Netflix stocks not dropping fast enough ladies and gents,
I summon Kek to assist in crashing this company.... with no survivors
Netflix stocks not dropping fast enough ladies and gents,
I summon Kek to assist in crashing this company.... with no survivors
time to jump back on the netflix train and make some DOLLA
wow yeah look at it go
>i-if only what i wanted to believe was true.... u-us white people, right?
Netflix has gone down the shitter with all this OP bullshit and taking away old stuff.
>event occurred within this month
>jap pulls the annual graph to view the most recent changes that occurred in the previous 14 days
Ask me why I know you're not a real jap
you dont summon kek, hes not your fucking errand boy.
sage this shit
>I literally don't understand how stocks work
>Ask me why I know you're not a real jap
How is this an argument? Just proof you realize you have no valid response.
You're an idiot
If I'm interested in events that occurred this month, I want the stats of this month
If I wanted data for the year, I'd look at the year
Youre not a real jap because you don't understand this basic statistical principle
>waah stocks don't fluctuate up and down constantly
>waaah the stock had a tiny dip around the time of m-m-m-muh bad no-like movie, t-therefore w-white people, right?
Soros invested in it, raising it up a bit.
On top of that, Qantas has just made a deal with them.
It's being propped up but can still fall.
fuck netflix
fuck soros
You're such a moron lol
The events occurred in the last 14 days
If I want to know the price of oil for this month, I don't want some stupid pseudojap to provide me documents of the price of oil and its trend over the course of the previous year
If I'm accepting people into my university, I'm going to reject your application because you submitted not only your high school grades, but also your middle school and elementary school grades and want the average of all
If I want the data of this month, I don't want a moron to submit data over the year and state overtly obvious shit
Yes stocks fluctuate
No you're not clever
You should consider suicide
You've yet to formulate a coherent argument yet.
>i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-if i wanted l-l-l-l-l-l-last y-y-year's data.....................
You don't even get how idiotic you are, it's amazing.
Maybe take an economics class sometime? They have education for mentally slow adults in America, right?
NFLX has a 300+ P/E ratio. It's artificially overvalued so much that a small group of neckbeards with anime avatars boycotting won't change anything.
god you sound like such a whiny faggot
While it is absolutely not the end-all be-all of stock analysis, a P/E ratio of 331.06 is absolutely ridiculous. That is the ratio of how much you pay for a stock compared to how much money that company makes per share.
Anything without a dividend is pure speculation, and a dividend can be revoked at any time.
Although when it comes to the jews and money, do you really want to bet against them?
They are both faggots
t. Jap who'd invest in Enron because he believes all stock structures follow trends
t. Jap whom doesn't understand multivariables and ease of choosing another provider
Sorry bro but the Jap is right.
If you want to see the impact of recent news facts on a stock price (if that is possible at all seeing that macro-influences can overpower those effects in many cases) you have to compare the speed and magnitude of the price movement to the effects that other events had over the same time-span.
As you can see for example in the yearly graph Mr. Nipples posted, the stock has dropped over 10 dollars in a matter of days during certain events (end of april 2016). There are also at least 50 other short term-periods where the stock dropped as much or more in a week than it did between the dates you're posting.
Conclusion: This event has not had any significant effect on the stock price.
Also please never invest in single stocks.
double digit loses.
So you mean that if a company makes a loss 1 year in their lifetime they should have a negative stock price?
Top kek EPS is bullshit when trying to value startups / growth companies.
This is it, senpai.
Netflix isn't going to fall any lower. The outrage is over.
>Anything without a dividend is pure speculation, and a dividend can be revoked at any time.
Dividends dont magically appear. If you believe in a growth company you don't want dividends as every euro/dollar given to greedy shareholders can't be used to reinvest in the companies' growth.
Not in all cases
If trends and trajectories were the end all be all in finance, then there'd never be examples of rapidly failing stocks
There's many examples of this
spreading anti-white propoganda will hopefully impact
Just get Trump to mention something about net neutrality and netflix in the same sentence and watch their stock go 1929
i don't see why a gay service like netflix with such a lame business model should have a 60B mkt cap tho. 60 fucking billion us dollars.
Praise KEK
Double digits.
What if higher ups do this shit on purpose? They find some crazy sjw/"fascist" to announce controversial policy that pisses off the right/left. When shares drop, they fire that person and withdraw the policy, while buying stocks at lover prices?
repeating numbers have validated the referenced statement
but i think they came close to failing some time ago when their dvd rental service was their main business unless i'm confusing them with blockbuster or something
>Netflix stocks are not dropping fast enough
Is the title of this thread. Stop being a faggot, no one is claiming anything
i will still support netflix
Then they at least know that Dear White People shit is terrible, which means the higher ups are red pilled even if they pretend they are not.
