What the fuck I thought our generation was retardedly leftist what happened Sup Forums?
What the fuck I thought our generation was retardedly leftist what happened Sup Forums?
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Millennials =/= Gen Z
The young people have to inherit the world the old creates.
You already know who is behind all this OP
>old people voting for Macron
what the fuck France
Well, even if she loses in 2017, she's probably the favorite in 2022
for what purpose?
>22% among 18-24 yo
>7% among 25-34 yo
>17% among 35-49 yo
What the fuck?
Guys I'm a little confused. What are millenials? I mean which generation are they? Because I wonder two things. First, what kind of people the saturday 90s cartoons bred (which were a bit tryhard and silly but celebrated being strong and masculine) and second what kind of people raised the millenials (who are humourless and hate masculinity).
As a 25 year old, I'd say my age group, at least where I live, is the biggest bunch of pussified leftist fags around.
Kids going into college right now are conservative Trump supporters. I thought the future was lost but they give me hope. Hope they can uncuck my peers.
The pendulum will always swing back around. At this point, people are just getting really sick of leftist shit. If it wasn't for colleges brainwashes naive kids with no real world experience, this whole country would be blood red except the niggers.
Looks like e/b/in memes do work.
One hypothesis: maybe young Europeans don't like seeing their birthright and future given away to gibbering hordes of hostile foreigners.
I hope you're right, I¨'m going to college this year and I do expect the worst
Boomers are cancer. Only Gen Y (b. 80-95) is shittier.
Greatest Generation > GenZ > Silent Generation > GenX > Boomers > Gen Y
In Sweden college is still 99% leftist
Reality happened
Thats exactly why so much leftist work and effort is exactly this: distortion of reality
Diversity is our strength
Islam is religion of peace
so on, so on
Orwell was indeed a genius
Your brain should interprete what your eyes clearly see in leftist brainwashed template, simple as that. Common sense has to be abolished etc, but luckily people do wake up and its going to get very very ugly for cultural marxists, cant wait the day it happens
Gen Z is what he's talking about.
Millennials aren't *the young* any more.
I suppose, what's it like on german unis?
Meme magic works for younger people that browse the internet extensively every day. It has less effect on older people.
antifa proving grounds, but not all students approve of the leftism. Not much moderate leftism, more polarized
France is weird because it's simultaneously cucked and redpilled.
The highest proportion of Muslims in western Europe and a large number of them usual white apologists for them but also a lot of right-wing intellectuals and youth movements that support FN or similar politics.
I grew up with Islamic death threats and entire cities going from white, nice places to live to shitholes you can't walk in if you're white and well dressed.
It's even worse for kids today.
*young* ?
Wtf, is this liberal version of ((()))?
*young* versus (((young))), when?
I was born in 1997 am I not a millennial?
born from 1980-1995 (or even 2000) I think
My statistics is being triggered again. Why the fuck did they use a line graph? It's like they're trying to imply Le Pen is somehow going downhill, when in reality it's not time they're measuring but age groups.
A pie chart just for Le Pen would've done nicely.
The french welfare state sold out the young people.
wtf i'm deeply disturbed now
imho many non-left are afraid to open their mouths, for good reason too, bad grades being sadly one of them. What would you do if your professor identifies as leftist?
Millennials are typically seen as Generation Y, that were raised by Generation X but it honestly isn't that simple of an explanation.
The birth years are typically mid-80s to mid-90s. They are referred to Millennials mainly due to their "coming-of-age" being in the 00s, as in the new millennium.
The 90s cartoons weren't the problem but more of the society at the time of the 90s. The problem wasn't parenting but more of the lack of parenting and the parents handing off the responsibility of teaching life lessons to their kids to institutions that were under the PC narrative. The whole political correctness culture was on the rise during that time. Children were generally taught to celebrate their differences and individuality which turned into celebrating mediocrity. Children weren't allowed to be considered "worse" so everyone lowered their standards.
