Why does he keep doing it?

Why does he keep doing it?

>ur fuckin ded kid

Because he's a real man with a real man shake

Because the Trumpshake is supposed to come off as a sign of dominance. That might work in the business world, but in the world of diplomacy, it does the opposite.

its a power move. trump is oldschool

that was awesome

meem off tard ass

Because he spent the last 40 years of his life being in the public spotlight.

How many photos have you seen of Donald Trump shaking someone's hand? You know it's not just a quick handshake, they stand there and give an extended handshake, allowing Cameras enough time to get multiple shots in.

Trump goes in for the Handshake, the cameras start flashing and clicking, and then Trump slips into his "present an image for the media" mode. Old Habits die hard.

haha he is such a goofball, our trump

He probably received dominance lessons by a pseudo business relation coach. This is the usual shit you would see amongst top executives of any big corporation. Trump is not a politician, he rely on techniques from the corporate/entertainment world. He reminds me il cavaliere.

Because it's a sort of a game among politicians, they always try to take the upperhand to assert dominance.
Trump bypassed this, he let them grab his hand, they are happy, and then he do his weird handshake to show how superior he is, and they can't do a goddamn thing about it.

>beta wondering about alpha behavior
You will never understand. Just stop thinking about it and focus on improving your lisp and tightening your skinny jeans.

stop trying to seem relevant

He sucks at shaking hands, simple as that.

Back in the day on Howard Stern, he talked about how he's a germaphobe and never shakes hands when he can avoid it. But then he became president. So overnight he's gone from almost never shaking hands, to shaking hands all the fucking time on camera. Of course he's gonna look like an clumsy fuck.

Lets his competition/enemy think they are in control by letting them have the upper-hand in a handshake. Then he grasps their hand firmly and pulls it towards him to show that he's the superior one.

Small penis, obviously. A compensatory technique.

Exactly. It fails to make a connection and build rapport. It's just annoying and embarrassing.

If you shake hands correctly he wouldn't be able to pull your arm. He's just showing that politicians are limp wristed faggots.


He only does it to men he perceives as weaker, when he came against real alphas like Justin Trudeau and Barack Obama he didn't do that crap.

I frickin love it.

>That might work in the business world, but in the world of diplomacy, it does the opposite.
Sure about that, Jose?

>billionaire businessman who wrote The Art of the Deal sucks at shaking hands
Think about what you're saying before you post

Has Germany forgotten what a man in charge looks like?

the ways of men must not be lost :(

You should bend over and stretch your ass cheeks apart for Drumpf while your at it.

ultra alpha 80s power handshake, nu-male politicians can't handle trumps girth

He's deeply insecure.


When you're a man you'll figure it out mate.

Showing who's the boss. Look at the people who shake hands with him. They just keep forcing that beta smile.

Im lookint forward to Trump Putin handshake almost as mush as to McGregor vs Mayweather.

They should charge it.

Early stages of dementia, the same reason he has to vocabulary of an 8 year old.

He's trying to shake, but he pulls instead, because his brain is literally wasting away inside his skull and wires are getting crossed.

Oh, dis gon be great. The final battle of two high-energy presidents

Because he can tbqhf

The handshake the led to Trump's downfall

Because hes autistic and can't easily read cues, thus he believes this is appropriate. Hence, his handshakes are excessive, a classic sign of people on the spectrum who struggle with moderating their own behavior.

He also shows signs of a low threshold for stimuli that agitates him or does not go his way. He has admitted to having OCD tendencies, can only process information in the most literal sense, and only interested in things he likes and that fit within his rigid world view.

it's going to be a dillon and dutch handshake

It's called body language.

He has to make up for the fact he has small hands.


this. he's a businessman after all

>Dahnald...you are no match for me, I got the cuck powers!

That is pure autism.

Jesus christ that looks stupid.

Oh America, what have you done!

because he thinks it makes him more macho and dominant.

Really he looks like a douche. A firm handshake is good. Suddenly jerking to pull the person closer unexpectedly to make the other guy look bad and make himself look "strong" is just insecurity.