/GEG/ German Election General

Newest poll by forsa shows:

SPD stabilizing at the 30% mark

AfD gaining a respectable 9%

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What the fuck, how did this shit happen

May have something to do with AfD currently purging the right wing from their party (see Höcke)

>afd so low
sorry germany but your fucked

Why should anyone vote for these hacks?

What problems are they supposed to resolve, and how?


whyyyy are they doing that

probably a lousy attempt at appeasing the overwhelming majority of germans, who don't want anything to do with nazi-ism

because höcke made some comments about the holocaust memorial in berlin... they wanna kick him out now

Imagine letting 1 million invaders into your country and then voting for the whore that allowed that to happen. Germans are a whole other level of cuckery. Based Germans its time to escape to America or Canada.

meanwhile our government has let in 10 million invaders
in a country of 25 million white people

It's a poll, you know the drill. Ask yourself what the orders are the pollsters received.

1. Give people an illusion of choice between SPD and CDU.

This whole Schulz effect that was hyped the last two weeks plays into this. It's forced and thus a concerted effort to build up Martin Schulz.

2. Make the AfD appear small and insignificant.

To that end the poll can doctor its numbers even more than usual, since the AfD is busy with Höcke right now.

Like usual, numbers will change closer to the elections. Keep an eye on the state level elections this year. NRW should be important, since lots of people and lots of working class SPD voters live in NRW.

If the SPD shows real trouble here, it looks grim for them in the general election.

Youre right leafbro.Based Germans should go to the US or UK. Im trying to get to the US right now, Canada is doomed.

>Having a guy who says we need a 180° turn in our commemoration of world war II
Just think about that. I know, he probably didn't really mean 180° but just take a step back to think, that a German politician talking about our commemoration of WWII, which is
>We did horrible things
>Jews, gays, gypsies etc. were victims
>Dresden was bad
>KZs were bad
>allies largely were good guys
And turn it to the complete opposite.

Why do you think a party, that wants to get in the Bundestag is throwing him out?

>respectable 9%
Just wait until Högge is out, they'll go lower than that. Hopefully

>delusional post intensifies

>Be Merkel
>Fucks up an entire continent
>Still gets over 30% in polls

Retarded extremists that can't keep their mouth's shut are a death sentence to any party which is attempting to break into the mainstream

>b-but I wanted a neo-nazi ethnostate!!!

Save yourself from extinction first

What, you think there really is a Schulz effect of ~9% ?

>he probably didn't really mean 180°
He said exactly that.

>Why do you think a party, that wants to get in the Bundestag is throwing him out?
According to Högge fellating fans, it's a grand conspiracy to consolidate power in the hands of the evil Petry. If you haven't, you should read some of the facebook comments on Petry's page, it's hilarious infighting.

>Frau Petry sie sind eine macht besessene hexe
>Sie sollten sich vielleicht doch mehr um ihre schon vorhandenen Kinder und um ihre bevorstehende Mutterschaft kümmern.!!!! Björn Höcke wäre der RICHTIGE an der Spitze und in Berlin !!

Who cares, it's half a year until the election, for the moment there obviously is a positive effect and a viable choice for disappointed SPD voters and others.

>He said exactly that.
I know he did say exactly that, I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt because calling for this should be very concerning to the population and his party.
Also, regarding his speeches he doesn't really succeed in rhethorics, so he could've just used it without fully knowing the implications.

Where did you get those numbers?

they're getting subverted hardcore
>media spergs out about
>cuckservatives in the party start nervously sweating
>try to appease the media by apologizing and condemning their own party colleagues

it never works in favor of the pary, the media will never stop demonizing them. groveling and sucking up to them just makes the party look like a weak bunch of sycophants without a spine, which alienates their supporters.

They should make 2 parties, who are working together in shadows. One for normies and one for more radicals. As long as each is capable of reaching 4%, its the best strategy.

>it's half a year until the election

I agree. Which is why I'm waiting for the state elections. NRW will be a big tell to see how many votes Schulz can win back.

>a viable choice for disappointed SPD voters
Come on, everybody knows Schulz is just a new face. The party is the same.

>dude just divide and conquer your own movement, it's totally going to be great
>surely the media will stop bashing you once you got rid of all those evil radicals :^)

fuck off jew

>One for normies and one for more radicals.
The normies-party is the AfD. The truely radical right wing party already exists and is called NPD. They can't work together and neither could the AfD and another more right-wing party. The AfD is already in troubling for fishing in the deeper right-wing sector, two equally powerful parties would just tear each other apart.