One of the best examples of this was the popular children's book "Rainbow Fish", where a fish with beautiful scales refuses to hand off a scale to a small fish that asked for one. The small fish becomes sad and no one wants to play with the Rainbow Fish anymore. Eventually he gives one of his beautiful scales to a small fish and he feels amazing. More small fish keep coming and asking for gibs/scales and he happily gives it to them. It was one of the most popular children's books of the era and it's basically a story that teaches kids how enjoyable it is to give their shit away for free to others that demand it and don't deserve it, so socialism is indoctrinated really early on.
Kids' sports teams hand out awards to literally everyone with whatever title they could like "most persistent" so everyone feels special. Much of this commie "everybody is equal" shit really killed a lot of kids' motivation to excel as when everyone is special, no one is truly special. The first wave of the PC culture raised these kids and then the wave quieted down. Now that they're adults, PC culture has returned.
a couple years at the end of gen-x caught some early 90s cartoons. all millennials watched them.
gen-z starts entering college about next year.
because it's apparent to them how bad it has gotten. Take a look at many districts in paris, they are 70% shitskin. And most of those poor scumbags are rather hostile or unwelcoming to the french.
The kind of fairytale politics that's done in Sweden, Canada and rural Germany just doesn't work for the young urbanites. They've seen how it really is.
At the end of the story, does the rainbow fish give all his scales away, thus becoming a small fish, and eradicating an entire species due to 'diversity' and race mixing?
Yeah nah cunt your gen Z like me
george soros happened
>tfw born in '98
>been on Sup Forums since 2014, and used to be on Sup Forums since 2012
I'm a '91. I can say it was literally every year after I achieved something, they brought in the full acceptance.
I played sport and individuals got awarded on their merit. School much the same, but every year after I left and moved on they brought in all the "tolerance and acceptance for everyone!"
But in saying that, as I've grown I swing "centre-right". Whereas my peers tend to sway left and extreme left.
In saying all this, I've been on Sup Forums since '06 which has helped keep me grounded in alot of ways.
It's the muslims skewing the results.
France is different to other western countries. It's like it's own world, very similar yes but different.
multiculturalism happened
The Rainbow Fish gets mugged by the small fish that he gave his shiny scales to.
But honestly in the end all the fish ask the Rainbow Fish to come join them and play with them.
I forgot to mention the small fish didn't exactly ask for the scale but more deliberately expect him to give his shiny scales away because he has so many and the other small fish expected him to give them his shiny scales because he gave it to that one fish.
Teaches kids that everyone that doesn't give their shit away is a selfish prick while all the other leeches are his friends.
the internet happened
Gen z can't vote can they? I thought gen z was born in 2000.
Because young people are the ones who experience the most "diversity" at school, when going out, in public transportation, etc.
Older, richer people driving cars and living in detached homes in suburban areas don't suffer as much from "diversity".
The earliest Gen Z are just turning 18.
Generation Zyklon, best generation
Gen z here, voted for trump in November.
>trusting polls after last year
I'm a '95, often one of the first to receive full acceptance. My peers are quite right wing. Even a lefty nurse i dated a while back i can quote "I think we should look for our own people first before accepting refugees."
Socialism is dying. Kids hate being told what to do, and it only drives kids to the right.
I have a hunch that is the same numbers for Sverigedemokraterna. Girls 18-24 has had to suffer crazy feminazis and arabic sleezy classmates for ten years now.
It could also be;
Den Haag
't Gooi
the entire 'Zaanstreek'
the entire 'Randstad'
Basicly every large or larger city is infested
European youth=\=American youth
so kawaii.....
No, just a small village in Noord Brabant adjacent to one of the cities
Gen Z is basically just millennials on steroids.
The leftist side are 30x more hypersexual, marxist, divisive and cancerous than the piece of shit hipster faggots born in the 80s and early 90s.
The right wingers are full on neonazis or sympathizers about 20-30% of the time now.
