I just applied to become a sperm donor. My lineage will continue but I will still be free to do as I please. Win-win.
Any arguments?
I just applied to become a sperm donor. My lineage will continue but I will still be free to do as I please. Win-win.
Any arguments?
>Any arguments?
No, congratulations on choosing the only rational option: yourself.
Congratulations. Now you're leaving an entire generation of women to be single and raise their children to be leftist shittards who hate themselves.
Crime will increase, and psychopathy and degeneracy will be more prevalent than ever.
Thanks user. Imagine if everyone did what you do.
This picture
But, your genetics are most likely going to be raised by a feminist
well done, you have just become a cryto-nigger
Did you make that? Oh my god
Its true
Young MGTOWs are virgin faggots, older MGTOWS are men who wish they stayed virgin faggots.
>applied to be sperm doner
>some dike couple has your kid
>they decide they want gibsmedats
>sue for child support
>you're forced to pay for 18 years+ since you're the biological father
This actually happens.
First google result: edition.cnn.com
Do you have any story on this? Can't believe this is common.
Not only does he get child support, but he doesn't even get the pussy to go with it.
They are just young and weak or old and got burned badly.
Ether way most of them are weak faggots trying to rationalize their pick for absence.
Real men don't participate in activism of sorts.
There are two reasons why you'd be against MGTOWs:
a) you're a cuck and enjoy the idea of other men fucking your women
b) you're a woman yourself afraid to lose her sociopolitical leverage
Which is it?
Most likely your lineage will be used by fags, traps and lesbians to fertilise surrogate mothers so as to propogate their degeneracy through their offspring. Well done user, you've just contributed to the downfall of society.
c) I don't fall for obvious kike schemes made to lower birth rates.
you're the only cuck here buddy.
I'm a woman, and you're a loser. Nobody was going to fuck you anyway kiddo, and I sincerely doubt they would want your DNA haha.
Fail, fail fail and fail. You're just a losery little shit bag. Get rejected more faggot.
In America this does happen, there have been cases where men are made to pay child support becasue they took a fatherly role despite not being the biological father. It's just not fucking worth it.
Oh god, a maanpetturi who is a miserable failure in life.
Saunan takana on viellä tilaa~
There is only one reason why you're a MGTOW
You had no choice.
Maybe they could keep a womans interest, they wouldn't have to worry about being taken advantage of. If anything, they're teaching you to grow a pair.
show me your titties
I asked you first
Tits right now user.
what a sad life you must live to think like this
from the bottom of my heart
i tell you that you
should fucking kill yourself faggot
fuck you west degenerates are fucking out of control
this is why the world is collapsing
because of you retards pushing all sorts of shit fucking EVERYWHERE
Checked. This is your future OP. You will be supporting a pair of dikes and a brain washed child untill you die.
P.S that child will hate you too.
Combating degeneracy with degeneracy does nothing to stop degeneracy.
I'm a girl too btw
That court case ended with the man not having to pay.
You can tell the word 'roastie' is really getting to them.
>My lineage will continue
what if the woman doesn't choose your seed but instead 95% of the women choose the seed of 5% of men instead?
Seems like you really didn't think this through here, Juhani.
They basically stole the phrase from this site. they only use it to call out people who disagree with them.
is it so hard to find a wife that won't divorce rape you in the west
how do you mouthbreathing retards even think shit like this goes
>See woman
>Marry woman after 1week
>lose half your shit
it takes time to build trust with someone
from all these threads i only see that you retards seem to think that these things happen INSTANTLY
why the fuck would you even risk marrying a woman that would take half your shit
Maybe but I'm almost certain there's multiple other cases that weren't reported. I mean just look at all the false rape claims that are tossed around with zero evidence and it's guilty until proven innocent. Something like this is highly possible and has probably happened.
You act like the economy and "evil female manipulation" is the problem.
But in reality you've just been rejected because you're ugly and gay.
Nice hah
Congratulations in making your progeny (if you even get chosen) bastards.