Literally the only use of blacks is to be so disgusting that you look good in comparison.
Praise kek.
Well they had a drastical impact on how people experience video content.
I'm quite sure Netflix is one of the first corporations which has managed to significantly reduce illegal downloading (alongside Spotify).
I'm not saying the current market cap is correct on the long term though. You however have to keep in mind that the market prices in expected future growth.
If Netflix manages to keep expanding and perhaps finds some other income sources (like more advertising), the current market cap can actually be justified.
I also heard from an analyst (kind of a shady guy so take it with a grain of salt) in Hong Kong that a major company is considering to buy Netflix. They argue that some of the gains in 2016 can be attributed to those rumors.
(author has no position in Netflix)
And he said unto the thread, double digits.
And it so it was.
Praise kek for he is wisdom and had made it so.
I can tell you have probably never bought or sold a share of stock in your life if you do not know the difference between P/E ratio and EPS.
>the higher ups are red pilled
they are, although not in Sup Forums way. They dont care about culture or their nation but neither about niggers and sjw stuff. Only thing they care is money and personal gain.
Praise kek, for he has spoken, and he is wife and merciful.
Death to those who deny the frog.
Dividends can magically appear, and can magically disappear as well, usually at the discretion of the board of directors. Granting a dividend for one quarter and then revoking it the next makes the stock very suspect, but can certainly happen.
That is why you cannot evaluate an income stock merely on its yield %, but take in to account just how long it has been providing that yield, when/how often that yield increases, and if the financials support such a yield.
On the point of greedy shareholders, you are just reinforcing my point. If money is not being returned to the stockholders, INVESTING IS PURE SPECULATION. You are just hoping that the price goes up instead of down.
Tell your friends to delete their netflix
>Sup Forums
So what did Netflix do to make the loveshies of Sup Forums so unhappy?
The company can't yield dividend which they don't have available in cash so it does not magically appear or disappear.
Investing is not pure speculation at all, especially when you're investing in startups or scale/growth companies. What you need to do though is spend time on due diligence:
- Team due diligence
- Market research
- Sector research
- Product research
- Financial due diligence
For the above you might have to invest in external experts who have enough insight and experience in the niche the company is active in.
For public companies the numbers are usually readily available and for private equity / venture capital you should always ask for a full prospectus or information memorandum.
You're right that its much more difficult to estimate stock price evolution for listed companies though. However, you can still increase your odds by doing the right research.
You'll never be 100% right even when doing your homework. You however just need to be right 60% or even 51% to make money.
>most obvious american on base in japan ever in the history of Sup Forums
TV show about niggers blaming white people for everything.
It's okay when niggers do it etc.
There's been a mild to moderate kick-back from it so it's not all bad. Even on places like tumblr.
Baby steps, brit-bong.
I don't see what you have against Netflix.
Netflix hosts many redpilled documentaries and movies.
Post your feminine penis if you are a slanty-eyed gook you say you are.
Judging by the reaction in this thread I'm guessing Netflix either added the entirety of Roots to library or a documentary on the Holocaust.
>However, you can still increase your odds by doing the right research.
That is the very definition of speculation. This is like a gambling addicting saying he is not gambling because he knows which pony is going to be the right one to bet on. You are correct in that it can help you perform better trades, but at the end of the day is still speculation. Without getting into things like preferred stock, it is a gamble (I am not saying it is a bad gamble, far better than buying Lotto tickets, but have to recognize just what you are investing in.)
>The company can't yield dividend which they don't have available in cash so it does not magically appear or disappear.
Oh yes they can haha. If you believe that they don't have accountants that can cook the books you're crazy.
Sure thing.
japan btfo by panana
In that case you can define every single choice you make in life a gamble.
When you choose to drive your car you have x% risk to die.
When you choose to eat a sandwich you have x% chance to get indigestion
And so on and so on.
Life is nothing but a series of bets following your stream of thoughts.
I'm not saying your argument is wrong but it doesn't really matter.
Gambling on a stock means you dont know what you're doing and you have less or equal to 50% chance to end up losing. Literally every lottery/gambling game works like that.
When you can however increase your odds so that your chances to win are higher than your chances to lose on the long term, I really don't think you can compare it to a gamble in the meaning above.
To distribute dividends you actually have to wire money from one account to another.
If you mean that there's a lof of fraud going on then you're probably right but the money still has to go from one account to another to make it a dividend.
> you have less or equal to 50%
More or equal.
shadilay, panama
Praise kek!