do not care for your country, and will only be on your sider as long as they are in no position to take over.

Syria should be an eye opener for you, if you think that mudshits are your friends.
They will creep slowly into higher positions and make sure that Islam gets stronger and stronger.

Dont fall for them Turk, because your country will fall with them.

Alpha af

That's okay bro. It's that way because most of the Turkish nationalists are cucks now. Also, Turks who live there are different than Turks who live here.

It's all speculation. Greeks wouldn't be at war with us if Eternal Anglo didn't provoke them to do so.

Hahah yeah they're shit. I don't have a favorite band I listen to many genres. But I really like Motörhead.

Yes. Even though some people wouldn't call me ((a real nationalist)) because of that.

Kek I respect the honesty.

Now it's Turkland.

This guy gets it.

I only believe in the religion, not in political Islam. Erdoğan got in the bed with all the troublesome "muslims", I admit it. Those ""Islamists"" even attempted a coup and ISIS is now turning against Erdoğan. Ar*bs were never our friends. They're just vulgar traitors who use the religion in favor of them.

Where does the name Turkey come from? Why is your country names after a fat flightless bird?