>biggest natural resource source in the world
>people of this country are still poor as fuck
explain this bullshit, Sup Forums
>biggest natural resource source in the world
>people of this country are still poor as fuck
explain this bullshit, Sup Forums
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Slavs aren't white
I shouldn't have to explain this type of stuff to you Poland wtf.
It's a god damn forest 95% of the time. Logistic costs to get the shit out of the ground are enormous there. Also it's frozen most of the time.
Russians are basically niggers.
they ain't poor, they just ain't rich, you jew lovers need to understand that
they're just waiting for the petrol dollar to collapse
Russia has less people than Bangladesh and Indonesia.
Sanctions and bad government. No one trusts them since the Soviet Era, no one wants shit from them, and they fell to feudalism after the fall and haven't worked out a better system since.
Communism changed the way they think. They don't care about starting businesses. Plus it's fucking cold.
>5th water richest country in Europe
>no tap water
Explain this bullshit?
I agree, Russia is not that poor. It's a heaven compared to shitholes in Africa and Asia (except Japan and Korea).
Why do you think Poland is poor too? Massive corruption, that's why, an average Russian doesn't see much profits from these resources.
Transportation costs. Waterways almost absent. If you knew shit about Geopolitics you'd know that coastal areas are always more prosperous and that water transportation is the cheapest.
Cleptocracy. High infrastructure costs. Most of the resources and capital belong de-facto to a group of people at the top.
> no oil
> 50% muslim
Corrupt as fuck
You what, m8? Rivers are still used for transportation.
This. And the fact that no one wants to invest since Magnitskiy case.
They build their cannels, but it's too expensive and the water around petersburg freeze anyway every winter
Communism never works.
Let me give you a rundown on the NWO plan
>russian will become the biggest fertile land in a few hundred years due to global warming.
>china is fucked either way, NWO are using them as economic termites, but will be disposed off when needed.
>MSM is pushing the "russia is bad" narrative, NWO media owners and corporations.
>in the mean time being all "friends" with china while they weaken us economically
Russia is the price in all of this.
The nwo and china are the real enemies here.
Quality of life is irrelevant as long as the Army and the State are well funded and stronk.
That is their way of thinking.
but compared to russia polan is first world country.
even fucking romanians have better standards than most of russia.
Your country is a shithole too.
No. Russia and Poland are around the same level. Both are 2nd world countries.
>Using this logic
Well why do you think most countries with many resources are poor? Look at South America and Africa.
European countries usually don't have many resources, still they're not poor, just like Korea and Japan.
Oh, you meant seaways, not waterways. Also, all resources are in Siberia tho.
This is how it really looks like.
And I wouldn't have it any other way. Fuck off we're full.
Corruption is a much bigger problem there. Here the West tried to implement something at least resembling republican institutions, in Russia looting went on undisturbed and sometimes even abetted.
are they black or yellow?
i don't really know if you're serious, or just aussie. in some part of russia people are hunting for food in woods, and random big cities in poland have better standards of living than moscow.
o yeah, the NWO obviously wants to wipe out russia now, nuking it will accelerate the defrosting, so they can take ownership now and in the next 300 years, what used to be Russia will be their future "atlantis"
they have a similar plan with antartida, first impact kinda scenario.
>Well why do you think most countries with many resources are poor? Look at South America and Africa.
They are niggers just like Russians are.
People will say
but Russia actually had a larger GDP under the USSR.
The real answer is shitty government institutions that are mired in corruption and discourage investment by design (gotta get that money flowing to the oligarchs, not some random dude).
All that disbanding the USSR did was allow for hideous capital flight.
If Poland is so great, why do Poles flood Western Europe to clean toilets?
It's both. Also it's a different Dane.
Look, if you're not smart enough to understand Russia simply don't talk about it. For what they actually are the Russian system is an amazing system, with some decentralisation it would be perfect.
Basically, plus there is no way to get people to live somewhere where it's either expensive or unfeasible to get people or goods in and out of.
If the trans Siberian railway Was 4 laned, actually a jet powered monorail and timed so well it's like a computer game, then we can talk. Until then, stop giving Russia shit.
Not really. Depends on the region.
i didn't said it's great, tho.
it should be obvious OP, Russia has foreseen the coming massive collapse of an unprecedented and global scale. A collapse so massive that it will change the lives of us all as we know it and will completely change the current geopolitical system. Now, look at Russia, look how much land there is, take a moment to consider how much natural resources are there, UNTAPPED natural resources that they are doing what with? Exactly, just sitting on, waiting, biding their time. When the collapse comes and utterly cripples everyone else, Russia will be left holding all the cards, after everyone else has folded
80% of the Russian population lives in the European part. Asian part is mostly frozen wasteland.
Oh, beklager meg.
Fucking communists.
Human Footprint, check this.
As anons previously explained it all boils down to transport costs. Bigger they are less it remains for capital accumulation that enables entrepreneurship.
USA has two coasts that are ice free all year round, navigable river in the middle of their country (Mississippi) and Great Plains, flat terrain that enables cheap connectivity of both ends of the country.
