And they end up being red pilled.
And they end up being red pilled.
Too bad supporting Trump isn't red pilled in the least lel
Neither is racism tbqh, since it was just a blue pill of sorts to keep poor whites from working with the poor blacks against their rich masters.
>"Oh yes of course you're superior to them even though you're just about as poor! They'll fuck your wives and daughters if you mess up the status quo. We're obviously on your side, we just were a bit luckier is all. If you work hard you could become rich like us! But you can't interact with those damn niggers no matter what or else you won't.
please ram you communist garbage up your ass and shoot yourself you fucking loser.
Look, one of the shills lol. GTFB to plebbit
you have to go back
How many you recon have taken the black pill and ended it because of how much of their life is invested in being blue?
you can only hope millions of bluepilled queers end themselves, its already nice that most libs never have kids let alone white kids, meanwhile rural christian whites have 8+ kids so hopefully they just sink into obscurity after awhile.
>Also if you dare work with those poor blacks you're a cuck and a race traitor. You're all incredibly poor but at least you're not a nigger, right? Stay redpilled™ my white brothers, I have to head back to the plantation to count my earnings from this year's yields.
(((Class warfare))) is blue pill 101, friendo.
You know they can use the internet to learn about evolution and carbon dating, right?
Yes, and learn from great reputable sites like
I thought the Jews were supposed to be the rich ones, why would they want class warfare?
>History is redpilled, Rich southern plantation owners absolutely did not prevent uprisings by the destitute share croppers working their fields (particularly after the civil war) by fracturing them using racial fears to scare
poor whites
you literally sound like you are regurgitating some sociologists theory that you heard on a kkk/jim crow documentary.
you commies, always have to copy what you see on TV its fucking pathetic
once again, please ram you communist garbage up your ass and shoot yourself you fucking loser.
INSTANT shill post
FULL of fallacies
w e w
I simply got a wider selection of memes than you lel
Are you saying the origins of racism in the US (particularly the deep south) were completely organic and there was nothing in the least engineered about it? Particularly given the use of slaves by rich land owners really fucked over the poor whites, who were themselves farmers, a situation the landowners were fully cognizant of. Really?
Call it whatever you like, racism is a fantastical tool in the blue pilling kit. There's nothing more distracting for fucktards than easily directed hate, and distraction is pretty damn useful.
These globalist fucks can only call their shills nerd virgins for so long before they start demanding more red pill inoculating dollars.
i know right its like fucking clockwork
Name all of them, help me improve my script. (I'll even cut you in on some of these Soros™ bucks, low key)
They pay me in Trumpcoin, to make it really ironic.
>everyone who doesn't tow the pol approved line™ is a shill
>Pol is not one person
Choose wisely, cuckerino.
you must think you are the smartest person in the room wherever you go but you are not, i like how your borderline schizo mind is implying that planter class had some kind of Machiavellian urge to stir up the plebs, its really fucking comical.
what even funnier is how you are "double sage"ing yet you keep posting pics, you really are hat fucking dumb.ill remind you again homo, please ram you communist garbage up your ass and shoot yourself you fucking loser.
please ram you communist garbage up your ass and shoot yourself you fucking loser.
>If a poster wrote something close to “X,” we were supposed to respond with something close to “Y.” “You have to mix it up a bit, though,” said my trainer. “Otherwise it gets too obvious. Learn to use a thesaurus.” This section also contained a number of hints for de-railing conversations that went too far away from what we were attempting. These strategies included various forms of personal attacks, complaining to the forum moderators, smearing the characters of our opponents, using images and icons effectively, and even dragging the tone of the conversation down with sexual innuendo, links to pornography, or other such things. “Sometimes we have to fight dirty,” or trainer told us. “Our opponents don’t hesitate to, so we can’t either.”
>At first, like I said, my job was “meme-patrol.” This was pretty simple and repetitive; it involved countering memes and introducing new memes, and didn’t demand much in-depth knowledge of the subject. Mostly just repetitive posting based on the dialogue pairs in the “Strat” section of the first binder. A lot of my job was de-railing and spamming threads that didn’t go our way, or making accusations of racism and anti-Semitism. Sometimes I had to simply lie and claim a poster said something or did something “in another thread” they really hadn’t said or done I felt bad about this…but in the end I felt worse about the possibility of losing the first job I’d been able to get since losing my “real” job.
