Stress home from my work at the refugee centre

>stress home from my work at the refugee centre
>cook a dinner from this Somali recipe my gf loves
>drive to pick her and her son up from her son's father's place
>she won't even stay for the dinner I worked for hours with because she is going to her dance course at the African cultural centre
>I ask why she can't stay and eat and she accuses me of racism
>forces me to apologize to her son (he is halfblack) for being racist

Seriously why do women do this? I think these racism accusations has gone too far. I'm definitely not racist and I'd love to prove it to her by following her to one of her dance courses but she never lets me.

kill niggers
kill kikes
kill arabs
kill liberals
kill faggots
kill gypsies
kill beaners
kill chinks

What area do you live in?

this can't be real what the fuck sven

This is cuck to life itself

We are been genocided and I don't like it

Why bother doing anything when you don't even have a future at all....

>Sweden fucks with Denmark, becomes Swedistan
>England fucks with Denmark, becomes Bongistan
>Germany fucks with Denmark, becomes Turkey

let this be a lesson to you all

Digits confirm

Kek has blessed Denmark

Let that race traiting bitch go. Don't worry bro.

pics of your gf and son or you're a larping cuck fagggot

Why don't you give your home to some Shitskin?I heard some cucked Swedes are doing also.

Trust me it's real just look at the flag.

What's Denmark?

Just bail on all this shit it doesnt get you anything, you will be abused and you have nothing to show for it, bail from all of that.

>be Russia
>be superpower

The Bogdanoff of countries.

Bog - They eat a lot of bog
Dan - For Danes, or Danmark
Off - As in they'll off you if you cross them

yeah that totally happened, even Swedes are not that cucked

They are, just not this particular one.

>gf wanted to start a family this time around last year
>told her to wait a little because i want to finish university and be financial stable when i have a full time job
>a few month later she starts helping out at the local refugee center
>ask her why she also has to work in the evening and get mad that she won't netflix and chill anymore
>she accuses me of racism and that i'm not doing enough for the poor refugees in our country and that they need all the help
>she begins working at the refugee center at weekends too
>start fighting over this issue and agree to take a break
>she moves out and to her best friend
>don't hear anything from her in a while
>check her IG, every weekend there are other pictures of her and some arab guys
>can't take it anymore and block her
>last week heard that she is now pregnant and that the father is a refugee from Syria
>tfw german



Fake and gay.

You should convert to islam so you can honor kill her

Nah mate, not us Anglos. Only those cucky germanics who've been cucked since Attila the Hun

Anyone who doesn't get that is is a joke is a fucking retard.

you must be ugly?

you dodged a bullet bro

I'm a fucking retard.
I knew it was a joke as soon as I seen the flag.

that's what happens when you don't have the balls to redpill your gf