Sup Forums is okay with this
Sup Forums is okay with this
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>The burning of communist literature and pornography.
I don't see how this is wrong.
Then you're to naive to appreciate the freedom you have.
No I'm not
They are okay with that as the young people were okay in the picture.
Wait, holy shit. You mean THAT's what they were burning in those bon fires? Communist propaganda?
My entire world is fucking upside down.
You should take a look at the list of books burned you echo chamber sucker-up betas
Humanity today is the result of 70 years of pure unfiltered freedom. Look what it did do them?
Humanity doesn't deserve that much
>buy book
>burn it
It's my property. I can do with it as I please.
>dem mental gymnastics
They should have tossed your grandparents on the fire.
> L-look into list of books burned.
> Agreement intensifying.
Oh, man. Oh, man. This is devastating.
Yes Sup Forums is a fascist board subversive literature should not be tolerated.
Kill yourselves lolbertarian/leftist cretins
>Look what it did to them?
Umm, the most peaceful time in human history? But whoops, my bad, forgot that fascists their feelings hurt when there's no white guy in charge :'(
>Burning intellectual dishonest books
Fuck yes, sounds like a good time.
>implying it is now leftist to support free speech
That's bullshit. If people were allowed to question race or the jew we wouldn't be in this
This was a couple STUDENT ORGANIZED ceremonial burnings
It was not some government organized campaign
Meanwhile AFTER the war the allies literally burnt MILLIONS of books/art in their de-nazification campaign
But hey lets complain about nazi's huh
Lying makes Jewsus cry.
I'm sweating bullets here, Sup Forums.
Burning books is wrong.
But... the books they were burning were all trash. Nothing worth saving.
tell that to the middle east, fuckface. and africa. and brazil.
world war 3 is happening just not on your doorstep.
>It was not some government organized campaign
It is leftist to support the ridiculous concept of universal human "rights". Rights are a social construct and are provided to individuals under the permission of society. Speech that is harmful and detrimental to the well being of society should be banned.
Fucking brainwashed lolbertarian retard
>saving your people from jewish, mind poisoning literature
pick one
All of the following types of literature were to be banned.
The works of traitors, emigrants and authors from foreign countries who believe they can attack and denigrate the new Germany (H.G. Wells, Rolland);
The literature of Marxism, Communism and Bolshevism;
Pacifist literature;
Literature with liberal, democratic tendencies and attitudes, and writings supporting the Weimar Republic (Rathenau, Heinrich Mann);
All historical writings whose purpose is to denigrate the origin, the spirit and the culture of the German Volk, or to dissolve the racial and structural order of the Volk, or that denies the force and importance of leading historical figures in favor of egalitarianism and the masses, and which seeks to drag them through the mud (Emil Ludwig);
Writings of a philosophical and social nature whose content deals with the false scientific enlightenment of primitive Darwinism and Monism (Hackel, Benedict);
Books that advocate “art” which is decadent, bloodless, or purely constructivist (Grosz, Dix, Bauhaus, Mendelsohn);
Writings on sexuality and sexual education which serve the egocentric pleasure of the individual and thus, completely destroy the principles of race and Volk (Hirschfeld);
The decadent, destructive and Volk-damaging writings of “Asphalt and Civilization” literati: (Graf, H. Mann, Stefan Zweig, Wassermann, Franz Blei);
Literature by Jewish authors, regardless of the field;
Popular entertainment literature that depicts life and life’s goals in a superficial, unrealistic and sickly sweet manner, based on a bourgeois or upper class view of life;
Nationalistic and patriotic kitsch in literature.
Pornography and explicit literature by Jewish authors.
All books degrading German purity.
>places that have always been third world shitholes
Try again Nazi
>Burning books is wrong.
Yeah and if you kill your enemies they win!!!
You clearly don't understand what a democracy is.
Sup Forums is not a fascist board, it is peaceful, now get out.
Burning books is wrong.
> mfw I read the list of books burned.
Oh no, such value was lost.
Fuck your decadent liberal "democracy" you idiot. Where do you think you are?
Then I suppose it's not a world war, my dear autistic nigger?
IIT is golden dawn
Good luck greekbro
A democracy that been corrupted by big government and which I'm trying to bring closer to the single greatest piece of government literature, the constitution.
Meanwhile Sup Forums has gone batshit and wants to reinstate Nazis
>Humanity today is the result of 70 years of pure unfiltered freedom.
Yeah, sure.
ITT: Betas defending censorship with the same arguments EU uses because they are too insecure to say: I agree with the NatSocs on some things and disagree on others
Brava reddit
the left is ok with this
>the single greatest piece of government literature, the constitution
>muh constitution ooga booga
Pornography, Marxist propaganda or Jewish art - doesn't matter. It's all harmful and actually unhealthy in a social context. There is a reason why certain books found their way on the lists of the National Socialist movement. You know what? Read some of the books and reflect their content.
Burning books is wrong when it's the last copy on a bookshelf.
Burning your copy, which you purchased, on a bon fire with other retarded trash pretending to be literature?
Suddenly, I realize I'm okay with this.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
>pornography or propaganda
Why would it care about the author and not the content?
