Its pretry simple. The head of state in a deep state is the head of the deep state. Before it was Obama, now its Trump. Trump is now the shadow government.


I hope you get Trumped in your sleep.

deep drumpf

this is a CTR pecking bird

peck peck

CTR is being pecked away




>not knowing what the deep state is
kys and lurk more you stupid faggot

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a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.
so deep state doesnt real or do we have deep state now meaning trump is new deep state?

The deep state is certainly real, even CNN is reporting on it now. Trump is the surface state. The implication of a deep state is that unelected bodies of people, working behind the scenes, are the ones who really control the government.

You have no idea what the deep state is do you?

>Trump is president and shadow president
>acts like someone else might control him, so no one will ever get the idea, he's the deep state

with trump as a frontman and conspirator

you mean their hostage

>the head of the surface state is the front man for the shadow state that is attacking him


Me neither, I do know what dub step is though. Is that about the same as deep state?

maybe, but i certainly think he is involved
for one, why did he chose m only to ban certain muslim countries but not all, including some of the more radical infested ones? seems more like an alliance thing than a national security matter

you mean backing

He only banned the 7 countries that had already been determined by both Congress and the Obama administration to be threats. For some crazy reason, he thought that liberals wouldn't attack him if he used a list of countries that Obama compiled.

>unelected bodies of people, working behind the scenes, are the ones who really control the government

and it is like that all over the world.

so explain to me - why is any political system good.

big fucking scam by (((somebody))) and bunch of weird fucks to leech off the citizens of the world's nations.

And watch what is happening to emperor, not even a full month in.

They do not like him, so either he will bend over, or if he does not they will break him.

they want one world gov, or endless wars, he must give them one or the other.

How can he be their frontman and conspirator when he literally doesn't have any power? They're in control. He just needs to do what they say or he'll get JFK'd if he doesn't play ball.

>the literal president
>no power
im guessing they all have similar future endgame in mind

>the literal puppet
>no power
Just a feeling? Nothing really other than that?