Must be lovely to know that you left your abandoned spawn out there to be raised by some single mother harpy. Leaving the child with a life with questions and anguish on who their father is, doubt and fear will consume the weak ones, rage will consume the stronger ones.
Congratulations on extending the suffering, you extend your genetics, but you also extend your suffering, you heaped it on to a poor innocent child; your own spawn.
You're letting your son grow up without his father, he will choose other male role models, which means he will adapt and morph and deviate away from the core you set into him through your genes, meaning that you are dying out, the only thing you are passing on are your basic physical traits, and let's face it without a strong father figure early in life those will reach slack jaw status later and will be thinned out in a few generations.
There is no loop hole in nature, you either work hard and fight or you lose, the fact you think such a stupid plan is somehow hacking life shows you're not passing on high intellect, either
I meant it's really pissing off the roasties
Careful user, there have been many cases like these in the past 8 years or so
(Different one than pic related, happened in burgerland edition.cnn.com
>be Canadian
>be literal wage slave for half the year just to pay for shit healthcare system and subhumans
>expected to have a family just so wife can divorce rape me easily and kids spend most time indoctrinated by government schooling system (yes that includes private schools)
>prices distorted by everyone using easy credit frequently to make purchases
I dun give a damn what you think, burger. Give us more incentive to fall on your sword of damocles
from the look of it there are no male role models int he west
stop funding Pussylips
Don't get me wrong roasties are fucking betas, The fact they overuse it so much is pathetic.
>you've just been rejected because you're ugly and gay.
This is how women argue...
And now you're on the hook for child support. GG no re.
The thing is, a woman may seem really nice and charming when you meet her and for years afterwards. The problem is, at a moments notice, they can decide to just throw it all away and take half your shit. Literally any woman can say it and just claim "emotional abuse" and you're done. Even pre-nups will be tossed out in court.
i'm glad i live in a third world shithole then
where that kind of shit doesn't hold much power
t. salty MGTOW
c) I'm not a faggot
I was unintentionally turning into MGTOW.
ok, user, please go a little more into depth behind your reasoning for all this besides the continuation of your lineage. is this just a knee-jerk reaction? do you even care where your child ends up in life? have you considered a surrogate so you can raise the kid yourself?
MGTOW are retards when it comes to their solution to the obvious female problem.
That being said, their videos are very helpful in a lot of ways, just the same.
MGTOW videos are excellent at teaching young men about the true nature of females.
t. shitposting sperg
I'm not even MGTOW mate. You think making fun of roasties makes me want to fuck them less?
"The true nature of females"
Uh... you mean maternal instincts lol?
Dude I know you're bitter, but you don't have to blame all women for the actions of a few. I mean damn, I'm not like that at all..
Y-you want my d&a?
I am a gud beta cuk like my single mummy raised me to b
Basically, the only way you truly pass on your genetics to your offspring is by imprinting on them life lessons and teaching them everything you know, not doing this means you are only passing on physical traits, which mean nothing as even great physical genetics will die out in a generation or 2 if not maintained, your method OP is doing nothing but creating lambs for the slaughter, you are a fool, there is no wonder you cannot keep a woman.
Tits or gtfo cunt
>I mean damn, I'm not like that at all..
We're all women here actually. Real men with jobs and lives don't post on the Internet.
Tfw shit posting on Sup Forums while at work.
have fun hitting the wall soon, psycho bitch
VR and AI is our hope.
singularity is near.
If your job affords you time to post on pol then it's not a real job and you're a woman.
Lol you fell for the MGTOW wall meme.
>MGTOW videos are excellent at teaching young men about the true nature of females.
Yeah, no. I've actually had a listen to some of sandman's sperg videos, it was painful sitting through the autistic tone he adds to his words but whatever.
He replies to edgy questions by angry le redpilled losers who sound like they want to kill themselves because they are 'so redpilled'.
He then rants for 10 minutes about how 941500% of women just want to gut men alive and leave them dead on the sidewalk.
Every video he uploads is pure cancer, all worded to keep MGTOWs feeling superior for their manchild life decisions by making up bullshit stats to justify them.