There's a surprising amount of right wingers in my Uni.
I'd say that it's still 75%-80% liberal though.
What are you taking? Engineering here and there's literally no virtue signaling bullshit or political cult shit. Sweden may be different, though.
Not really true in my experience. They dislike feminism, make fun of it, dislike SJW stuff. But they love niggers and nigger culture, act like niggers.
zeker een voorstad of niet?
Forgot to mention the influence of the hypersexualized and feminized culture. This explains why millenial "men" are girlish and submissive from the early on.
Generation Zyklon
Btw, what about that thing of calling anyone which doesn't support Le Pen a "misogynist"?
Francebros must spread this far and wide.
Thats why I said "full on neonazis or sympathizers about 20-30% of the time"
Just like millennials, Gen Z are mostly mindless smartphone zombies. People were always and always will be NPC normie scum, but the sheep mentality is severely amplified in our modern society.
You might've heard about that sports rally in that one high school where niggers were chanting anti-white bullshit, and in response around 77 white people seig heil'd and did the nazi salute.
I doubt Millennials would ever do that shit back in the 90s and 2000s. They were mostly entitled selfish twats as a generation who expected everything for free; that huge dismissive and rude proto-hipsterness about them.
Gen Z are just weirdo chads / stacies who are oversexualized / douchebaggilized.
20-30% of them would be very supportive or curious to the far-right, at least in burgerland. In France I presume it's higher because of the arab terrorists that mass murder them constantly. Americans are much dumber but a little more right wing on avg, but the right wing here is just kikeloving neocon trash 60% of the time.
The leftists are 30% more cancerous here if its in the coastal (((globalist))) cities.
Post 95 is Generation Zyklon.
Exactly. Kikes have been trying to reverse gender roles for decades. We're just seeing them kike out at an accelerated rate now.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing.
These kids openly talk shit about Jews, call gays faggots, and fucking hate SJW culture with a passion.
Of course. It started out as harmless "girl power!" but progressively morphed into female superiority. A girl that was a slut and fucked around stopped being labeled as a slut and instead became a role-model of female empowerment.
Prominent examples were Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears dressing like absolute skanks in their videos and talking about sex but society treated them as cool, rebellious role-models.
Meanwhile gender roles were treated like evil labels of sexism from a bygone era.
^ this
Millennials are classified 80s and 90s births.
Gen Y births start ending around 1995 or as late as 2000, but most people classify it as around the late 90s.
Gen Z is at earliest, Late 90s births.
Basically everyone who wasn't in school when 9/11 happened is z-fag
National Front is FAR LEFT. (the media calls them "far right") but look at their fiscal policy...It's basically crypto communism. The only thing that deferenciates the national front from other french political parties , is that they want to control immigration and leave the eu.
That's basically the classification I use for Millennials and Gen Zs.
Millennials were at earliest 6-7 during 9/11. Most didn't even know what it was at the time but they have memories (albeit heavily rose-tinted nostalgia of childhood) of life before 9/11.
Gen Z don't really have any concrete memories before 9/11.
Yeah I think a lot of them will become sympathetic to the far right. They definitely have more balls than millennials. I feel like PC stuff has really run its course. 2bh when I was at school I don't remember that much PC stuff then again I went to a 98% white school. I only remember there being one non-white in my year. It's less white nowadays though, maybe 90%. I see Indians, blacks, mullato kids... new low cost housing + too close to London. Such a shame.
Those are the only things that really matter right now.
It's because she's a socialist economically. Only outdone by Melenchon (literal commie).
Thats pretty much all the anti immigration parties in the EU. The svergiedemokraterna are pretty much socialists from before 1973
>25-34 yo
That's the group that experienced the full force of the pro-globalist and multicultural indoctrination.
Whereas 18-24 most likely had to actually experience it growing up.
