Anyone seen this?

Okay so, I gave the time to watch this piece of garbage and I wanted to know other people's thoughts on it.

Is it just me is this very obviously leftist propaganda and brainwashing, implemented in a very clever way.

A clip is shown, JO makes a snarky remark and, a laugh track is played in order to entice the viewers to also degrade and shrug off the aforementioned clip as if it was ridiculous, all of this being done without a single legitimate argument beign presented.

Yet there are 8 million views and most of the comments on YouTube are liberals saying how Trump supporters hate facts and are retarded. Am I missing something or are people honestly so stupid to think that there were facts presented within the video?

Name one thing he said that was wrong

It confirms their prejudice, so they aren't critical of the reasoning behind his arguments. Typical normie behavior.

What I would like to know is why, every fucking day, there is ALWAYS a minimum of one of this faggots videos in the fucking trending list at all times.

Even pewdiepie isn't that fucking popular.

Youtube actively shilled for Hillary during the election. People got specific CNN videos that were anti-Trump pushed to their phone as notifications without being subscribed. I have evidence and all thr comments on the videos were like this: "uh why did this garbage get push notification to my phone? wtf"

In addition to that, "Trending" videos are all late night talk shows and snl shit pushed by the media companies and it all happens to be political. I wouldn't be surprised for a second if they padded the views and likes to make the video more convincing after their massive election failures. There have been multiple instances of all of this and googles pro Hillary search suggestions. Eric Schmidt of Google is a huge hillary obama supporter and Google is the most visited White House guest. Look it all up.

It's disturbing how much yellow journalism has become a part of our daily lives in America.

I'm so sick of biased information being shoved into my face from all angles and the idiots who fall for the media's tactics are nearly impossible to deal with. They all act so self righteous and uppity as if they themselves are the answer to the world's problems.

I watched part of it but I had to stop because I could feel brain cells dying. Every politician exaggerates or distorts the truth, it's nothing new, remember the bengazi video?, but the liberal frenzy over trump is new.

The word you're looking for is "lies".

All of my replies that give a rational argument on YouTube comments are being deleted from the page

I have also read other sound rebuttles but going back, they too have been removed. What is actually going on?

Lol classic youtube those fuckers always do it

Because he's right. Trump is a pathetic little narcissist who lies all the time. He's a laughing stock for the rest of the world. Nobody takes him seriously.

No. He is not right. Everything he said is satire and based on illogical incomplete arguments.

It's apartment the liberal media propaganda train stretches far and wide across this earth.

Do you also believe the earth is flat?


Yeah and you see these fucking mongs parrot "post-truth" and "alternative facts" and "the right are resistant to the truth and can't see why they're wrong".

Arguments presented? None.


Present this expansive litany of lies, medkit.

It only took him a few seconds to quote politifact as a source


Is there even a trustworthy no biased source out there? I fuckin hate these mind games being played with us. I just want the goddamn truth but even with cross referencing we find discrepancies that can't be brought to a consensus or common ground.

What the fuck is actually going on in this world? Or are us peasants not worthy enough to know what the rulers are truly up to....

No one gives a fuck about truth they just want their side to get one up on the others.

There's so many truths and ways to appear to be "correct" that truth doesn't even matter.

I try to be as unbiased as possible and I either end up sympathetic with elements of both sides or disgusted at the political games.
All media tries to "trap" any opposition by framing questions, they always end up arguing the question instead of the topic because neither wants to give up ground.
They give softball questions to those on their side.

Numbers, groupthink and unity seem to beat out truth seeking and open conversation. I can see it's done because it for a stronger party but its still saddening.

Why cant they just jump on the trump train to greatness instead of being a bunch of obstructionist contrarian faggets?

An unfortunate truth.

I blame terribly biased liberal education and negative reinforcement within schooling systems.

People are ridiculed when they are wrong which causes a deep seeded fear of being incorrect within any given situation.

If people could learn that the term ignorant is not an insult but rather a discriptive term of one's current state of knowledge on a topic, then they could learn to open their minds and know that being incorrect is not the end of the world but rather a beginning to becoming more intelligent and informed of the world around us.

It's sad that people don't care about the truth..

to put it in your people's language: sad!

Has nothing to do with me liking it or not. It has to do with the lackadaisical attempt at running the president into the ground and so many people eating it up as if it is the God's honest truth.

Why are so many leafs so abhorrently liberal and without rational, reasonable minds?

Normies and shitskins eat this shit up

>Watching Oliver
What argument can you refute?

Islam wasn't created till 600 years later.

What argument was presented?


it's edited in a manner that is conducive to how fast and analytical liberal minds are. sorry if the momentum does not cater to you.


I couldn't bare watching more than 5 minutes, it's just about him telling you how to think to be a good goy

My mind works just fine. I think I have made that clear enough. I'm sorry that you so easily fall for this very obvious conditioning on the subject of Trump.


Funny how OP will accuse the clip of "hurr durr no argument" and fail to respond to this first post.

Trumpcucks are truly pathetic.

The goyims will reign supreme. I can feel it in my bones

We all like to think we reason and use logic but it all comes down to competition and not showing weakness.
If you admit ignorance you submit to the other in a way and give them some dominance over you. If they "know" then you have to concede to them. All these appeals to celebrities, those in power, statistics or any kind of dogma or tradition. All used as tools to gain dominance over the other.
We're really primitive when you boil it down.

I think the only guaranteed way for those with opposing views to agree on any truths is for them to mutually and co operatively go through the process of discovering them.
But aint nobody got time for that.

Name something he said that was a valid argument and not just a statement made based on a sound bite and I will easily tell you everything wrong with it.

My entire point is that not a single logical argument was presented.

Not once was I nearly at the level of you, with a "hurr durr" comment as you liberals love to throw around so much.

I clearly stated what my gripe was.

Yet another unfortunate truth. I believe intelligent people that care about the well-being of their posterity and the progression of humanity as a whole are slowly being taken out of the equation that is life.

Life on Earth at least..

YouTube is forcing liberal mouthpieces like colbert and John oliver into the trending tab. They'd get no views otherwise and youtube is run by jews so...

The fuckin Jews are at it again.


The ones who arent out to gain power by swaying others to their beliefs just put their heads down and live their own private lives.
The main factor swaying me towards trump is that most of the republicans seem to operate this way. They want progression in tangible financial terms rather than the intangible "social progression" of the left.

Democrats leverage the poor and "minorities" (an alliance that has become the majority with current-law privileges over others) to profit on deceptive emotonial appeals.
Charities that are filling higher ups pockets. Raising awareness for "important issues" by giving money to important administrators. They have a nice facade but underneath theyre doing the same shit as the other side. They just arent honest about it. Makes them more untrustworthy.