MGTOW is literally male feminism, it's all powered by salt and made up facts
>MGTOW wall meme
You will hit the wall eventually, roastie
MGTOW is just a jewish subversion bullshit meme.
Literally the ultimate blue pill.
*Muh white race*
*Ditches all white women based of some obscure vague "facts", because they cater to their socially immature personalities and fears of manning the fuck up*
that's a young picture of shakira
Maybe in your dream world NEET.
There is no fucking way this person is a female, if it is then holy fucking shit a 3/10 must be the number her friends give her when trying to be nice to her face.
You're more unpleasant than most guys here, and even if the wall is a meme, it probably exists for bottom of the food chain women like you, now fuck off attention and energy vampire, go work on your personality and outward appearance like normal girls you fucking mongoloid.
>doesn't disprove or even acknowledge said facts
>personal attacks on a wide range of people
Roastie arguments everyone
Muzzbro with the truth bomb
>Marotta failed to conform to Kansas law, which says a licensed physician must be involved in an artificial insemination process
>Marotta noticed an advertisement from the Topeka couple, seeking donated sperm.
>"Intrigued" by the ad, he says, he delivered three cupfuls of his sperm -- gratis -- to the women.
>The Kansas Department for Children and Families said any agreement would not apply because a physician did not perform the insemination.
He didn't donate at a clinic so he paid the price. If a real clinic tried to pull this shit, their entire business model would collapse because no man would ever donate sperm.
Aw I'm so mean haha
Am I the reason you're mgtow?
You fucking wish I was MGTOW, you're not a woman, you're an animal with a vagina, you fucking wish I would treat you with the same respect as decent girls, now fuck off, Quasimodo
I know you're really upset that you have been rejected a lot by le roasties online but it's time to pull up your diapers and get the fuck over it.
>you're a loser
>no one's going to fuck you
>you're just such a losery shit bag
>get rejected more faggot
>you're ugly and gay
Are you trying to prove to us that women are on the same level as men because that's not the impression we're getting.
why do you defend mgtows if you're not one lol?
You must recognize its harmful effects on our society as a dune coon.
If you're actually pro-white, you wouldn't defend them.
Not on the same level, just not whining about getting rejected on the internet.
>you're really upset that you have been rejected a lot
>it's time to pull up your diapers and get the fuck over it.
Here's another roastie with the typical roastie insults.
You do realize that he can legally rape you right? Muslims get away with that shit globally.
>MGTOW will never get a white woman to hate shitskins with, and make white babies.
You faggots are just sad.
I see no point in arguing with women. It's personal attacks and baseless insults. At least when I argue with lefties they can present a coherent argument.
You wish we were roasties user.
Is pic related you?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how thirsty are you?
>this ugly ass roastie that won't post a pic
how ugly do you have to be to be too ugly for Sup Forums autists?
>Are you trying to prove to us that women are on the same level as men because that's not the impression we're getting.
Rekt by banter and the bitch still doesn't get it.
>typical roastie reply
>fuck off roastie
>tits or gtfo roastie
>muh roasties
This board is more your speed m8
t. roastie
>literally falling into the jews trap
Being a sperm donor means you don't care about interacting with your children.
So if you ever do have children with your wife/gf you will have no right to be with them, if your partner leaves you and restricts access to the children you love then it is your karma.
>defend everyone who holds your political views maymay xd
I'm not defending MGTOW, I just think you need to stfu, reading all your posts on this thread actually made me mad, I would gladly punch you and the male MGTOW of you, in the face.
They wouldn't make you mad if you weren't mgtow lol...
I love men, I just hate Jewey retards who contribute to the downfall of my race.
Just pointing out that they're motivated by their own lack of self-worth, nothing more. No need to get mad at me.
this worship of women, vagina and gynocentrism can just suck my dick. MGTOW until the end of gynocentrism which won't be happening in my lifetime.
Actually I am glad I was born in this timeline. minimum effort, maximum pleasure. is this s;g worldline?