Should I firebomb? Poo in loo

So the wife and I were heading home after a valentines night... On the way we were going to stop off at our corner store to grab some smokes....

For whatever reason we see it fenced up even though it's supposed to be our 24hr spot but as we approach Indian dude(theyr'e all Indians) is opening shit up... place is 24/7...

Fucking poo stops us from going in spouting some bullshit and I ask him if we can just grab some smkoes.. Keeps saying no and stopping us from going in.. This is our corner store, weve been frequenting this place for several years.. I ask him plz just grab us a pack and we will pass him cash later if he cant do computers right now.. He says no.. I say so youre going to make us walk 15mins up street to grab a pack and he smiles and says yes. I clench my fist up and fake lung to punch him in his fuckin face and my wife grabs me and he recoils in horror...

Sup Forums give me one good reason why I shouldnt firebomb this fucking place.. The poos hold a prime piece of real estate at Dupont and Spadina in Toronto. THe waifu and I are gtfoing from Toronto but there is no reason that a fucking poo should be occupying this real estate.

Are you fucking retarded?

I would say just leave a bag of flaming poop on his door but that's probably just make him feel at home.

Somebody report this to the RCMP or Toronto Police please.

Fuck off, you live in a non country


Assess your negative emotions. Read up on meta-cognition/mindfulness. Don't let other people's actions cause so much emotion in you.
In short, chill out and think my dude.

This is officially a foreigner that are occupying prime real estate deserve to be murdered thread. KYS Nippon make me some spicy salmon.


As a proud Indian kys and eat shit you fucking leaf white faggot cuck.

Fuck you leaf.

Indians are infinitely superior to you.