>It's all harmful and actually unhealthy in a social context
>There is a reason why certain books found their way on the lists of the National Socialist movement
>Read some of the books and reflect their content
I did. Maybe you should too. I don't allow anybody to think for myself. That's the same arguments our government uses to shut down right-wing literature. Fuck them and fuck you. Learn to think for yourself you cuck
>with other retarded trash pretending to be literature
You haven't read any of the books burned so why would you comment on it?
horseshoe theory strikes again
>pointing out that a local war is not a world war makes you a kike
Commit sudoku, senpai.
I've read everything on that list and hundreds of thousands of other books.
Come at me bro.
>Sup Forums looks at titles and themes of books they haven't read
>determines these books must be burned and destroyed
>claims the other side is brainwashed
I don't like typical gas-all-nigs Sup Forumstards, but democracy really cannot work in an environment where a majority is indifferent to it, and a significant part of the population is openly hostile to it.
In order to build a democratic state, a massive reform of education has to be undertaken, to indoctrinate children with democratic ideals, and workplace democracy has to be implemented or at least strongly encouraged. Workers' councils should have as much power as executives, or better yet, executives must be drafted from experienced workers who already work in the industry.
You can't have a democratic government when totalitarian durkadurkas roam the streets and fascism reigns in nation's largest corporations.
My opa actually went one of his public speech event in Germany with his Belgian friend. They were not his supporters, on the contrary they both hated him. After listening like five minutes of his speech, both start to scream "Heil Hitler" with crowd. Guy was that powerful orator.
great argument against censorship you down syndrome
wasted trips
Makes me proud that my great grandfather torched the synagogue
It's not censorship if other copies of the book exist and are available to the public.
This is a fun get together of young people throwing poison and lies into a bon fire and watching them all burn.
Picture of my college library.
Retard detected. The real political spetrum is individualism vs collectivism materialism vs idealism and progressivism vs tradition. American "right wing" lolbertarianism is actually extremely close to liberalism and mainstream left wing ideas.
I don't expect some random brainwashed murican goy to understand.
>and are available to the public
They weren't. They got forbidden. Inform yourself before you form your opinion
They were cold and made a fire, what's wrong with that? Look at how they're trying to warm their hands at the open flame
Into the trash you go retard
>Nazis tried to replace Christianity with politicised, propagandised version
>banned literature by people like Kafka, Heinrich Heine, Thomas Mann, Robert Musil, Proust, Hemingway etc.
>butchered Shakespeare and used his plays for political purposes
>sent reactionary author and friend of Oswald Spengler, Friedrich Reck, to Dachau concentration camp where he died
>planned to replace the historic traditional architecture of Berlin with modernist and brutalist buildings for Hitler's "World Capital", and demolished many of the old buildings in the centre of Berlin before Germany's defeat
>meanwhile today Sup Forums calls Nazis defenders of Western culture and civilisation
Holy shit this guy lol
I laughed
>10 posts by this (((ID)))
this, libertarianism is just autistic liberalism
I would happily burn the entire catalogue of Zygmund Bauman's work.
>read some of the pornography and reflect their content
really makes you think
>8 posts by this (((ID)))
racist much, hun?
>Why would it care about the author and not the content?
You want to tell me that the author isn't connected to his literary work or what? It's an easy way to sort out subversive, harmful ideologies.
It is, sweetie.
>Learn to think for yourself you cuck
You can't allow everyone to think freely. That's not how a successful society works. People need to get to the right conclusions - that's literally all they have to do. There is really nothing more behind it. Free will and (actual) public education is just unrealistic. It doesn't actually work.
Germans are sub-humans. Anglo are the true master race.
I am not alt kike you branidead fat murican mongrel.
>You want to tell me that the author isn't connected to his literary work or what
>harmful ideologies
>It is, sweetie
No. Sorry you need Mutti to tell you what is allowed to think and what not but honestly I don't care.
>You can't allow everyone to think freely. That's not how a successful society works.
uh huh
>People need to get to the right conclusions - that's literally all they have to do.
Yeah. That's why they should have access to all sides to a subject and then determine what the best solution is.
>Free will and (actual) public education is just unrealistic. It doesn't actually work
For you it doesn't. I'm running fine with it.
>You can't allow everyone to think freely.
this is coming from the board that hated Hillary Clinton
>Sup Forums is not a fascist board
Umm no... try again sweetie :^)
the other side is brainwashing people into being anti white
we want to brainwash people into being pro white
pick your side, fencesitter.
How about we favor intellectualism and not skin color?
You're conflating not brainwashing with not having a stance on race politics you imbecile.
Tell me where would people stand on racial egalitarianism WITHOUT brainwashing just looking at the facts
PC culture is what got us into this mess. Truth should rule. Period.
they stole them
>Humanity today is the result of 70 years of pure unfiltered freedom.
We will restore it.
>Tell me where would people stand on racial egalitarianism WITHOUT brainwashing just looking at the facts
But the brainwashing already happened and continues to happen.
Your position stops making sense when you take it out of the bubble it's in and try to apply it practically.
