Australia Right Now


>Australia has one of the highest house prices in the world
> Australia has one of the highest house loan debts in the world
> Our "conservative" party took our guns away
> Guns illegal for self defense
> Sydney is being run over by Asians
> Everyone knows nothing is gonna change so No one gives a shit about politics and don't vote
>Credit rating about to go down to AA
> Multiple car factories have closed down in states like Holden and Toyota
> PM is a pussy with no backbone

God bless Australia

Other urls found in this thread:

States like Holden and Toyota? fuck

Welcome to the world.

>tfw no qt aussie gf to snuggle & NEET it up with

Planning on moving to Holden soon lads, Toyota sucks, wish me luck.

Glad I'm not one of those cunts that lives in Toyota

White """""people""""" blown the fuck out

You can be bad but at least you'll never be Brazil

Best city in Holden?

Commodore is still the best city, don't fall for cruze lies they have no jobs.

Well, the only option is to import more Muslims. And only Muslims.

That's really sad, i remember i thought Australia was a paradise when i was younger, full of cool animals,and blonde blue-eyed qts, where i could be drunk all the time and do funny shit,i wanted to be like Steve Irwin lol, hope things get better down there.

>it's an another Laborfag concerned troll bullshit

I support one nation. I fucking hate the greens and labor

The only way our country will survive is if the make Voting non-compulsory.
More than 2/3rds of the population won't bother to vote, finally getting rid of labor and the greens once and for all.
Maybe even the Libs if we're lucky enough.

Holden will fucking crush Toyota in the next Statesman of Origin series.

Tfw australia will become a republic and change their flag soon.

Goodbye son. It was nice having you.

Based, Muscular and ELITE Bill Shorten

Why do we need Halal Certification when we have roast beef?

>not living in Barina

One Nation to dominate at WA State Election March 11

I love you too mum

If someone cuter than lizzie takes her place. We're staying mate

I fell for Turnbull's "don't vote for small parties, they won't get far" plea. Then, suddenly, Hanson comes along getting as far as she did.
I know where I'm putting my votes next time. At least LNP is right, but they're not nearly good enough.

lost the job I got back in November last friday I thought it was going well a knocked back a chance to study a nursing diploma at TAFE (which I applied for before I go the position). I now have to fucking wait to April to reapply.

Not 'till our dear Queen dies.
Even then, it's not a certainty.

gonna be voting first time One Nation lads, same with all me other bois :^)

I hate this shit hole and every useless mindless fuckwitt in it especially the retards that sit on 50 in a 60 zone with no one in front of them they need to drive into a wall and die.

There needs to be a law allowing us to shoot anyone that does the following.

1.Anyone who sits at a green light day dreaming

2.Anyone who sits 10 km under the limit for no fucking reason.

3.Anyone who watches A current affair or Today Tonight

4.Anyone who watches cancerous shows like the block or master chef or x factor , seriously they need to die.

All these groups need a bullet.

would you fuck this woman?

i would

The groups you're referring to are single mums and azns.
Anyone who doesn't pay taxes or can't speak English needs to die.
They also need to make month long camps in the bush compulsory for all high school students.

Maybe back then but not now.
You never have sex with anyone who's been in jail.

>Had a full time job for 2 years,
>Couldn't afford to move out (rent would be 3/5 my wage).
>Replaced by foreigner.
>Had saved enough to travel for the first time ever so went backpacking.
>Came back, unemployed, living at home,
>Haven't paid a cent on my uni dept,
>Drive a shit car,
>Job market stinks,
>No one wants to train young educated workers,
>Starting a job in a warehouse next week.
>Doing it to keep the parents happy and not be unemployed sack of shit.
>Looking at studying another degree,
>Realise everyone I know with degrees don't have jobs in their feild
>Weed dealer stopped selling
>Beaches are crowded with bogans
>Entire political system corrupt
>Entire society fucking retarded


The trap version of her is best

>Australia has one of the highest house prices in the world
> Australia has one of the highest house loan debts in the world

The bubble will burst soon and the government can't do anything about it. They will most likely continue to ignore the housing crisis and give the banks special tax breaks so they can help slow the burst a bit while pumping up immigration at the same time.

It won't be enough. International hedge funds have started shorting the aussie banks since last year, and it's not stopping. I personally know tradies with 5-6 investment properties of over a million each(sydney), rental yields are a joke and he's paying interest only!. And like him there's millions of people who think they are killing it!. The truth is the "smart money" got out as soon as the mining boom was over and the Chinese economy slowed down.

The entire system is unsustainable and the big 4 banks are freaking out now (cba has stopped new investor loans).

Ironically the only thing that could help keep the bubble going for a little longer is more immigration to increase rent demand and slow down the volume of negatively geared properties. That's until the jobs run out and infrastructure & social services collapse in the major cities (average time 3-5 years if the immigration numbers are high enough).

>weed dealer stopped selling
Stopped feeling sorry there

Reading shit like this makes me wish I could go home and do something. Too bad I don't have any experience that I'd need to get into politics

We need to do something about these Indians invading Melbourne

>smoke weed
>complain about society

yeah nah get fucked mate

That was more likely a Chink 2bh. Mainland Chinks are notorious in Hong Kong and Singapore for defecating on public transport.

>>Looking at studying another degree,
Why are the "educated" so retarded. Can't get a job with your first degree, so get another fucking one, double your hecs debt and still not have a job. Plebs with their useless degrees, I tell you what.