You can not piss in an ocean of piss and expect it to change lol
Not in the least m80. I'm saying the rich came land owning class came together and very astutely worked to prevent the uprisings of plebs that have afflicted societies with extreme wealth disparity since antiquity. People living in shitty conditions tend to rebel, regardless of the skin tone of their landlords, especially if there's a lot of them. Even more so if your actions have reduced them to share cropping on your estate because they can't compete. (Particularly in cash crop production, like sugar or cotton)
Hence, you fracture them. Enter: racism. It was that easy.
Don't have an anureism user, I merely am a humble meme peddler. There is much more triggering than you can understand in store, for all of you.
Perhaps if you can't see reason, you will see that kek smiles upon me?
Its still comical that you think posting images with your posts are sage posts, anyway your class warfare shit is uber-bluepill, you CTR queers need to fuck off, this will be my last reply to your bait non-arguements, ill just keep bumping with redpills in the meantime.
heres a (you) dont spend it all in one place.
Even in their attempts to disrupt/divide they end up giving us useful meme material.
We should hijack the Feminist Birdbrain.
Misandry Magpie
Doublespeak Dove
Feminist Finch
Gynosentry Grossbeak (too high on power level, I know)
Just attach the bird to pictures of stereotypical feminist stupidity/hypocrisy.
(I'm not actually saging, but that's OK)
Go as full autist as you like, just remember that the ultimate blue pill really is to keep you divided and fighting against phantom enemies.
>Spergouts here totally matter. You and your opinions definitely matter. All lives matter and all that shit.
Blue pilled cuck, the Jews are totally the reason that Tyrone is fucking your girl. Absolutely.
I've said my piece and collected my lels, have a nice life full of hate and always feeling inadequate despite your "racial superiority". The thread is yours.
It must suck being exposed the moment they are deployed to "subvert" an enemy. It really couldn't be more obvious. Failed mission from the beginning.
ha ha looks at my chris farley meme guys i know what im talking about true fourchin oldfag here
zulu were okay just a primitive civilization that was on the rise into something more
>paid to hangout on bored of people you disgree with and posting madame president threads 24/7 7 days/week
>not a shill
Wew lad, really made me ctr
#SWNDUpilling is BoG-tier/10
Trump's in his White House
All's right with the World
>butt cheeks:
CNN went full retard after Trump called them fake news. They actually equate it to being called a nigger lol.
>mfw they don't realise that once you take the red pill there's no going back
Not even memeing, you're literally wasting money on a shilling budget
>muh class struggle
You have to go back
Retarded commie
This board is not even remotely as intelligent as most people on here seem to think. The only people who might be impressed are edgy teens with no life experience or basic grasp of history and world events.
nice bait nigga
I've seriously had enough of this shit. How much do they get paid by Shariablue for fuck's sake, I don't even know what to add to my filter at this point. Right after we deport all the spics and arabs we better start killing the kikes too
kek mocks you with that near miss. fuck off.
lol i noticed that too
So, who is paying these alleged shills to post through the middle of the night (U.S. time)?
you tell us you shill
heres another (you) for you faggot
look at what happened in russia, they ended up at the top and controlled all the wealth.
doesn't get shared if it's controlled by the merchant.
Surely you must have some ideas? Redpill me so I too can be woke like you supremely enlightened ones.
t. Strawman.
>They aren't aware of the radicalizing effect shilling and trolling has
CTR, JIDF, and SVR are so god damn dumb
>class warfare
Fucking hell not this shit again
i know right its like adding gas to a fire
CTR and their ilk couldn't be anymore stupid
>Can't take the redpill.
It's not called Cancer for nothing. You could see it happening with CTR trolls during the election. This place is mental radiation poisoning. By the time your fingernails start falling out, it's way to late.
I really don't understand why shills would come to this cesspool. They're not going to change anyone's mind. They're pissing in a sea of piss.
>the use of slaves by rich land owners really fucked over the poor whites
Do you realize that 38th that one phrase you're trying to compress nearly two hundred years of some of the most dramatic and rapid economic and demographic and economic expansion in the history of the world? Are you just dishonest or just a complete fool? I suppose you could be both, but I'm lending you the benefit of doubt.