We tried that. That's how we got the SJW LGBTWTF movement.
redpill me on the burned books
are you retarded?
Please elaborate.
>harmful ideologies
Yes, novels can actually contain ideology fragments. Really makes you think, huh?
>Sorry you need Mutti to tell you what is allowed to think
No, I certainly do not need Mutti to tell me what I am allowed to think.
>uh huh
Any counter arguments?
>Yeah. That's why they should have access to all sides to a subject and then determine what the best solution is.
They don't, the majority of the population of, let's say Germany, a country of ~80 million, is not intelligent enough to participate in the public opinion-forming process anyway. And that's exactly what I mean.
>For you it doesn't. I'm running fine with it.
I really don't think so.
The US did, because the US tends to favor extremes.
>But the brainwashing already happened and continues to happen.
Yeah that's the problem
>Your position stops making sense when you take it out of the bubble it's in and try to apply it practically
No. You literally just agreed with me. If people would practically look at the facts about race they wouldn't be egalitarian. Why do you try to disagree for disagreeings sake?
"Yeah you're right freedom of information works on our behalf" and then spend you're time educating yourself and others instead of bending and twisting to justify censorship "if it's my side doing it"
burning books is wrong, didnt antifa burn books recently? anyways, if you dont like a book because it has no value (ie porn) put it in the recycling bin.
Lot of stuff. Some good some bad. I really like Brecht.
What do you want to know?
"intellectualism" is cancer. "intellectuals" are largely marxists, jews and traitors.
you can not simply "un-brainwash" people by virtue signaling about "muh truth! muh evidence!"
that's the fucking point of brainwashing - it makes people disregard everything to the contrary. you can present a leftist with as much authentic information as you want, they will not even look at it and simply discard it as "racist" or "right wing propaganda".
your musings about idolizing truth are noble but naive and ultimately futile. the only way to undo brainwashing is a harsh crackdown on its source, followed by counter brainwashing people into joining our side instead.
>You literally just agreed with me.
I didn't, I explained why your position - while fine in itself - isn't good in the face of the reality we're in. Something you literally agree with, see the first part of your own post.
To give you some food for thought: Who decides what "the facts about race" are?
>"intellectualism" is cancer.
Famous last words
intellectualism is what gave birth to all the SJW cancer and its underlying ideology in the first place.
intellectualism is what keeps reinforcing and pushing this shit on our societies.
contemporary intellectualism IS cultural marxism, plain and simple.
>H.G Wells
>communist literature & pornography
t. philistine
>You want to tell me that the author isn't connected to his literary work or what
No. And what makes you think anybofy would?
>Really makes you think, huh?
Sadly it doesn't make you read or you'd know that a lot of stuff was on their unjustified-
>No, I certainly do not need Mutti to tell me what I am allowed to think.
>No, I only what people I came to agree with in open discourse to censor information.
Seriously look at what you're saying there. I mean.. everybody thinks they have the definitive answers to everything. We all thought it before we got redpilled with whatever shit you believed in before. And free stream of information got you to where you are. At what point does anything of what you're saying make a case for censorship?
>Any counter arguments?
You didn't give an argument. You claimed
>You can't allow everyone to think freely. That's not how a successful society works
and I disagree. Because none of the problems in society I see by people thinking freely but instead by people censoring themselves or getting censored. Any arguments?
>They don't, the majority of the population of, let's say Germany, a country of ~80 million, is not intelligent enough to participate in the public opinion-forming process anyway. And that's exactly what I mean.
I agree. I'm not a democuck. But I want neither 80 people nor 80 million people to tell me what to think. Censoring the information the people DO NOT take in works against your goals. What's the point here?
>I really don't think so.
>Nananana Du bist doof weil ich es sage
Your opinion isn't really worth much to me. Especially since it's not your opinion but just ideological baggage you blindly adapted because it's easier than to actually investigate the subject and find arguments for and against censorship
He is right though.
Intellectualism means working against nature. it means binging on your own brainfarts instead of living
breaking laws since 1776
>intellectualism is cancer. intellectuals are largely marxists, jews and traitors
>tfw too stupid to be a leftie
Why would you even say something like this about yourself lol
>brainwash" people by virtue signaling
What a fair representation of freedom of information. You clearly hold your position based on arguments and facts and not because it's your team doing it
>that's the fucking point of brainwashing - it makes people disregard everything to the contrary
>you can present a leftist with as much authentic information as you want, they will not even look at it and simply discard it as "racist" or "right wing propaganda".
No. Do you think people get born with an ideology and then are forced to hold it their entire life? Convictions are a huge part of why we hold to our worldview.
>but naive and ultimately futile
Because you say so.
>a harsh crackdown on its source
With... facts? Are you baiting me? You already agree with me right? You can't be THAT stupid
>followed by counter brainwashing people into joining our side instead.
No. I don't want "because it's our side" sheep like you on our side. I want people to hold positions because they are the objectively best position to hold.
I mean look at you. You can't give a single valid point as to why censorship is good and actually refute your own stance in your problem solving. Because you just blindly accept things.
The state is a living organism just like you and we dont want the nation to be depressed