Ask an italian anything
Ask an italian anything
Come va?
Whats it like to be from the most irrelevant country of all time?
Bene grazie
Tu invece?
Planning a roadtrip which includes time in Cortina D'ampezzo, Venezia, Bologna, Firenze possibly ferrara.
Should we swap any of those locations with or just add Ferrara, Modena, San Marino or other cities nearby?
I don't know, I am not american
Are you guys white, or are you guys "white" white?
I suggest to go to modena. Would rather go there than go to ferrara but they are both good
How do I make my pizza base more airy whilst being stretchy. For some reason, every time I make pizza, my pizza bread has the texture of a cake. How do I develop the gluten in my pizza, so then my pizza could taste like the ones from the Italian restaurants?
I would keep the first 4 cortina, Venezia, Bologna and firenze.
You can go to San Marino if you have time, nice place.
Hello. Armenian here.
I'm currently dating a beautiful Italian girl that I intend on marrying and having kids with.
How would the average Italian feel about this?
any tips on what to do for a day in Modena?
I'll research myself but thought you might have a redpill
Are you white?
What is it with you wogs and cash?
where are you from?
Grazie amico.
For me there is nothing wrong with it.
Why are you posting an image of georgia?
What's it like basing your culture on an aztec fruit?
Do you have a We Wuz Romans movement over in your country?
Between Bergamo and Milan
What's-a matter you? Gotta no respect? What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look-a so sad?
>Between Bergamo and Milan
where are your parents from?
There is no fucking diference between san marino tomatoes and Rome tomatoes
Also, are San Marzano tomatoes really better than normal Roma tomatoes for making sauces, and is it worth it paying 10 dollars for a can of San Marzanos or are the Italians Jewing us?
What did you thought? I'm not an immigrant
>Italians posting in correct English and interacting on Sup Forums
Sup Forums sure is an interesting place
I don't know we don't have that kind of tomatoes we take them directly from the farmer or at the supermarket (that also come from local farmers )
I thought you were a Napolitan expat
if her family's problem, we don't give a shit
Name one thing Italy has done correctly.
why are you the only people who seem to have deathsquads against Muslims?
after researching this shit I've realized spaghetti-niggers are based as fuck
Roman empire
Western Civilization.
Catholic Church
food? aqueducts? getting away with gassing niggers?
>10$ for a can of tomatoes
Impresa di Alessandria
we created you
not joking, check what the Duchy of Tuscany and De Medici family did
How do you go from this?
Why the supermarkets arrangement make no sense at all? Clothes shelf in front of meat shelf, shoes shelf in front of eletronics, soap/shampoo shelf in front of sauce, etc.
Joke about how fat are Americans
>creating america was the correct thing to do
A chi Fiume?
Holy fuck a shit tons of italians are posting in a thread i created
well fuck, maybe you are right
*won the World Cup recently.
depends on the shop, most of the time they put stuff wherever they have enough space
Greeks > Italians
Always been that way.
The Roman Empire has to be created again
Drowning nigger in the Mediterraneo.
>Roman empire
I dream of a New Roman Empire
Filthy G*rms
>Catholic Church
You mean the Church that gave to our king the title of "christianissimus" after we killed the Goths, and the Lombards. Under you this church became increasingly cucked.
>Implying you're alone
Greeks, Italians, French, Germans, English.
>kiddie diddling is better than civil law
leave it to the Nords to be in charge of culture, they said
That doesn't even make sense. The entire world just thinks of pizza, Mario, and Mafia when they think of Italy. You're a meme and we're the strongest, most influential nation in the world. Top kek. GIT GUD.
inb4 WE WUZ ROMAN. Italian =/= roman any more than Romania = Roman. Europe has mixed for well over a thousand years since then.
>Mama Mia goyum!
is everyone fat?
You don't even have your won Alphabet
you do?
È la nostra, la nostra, la nostra GIOCONDAAA ALÈ OH OH MATERAZZI HA FATTO GOALLLL!
Do you?
fucking ruthless. love it.
Why did you get your shit pushed in 390BC?
Fucking immigrants
yet we taught you snowniggers how to write
Probably several factors like:
>historical conflicts with arabs/mudslimes/north africans
>above average religiosity for Western Europe standards
>above average nationalism for WE standards
>above average emphasis on local culture (classical, medieval, eenaissance, etc) as being the best
>"Nazi-fascist guilt" not as relevant as in Germany
>very low trust in post-WW2 institutions
Also due to recent-history political reasons there's not a rich areas=progressive poor areas=traditionalist divide as there is in other countries, the whole country is on average much more conservative than the rest of Western Europe.
Ero riuscito a dimenticare, grazie user
Why do french have to get all the money for something WE did?
Omg armenian this is piece of shit
Great memories forever ruined by that stupid song. Rot in hell.
How come Rome turned into a shithole?
Is Antonin Scalia white or "white" white?
Silvio berlusconi
Still, povero Silvio.
>You don't even have your won Alphabet
>Latin alphabet
>not invented by Italians
what the fuck are you saying Hans
Translated please .
it's ours, it's ours, it's ours Gioconda
We are talking about the greeks here Lads. The roman empire was just a copy paste of greek civilization + better sewer system and baths.
nice meme
What do you mean by Greeks? Do you mean the Bronze Age Greeks? Do you mean Alexander the Greats Macedonia? Do you mean The Byzantine Empire/Eastern Rome?
The Roman Empire was awesome and so was the renaissance Italians.
If it wasn't for The Roman Empire your people would still be running around in tribes like niggers in Africa.
>The entire world just thinks of pizza, Mario, and Mafia when they think of Italy
No, that's the only two things americans think about because they have no culture and their brains are too full of McDonald's fat to be able to process anything that isn't two metres away from their fat asses
we don't care about expat self-hating roasties, the only kind of girls who would ever move to Sweden. So feel that pussy up at your heart's pleasure, my friend
name one thing more embarassing than american education
you are literally using our alphabet right now, you yogurt-nigger
My family moved from Italy when I was young. When I think about Italy I think about the good food, how silly people are and how unorganized and obnoxious people can be.
Simple things like sitting at a cafe/restaurant and people are talking really loudly or how seriously Italians are when it comes to food come to mind.
One thing I have found that would never happen in Italy is that some people simply never learned how to cook things from scratch, don't have family recipes.
Another thing non italians can be very bad at is haggling. When I bought my first car I took my grandfather with me to the dealership and he knocked so much off of their asking price he is an absolute nightmare to haggle with lol.
Do they sell teddy bears with roman outfit at Rome?
I want one for my mother and I go to Rome this summer
It's always jews.
Pic related(yellow variety too) are better for pizza and spaghetti.
For sauce depends on what you want to make.
va bieno
You should love bologna, it's full of commies :^)
How does it feel knowing I fill Italian girls with my anglo semen
Sadly/luckily no
But we got we wuz fascists movements