>Be Aussie
>Constant slowpoke because by the time your post uploads the threads have died
>Get a netflix account
>Downloading the image of the logo for the sign in screen uses up your bandwith for the year
>Always hot, never comfy
>Always forced into blistering heat whether inside or outside
>Only tins of alcohol can "cool you down"
>Nature is dangerous and almost exclusively ugly, very few parts of habitable australia are nice to look at
>You will always be sitting in ball and back sweat trying to shitpost at other nations

I feel bad for you, lads.

>PM is a pussy with no backbone
Better than that onion eating faggot though.

m8 my 512kb/s download is fine

>be bongistanian.
>weather is fucking miserable 24/7
>everyone's teeth are fucked.
>mayor of London is a Muslim

Top kek faggot

>Not having 100mbps.

Everyone I know is fibre now.

Stop limiting us and unlock 1gbps you fucking cunts but.

Do we have a fascist party yet?

I just want a gf, i'm sick of fucking hookers

>inb4 One nation

Weed is great fags.

Other options? I want to start a business and work for myself but all I got is import some cheap shit and sell it for more. Also Uni was easily the best time of my life, you missed out.

>weed is great
You deserve to never ever get a job.
Your parents will always be ashamed of you.

Do you guys like American tourists? Like, if I wore a big cowboy hat would girls want to talk to me

>tfw live in holden
>highest electricity prices almost in the world
>most unreliable power in the country
>highest unemployment in the country
>2nd most expensive hospital in the world thats taken something like 7 years to build
>longest continuous state government in the country, 17 years now with no end in sight
>will probably win the next one too
>footy teams suck
>soccer team is bottom
>bbl team finished bottom
Holden sucks lads

At least we have a good footy stadium though ;_;

you would be a walking faggot who would be laughed at

> tfw this is a Fabian socialists plot and I still can't figure out they want this

Confusing place to live desu

Good internet bantz m8

>tfw 4mbps download speed

>No one gives a shit about politics and don't vote

Literally everyone votes you retard.

It's the law

I wish I could afford hookers

T. Adult kissless virgin

Or the state of Holden

Yeah man, you would be too cool for school in an outfit like that.

>Lost a war to fucking emus.

> live in a hot country
> ancestors build high ceiling queenslanders to cope
> asians come along and built shit tonne of lowset houses with low ceilings and no ceiling fan

Life is suffering, asians are retarded and should fuck off with their shit tier house designs.

VL turbo. All the sick cuntz live there m8

>Lost a war to fucking emus.

omg gogglebox is amazeballs XD

>Lost a war...

... to fucking emus.


>lost their nation to the jews

>Be British
>Get up and make a piece of toast for breakfast
>Get out butter knife
>Police burst through the door
>Go through your wallet nervously, flicking through your tv license, pet license, phone license, crumpet license etc. but can't find butter knife license
>Get on the double decker prison bus to prison
>Talk to muslim on the bus
>He only has 3 days in prison for running a child traffacking and prostitution ring and pledging allegiance to ISIS
>Later get beheaded by the same prisoner who only gets additional 3 hours community service for killing you

You lost a war to them.

ebin meem you fucking embarrassment

>This triggers the aussie.

People would think you were a farmer.

>Tonight, on a Current Affair!
>Why you shouldn't be buying your shampoo from greengrocers!
>That's Tonight! on a CURRENT AFFAIR!

You forgot greens voters

Top tier bantz

>brits fuck China's shit up in the 19th century because muh profeet
>their descendents get CHINKED out of their new country

this is truly ancient Tang pottery

Fuck off, they're both full

Fuck you Frenchy I'm coming to reclaim your country for the rightful white decendents of Europe.

Add family feud to that list.

There is something wrong with that manlet.

Do what you have to do, John Kikongo Smith-Wang.

This threads reads like an 8/10 qt fishing for compliments by calling herself ugly.
You aussie cocksuckers know you are top 10 in the world so shut the fuck up.

Get rid of the chinks tho.

Australians love complaining.

Whinging is a national past time

Although it is true that the rural parts of the country are pretty fucked up at the moment.

We need a permit to go fishing, whether it is for fish or for complements.
I shit you not, m8

>Everyone knows nothing is gonna change so No one gives a shit about politics and don't vote
Australia has the highest voter turnout of any country

It is true.
Our genetic lineage reveals itself, because for every whinging pom you have another aussie whinging about the whinging pom

Once you register to vote, it is mandatory to vote every time or you face a small fine

It's illegal not to vote

For those who aren't aware:

Fine for not voting in the federal election is $24.
Fine for not voting in local council elections is $78.

>You will always be sitting in ball and back sweat trying to shitpost at other nations

I used to defend and promote this until I realized that it would mean our 30% of niggers and arabs would actually be the main unified electoral corps.

theyre trying to tear us all down.

One disaster of an election with those people being the dominant voting bloc and you'll watch the nation suddenly care a LOT more about holding politician shitcunts accountable.

Can't support non-compulsory voting hard enough.

Almost like ukraine. Welcome to the club.


requesting the "deny the holocaust" "go on, do it cunt" picture. I know one of you lads has it.

Do something to help change it or fuck off OP.

My gran still refers as Mother Britain

>god bless austraila
god has forgotten Australia. it's a fucking prison island.