We spend all the oil money on army to kick everyones ass.
Meanwhile population of Moscow city is 12m people while population of the whole Australia is 23m
UK crypto-colony since 1917, ofc
Also, boland too
And temperature
Russia felt so huge. Russia has so many cultures for one country. Every place has his own community and culture. Unlike any western country. Traveling through Russia is awesome.
Slav(e)s cannot rule themselves. Look at the history of Russia:
>conquered and ruled by Huns
>conquered and ruled by Vikings
>conquered and ruled by Mongols
>ruled by successor Turko-Mongol Khanates
>brief period of Russian rule, Russian Empire is an impoverished shithole where everyone is illiterate
>ruled by Jews and Caucasians, Russia prospers for the first time in history and explores space
>Russians rule themselves again, Russia is a massive shithole again
When most of those resources are owned by private and state owned corporations not much of the wealth gets spread around.
That's just fancy word for private capitalism or state capitalism, which are not all that different from free-market capitalism when it comes to spreading the wealth. Literally every form of capitalism is about competing on who can amass the most resources, it's basically a race towards monopolies on certain fields. It's basically the complete opposite of sharing resources.
I think the most important point is that Russia is a federation with different culture and people that should not be part of same country. Russia needs to be highly centralized and dominating controlling state to keep different people that hate eachother together.
>Every place has his own community and culture. Unlike any western country.
You're retarded m8.
Ahahahahaha, that's a fucking good one Brazil.
Russia is still better than Brazil though.
Like EU?
>>brief period of Russian rule, Russian Empire is an impoverished shithole where everyone is illiterate
No i'm not. The Russian mentality is so different.
Australians are just prison apes that prison rape
White Russians are majority in both East and West. Only in some islamic regions like Chechnya, they are not majority.
This is true also. It puts enormous tension on the system and is the reason for Russian security services being so well-developed. I unironically think they have one of the best security traditions in the world actually, it goes way fucking back.
The elite steals everything that's bolted down or not, and the people are so bluepilled they think being poor is a badge of honor.
Ukraine is fertile as fuck but its still poor.You need people skilled in managing counties,something that Russia and most of post communist countries lack .
Not as much, EU was smart enough to demand countries to adopt a common value foundament before entering.
Like everywhere else tbf
I think he meant that Western countries have many cultures within themselves too. Even Netherlands are diverse.
>Russia needs to be highly centralized and dominating controlling state to keep different people that hate eachother together.
This is where Putin comes in.
But user,tey are already exploting those resources as much as they can.
compared to others 3rd world countries Russia isn't that bad.
There are 185 different etnic groups with a population over 100.000 in Russia. White russian can be over 100 of them.
Why do you even respond to him, it's always the same brazilian dude hating Slavs, he is in every thread regarding anything Slav-related.
Succes breeds jelousy,he is just jelous the he never had an empire.
Only Slav countries with history of being influential are:
And Bohemia to some extent
I'm speaking in dialect, i don speak Dutch at home. Imagine how that would be in the biggest country in the world. Shit is crazy.
criminals and ruling clique are rich af, sucks for the rest of them but that's what you get after systematically killing or driving off the best and brightest
there's also the fact that communism is a resilient mental disese that fucks up a nation for generations
It worked well in the russian good times (2000-2008) because the money could basically cover up all irritation, but now they need a strong internal security service to keep separtis down
Here's how I would classify people living in Russia:
Europeans: Ethnic Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Finnic people etc..
Asians: Native Siberians.
Neither or Both: Central Asians, Armenians, Georgians, Jews , Chechens, Tatars etc.
>post same threads for days
>can't even change proxy
explain shill
>they ain't poor
The ones in St Petersburgh and Moscow maybe...
Well, not quite. All the dialects of Russian language were almost extinct after 1960s. However there's a ton of other languages spoken in Russia. They are not official though. Only in National Republics.
The only ones that are more nigger than you. How the fuck do they manage to be so shit while living on the most fertile land of Europe?
+Tyumen oblast(biggest oil industry and reserves in Russia)
Only because oil was at high and Putin did not get all the resource and production companies to his friends yet
It's fucking freezing untamed forest, that's why.
Its because the imperialist west won't stop sabotaging the economy of Russia. Of course.
It's so African in many ways. The 'we wuz' country of white appearing humans.
But we actually wuz and still are.
>brazilian monkey
>says something about niggers
>most fertile land of Europe?
LOL.Most of our territory is ice desert.
If you force me to speak Dutch my culture isn't go away magically. I'm not going to speak Dutch in private with my family and friends.
It's like you are forced to speak Spanish because Trump told you so. Are you going to do that at home? To your mother? Fuck no. And that is culture.
Because we dont have a goverment with a little corruption, we have corruption with a little goverment.
They're unproductive sub humans, that's why.
We are subhumans as well. Australia is country founded by criminals.
I'm talking about Ukraina, retard.
Also, you have gas and oil which are very valuable.
Nonono, you don't understand. Ukrainians in Russia don't speak Ukrainian anymore for example. Even at home. The only difference between them and Russians is last names. It all happened due to urbanization mostly. And Soviet education.