What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Damage control

calling out fake news

Not long left Drrumpfkins

I can't wait for the day he simply tweets "Pizzagate is real".

Why are democrats so desperate to reignite the Cold War.

>$40mil and this is the result


>Puppet? No puppet. You're a puppet.

Donald you can't play the Hillary card anymore. He desperately wants to return to the days of campaigning. Simpler times.

sup CREW.

Is Brock getting sweatier and sweatier as time goes on, or has he finally learned how to wipe his forehead?

Not sure why NYT reported this yesterday when they literally said that there is no evidence of this.

>its a conspiracy to make an irrelevant person look good

defend this dumpers

Two reasons

Profits and obeying the will of "greatest ally"

His weakest moment of the debates after "the cyber".

It looks like that those deep state spooks are out to get him, he better figure out this shit.

He's going to just purge the shit lit of the gov employees.

Does it sound to anyone else like Trump didn't write that?

>those dashes

Can't accept Hillary was a loser so they are trying to claim it was a big Dan brown and tom Clancy gay orgy conspiracy by Russians.

I noticed it too. Let's ask it, if du.bs, his twitter account is hacked.


42D chess

It's scary. Don't they realize Trump is the only reasonable person that can stop us from the warhungry, unpeoplelike mindless violence reptiles like Hillary would impose on us?

How can they willingly wish for the death of the world by prying into FAKE NEWS over and over.

Truly these are people who have an affinity for self destruction.

I enjoy watching these posts now.. My sodium levels are gonna kill me with all the saltiness!

He is trying to deflect. It won't work.

That's actually the truth tho. Libs couldn't handle that their ideology is inferior so they are using Russia as one of their many scapegoats

he's telling the truth

he knows his days are numbered, he'll be gone before 2018