>giving him the benefit of the doubt
Why? It's not like it's the first time he's behaving like a wannabe Göbbels.

>without fully knowing the implications
Oh please.

>they're getting subverted
Haha, of course, you poor delusional AfD cuck.

USA, the land of free speech, had a silent majority, and so the polls were useless.
Now how do you think that translates towards the thought police state of Germany?

Cause I don't know all the details, so why should I make a definite conclusion about his intentions?

Bro, there are more than 5,000 new members in the SPD simply due to Schulz

If you still think this is some make-believe shit, stay delusional, user... The socialist revolution will come.

>literally every other member is a Bundesnachrichtendienst operative

The same goes with most of the traditional radical right wing parties in Europe. Infiltrated to the core with intelligence operatives that discredit the party and renders its future capabilities void.

>just a new face
Which in case of the SPD is good enough. Who knows, maybe he'll shake the whole thing up a bit and get rid of the old faces.

What policies does FDP support?

You sound like you've never seen a speech by him. It's not the first time the party wanted to throw him out for his shit either.

Primarily neoliberal free market stuff. Going by English / US terminology, they're libertarian.

Most of them are people rejoining the SPD after leaving, I bet.

>shake the whole thing up a bit and get rid of the old faces
Schulz is a EU official. He's as much of a swamp as my balls when I open up my Petry leak folder.

Its used here all the time, although on center-left. The old party dies off, some new is created which take the lead, while old one still has some power and they continue to collaborate. This way they can fish in bigger political specter.

They are already dividing, this way you still keep control of getaway supporters. Although I agree they should just ignore media, but it can be hard if you want to break mainstream. Germany is not USA, sorry but you guys are mostly conformist faggots.

isn't NPD a honeypot or at least so i heard. The best option for them would be to work together so NPD take more radical AfD supporters, while AfD can be more moderate.



"Take them in, but they have to integrate"

>AfD gaining a respectable 9%

Gaining a respectable 9% from their previous 13% while undergoing an implosion, bahahahahaha

Pls Germany for the sake of Europe don't vote Merkel

She is better than schulz, unless you want to live in a rapefugee infested European Federation

Redpill me on Schultz. Whats his opinion on the EU, Refugees, bailouts and anti EU movements. How could he complicate Brexit, or the possibilty of a Grexit/Frexit

>things that never happened.jpg


SD+M+KD 2018

>wants extensive federalization of the EU
>has stated in the past that Germany exists only to serve the interests of Israel
>he is an EU cronie krypto-kike socialist bastard

You do the math.

Where did you get that spicy flag?

Which is which? The gay flower is the SD right? I didn't know they were doing so well.

>Schulz is a EU official
Your point? He's an outsider to German politics.

Come again you disgusting inhumane Slav scum?

centrist (but in reality left wing) 34%
left wing 31%
radical left 8%
liberal left 7%
liberal left 5%
populistic right 9%

How did this happen? Why are there no respected right wing parties with reasonable views?

So which one is merkel and which is the jew kike who wants to flood us with BBC

Same with our GD, got 8% one year and now gets 6% at best
Doesnt her own party hate her now?
So everything we hated Merkel for plus more?


My god, plese purge yourself or inform yourself before shitposting like that.

if you are right wing in germany you are labeled as a jews-gasing-nazi

SD is the blue flower

from left to right:
>M (moderates)
>C (center)
>L (liberals)
>KD (christian democrats)
>MP (""""green"""" party)
>S (social democrats)
>V (left)
>Fi (feminist initiative)
>SD (sweden democrats)

4% is the cutoff so the ones that get below 4% will be as if they didn't get any votes at all

>mfw the Social-Democrats in my country have the exact same Red Rose symbol
>mfw we call them "the red plague" in reference to their continuation from the post 89' commie party

Commies need to burn.

>So everything we hated Merkel for plus more?

In retrospect, Merkel would look like a far-right war-machine after a year of Schulz's madness.

Need more % for AfD

leavign this here

Sorry for that. My point still stands though.

>being this delusional

How does it feel to live in an alt-right bubble? Most of the people that are now joining the SPD are young voters, and people who have never been a member of a political party before. