Magick in pol

Anyone magicking here??

My post number is

Magick bro here.

Check em

Just memeing here

More info on pic? Looks like shit i saw on acid hahahahaha

That's one fucking confused circle. Crossing Greek with Kanji and fucking what, Sanskrit? What the hell were they trying to balance. It's not a summons unless they were simply asking for trouble. Gah, even Erisians are saner than this.

magic isn't real you poor dupe

yhwh neither

>oy vey the goyim know

It offends on aesthetic principles alone. It's like getting a tattoo of a heart with a tribal spaceship inside it. Don't cross the streams.

If magic isn't real then explain these digits


may your struggle to GET be long and fruitless

Meme magic master wizard here ama

Magic is real, praise Thoth!

nice get

You KIKES have been saying that for 2000 years, it's the reason you killed Jesus. Don't worry ovens aren't magic, they're very real.

How do you think we got Trump elected?

jew invented magic you doofus, it's still a failed idea with value or application

My friend magicked with Crowley, Kabbalah, Horus and Psychedelics, ended up in a mental hospital.

More into mysticism.


i'd wager that it's the other way around. he only found those belief systems compelling because he was a mental case to begin with, and in turn such things only encourage all sorts of delusions and added fuel to the fire until he went off the deep end.

This is normally the case to begin with. If a person is in the least bit unstable mentally, magick has a tendency to amplify these problems. I suppose that is why Regardie mentioned that spending some time with a psychotherapist should a priority before a beginner gets started.