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What part don't you understand ?

That's prolly juss the first in a series. prep yourself, diss gonna b good.

This is the same guy that said anything negative said about him is fake news LUL

no one other than sjw spergs are taking the russian """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""hacking""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" seriously right?

Here is the daily trump tweet that everyone will tear their own assholes for just understanding a word.

This is the most pathetic president ever elected.

of course we aren't vla-i mean regular canadian poster



Trump is genuinely fucking autistic. It's not even a joke anymore, probably demented as well.

That said, in today's PC climate, only a true autist could actually push for much-needed policies like anti-immigration. Historians of the future will all study how the Western world has been saved by unmitigated autism.

He should go big dick mode and bash FBI for illegally tapping the phone call and also bash the hidden power that tries to bring him down from within.

Jesus, how many Shareblue shills are here?

Deru rushian conekushiyenu nonu-senesu isu mereri ane atempto to coveru-upu re mani mistakeru maderu inu Hirari Kurintonu's~ rosingu kampengu desu

$40 million worth of them this year alone

Rather than the media and the left admit they are totally out of touch with reality, and that's why their (((predictions))) fucking exploded in their face on election day when Clinton was BTFO, they instead maintain they were actually right all along and Trump colluded with Russia to "hack" the election.

They are desperate to find any connection between Trumps administration and Russia to save face.

This is a good point. Pretty much any normie would have caved to public pressure by now. Instead Trump is tweeting about Hillary's campaign.


Thanks to the Patriot act. it wasn't an illegal tap.


Well Trump this is what happens when you bash your own intelligence agencies.

Trump is finding out that unlike business, when you do shady shit in politics and you have enemies, shit gets out.

This is the day that finishes him, the GOP establishment will run for cover now.

Trumpy wumpy looks like he's made a few too many enemies huh?

Right. You do know that most polls put Hillary around 2 to 3 points above Trump before the polls opened right? And you do know that is really not a lot.

And when shit is starting to roll down hill and the mounting evidence you blame the jews. You seem to be a well adjusted human being.

The loyalty of national agencies is not supposed to be conditional on liking the president.

Ever since he started his campaign I was always wondering if the was a genuine retard with a lot of ego and charisma or is he playing 4D chess.
To this day I dont know the answer and asking myself this with almost every move he makes.

fuck off with your concern trolling.

Obviously you don't have a cable subscription, or you would have seen every media outlet relentless shilling against Trump for the last year and half.


Get your head out of your ass.

The agencies and federal officers swear allegiance to the constitution, not the president you fucking leaf

obviously a shariablue troll to dismiss a argument with nonsense.
its quite embarrassing and i would laugh at anyone who could not see this connection

That doesn't mean its A-OK to leak information and actively work to subvert a democratically elected government. Go take a helicopter ride you gommie.

>polls said
Hahaha, you really believe everything you read, don't you?

the answer is that it doesn't matter, only thing that matters is what he does. and so far he did more than most """""""""right wing"""""""" politicians do in a year.

also what goes on the internet stays on the internet hahaha

I'm also struggling to see why this narrative is constantly being pushed, when it has so little meat to it, maybe they want to keep the whole russia bs alive 'till re-elections


its to cover up the 1200 arrests from human trafficking made since sessions made office

coverup/weekly bitching session
give it until Friday then we won't hear about it ever again

>these were put into that "russian" dossier


>people actually believe pissgate
holy fuck

They claim to want world peace, but russia has to be the big bad guy always or their plants in the middle east get fucked.

That wasn't in the dossier you disinfo shill

That was never in the dossier you faggot.
Atleast hil shills got money..

You mean the same intelligence agencies that buttfucked HRC over some emails?

Trumpkins were all for the FBI leaks then.

>mocking pissgate
>disinfo shill
what the fuck are you smoking?

t. KGB agent

nigger kike die in a glass cloud

glass cloud? sounds pretty comfy desu


who owns them again?

really makes you think

Flynn is a registered Democrat you fucking retard.

So far he's been correct more often than not.

Reminder that David "pizza pedo" Brock raised 40 million to shill online and his shills are here right now.

Gas the Neocons 2018, would rather vote for a democrat than a establishment Republican.

> being pragmatic is the same as being autist and Russian spy
> not telling rust belt workers, that you will give them anything, but 10 times more FAGALPLABET, when Trump promises them workplaces, is the same as being hacked by Russians

I guess they should`ve been putting more atrazine in the water supply.

> democrat
> establishment Republican
Is there really any difference?