This, Gen Z is hyper polarized. I know kids who are unabashedly Stalinist, meanwhile my buddy who teaches in a more conservative area had a kid who tried to start a fascist club.
depends, you can not forget the shit ton of teenage muzzies
hopefully they still won't vote then (there'll be a time when they'll start voting doe)
My issue is, everyone takes the smallest issues to the extreme and we keep spinning the wheel of bullshit every few years.
Socialism will never die, in fact, its a necessity for the right wing to survive.
Aren't you a conservative country anyway?
Your country doesn't consist of 15%~ Muslims and even more niggers tho.
It's because prospects are shit for our and future generations.
No worthwhile jobs. No jobs in general. Losing culture that your parents and grandparents enjoyed. Working until we are 80 for a pension we will never get anyway. What is the point sticking with a status quo that doesn't give a fuck about you?
>all millennials watched them.
I don't get it. How does a guy who grew up parked in front of the tv and PSX that blasted him with positive representations of masculinity thoughout his free time (Skeleton Warriors, G.I. Joe Extreme, Duke Nukem etc) grows up to despise it all so much that he makes himself effeminate in appearance and character on purpose?
At first I thought the millennials were people born in the 00s.
>tfw Millennium Baby is almost old enough to drink
the french see themselves as the vanguard of western culture, rightfully so
so theyre is a cultural pressure to be as "western" as possible and lead europe by example, when really they have no confidence in they're own culture
but thankfully france is so culturally rich that it is very difficult to erode it all away, as opposed to sweden or many parts of germany where they lost a whole identity in a generation or two
if I could only save one country in europe it would only be france, no other country comes close
Whites are downright minorities in most cities, esp the globalized ones like London or Jew yoik.
Whites will wake up to their natural roots of nationalism, pride, patriotism and colonialism.
We will see a 4th reich, possibly in our lifetime.
Will the kikes be slayed once and for all? Hopefully.
Exactly. I was last in school around like 2011 or 2012 so I think the freshmen were gen z fags. I had a class or two back in my senior years that had freshmen in it. I remember them as hyperactive little shitheads who would never shut the fuck up.
I overheard a few girls talking about bleaching their assholes and the whole class heard about it and the teacher ignored it in a disturbed way.
There were kids sucking eachother off on school grounds once every few weeks. It was like a fucking zoo.
But some of the kids were proto-fascist in a few ways, notably style (richard spencer style looks) etc.
The older students were pricks but we had a few from the early 90s still around who were well behaved.
At first I thought the millennials This is very interesting. Here in Greece classes are distributed a little differently, with the middle class being much smaller and richer than the american one. People from the middle and up have some foreign influence. Either they spent years studying abroad or they have a foreign/mule spouse. One thing I've noticed about them is that it's these people who introduce foreign concepts to the culture. They bring ideas and traditions back home and then the common folk copy them because they want to live the dream.
Anyway, so I had a friend who organized childrens' parties. Most of his clients were middle/upper class folks and I was able to observe them. One thing that struck me as ludicrous was that every kid that attended a party got a giftbag. I mean what the hell, it's not their birthday.
At first I thought the idea of gifts for everyone was a capitalist ploy to increase sales. But your post gave me a more disturbing perspective of things that makes too much sense to dismiss.
>Rainbow Fish
Sounds like a kid's guide to peer pressure. It's always peer pressure and shaming with leftists. Probably because they've built as system that prohibits violence and are careful not to defy it themselves too much in case it falls.
I remember debating a gay supporter a few years back. I told him the promotion of homosexuality harms birth rates, something he praised as a counter to overpopulation. Then he told me about a gay mathematician and how without gays I wouldn't have a computer today. I countered by calling him out on generalizing a minority and by pointing out that sexual preference has no impact on quality of work. At that point he told me that I should be pro-gay otherwise people will hate me. "And you wouldn't like that, would you?"
Arguing with progressives always goes like this. They will "argue" their point with fallacies (and show that they are projecting) and intimidate you if that fails.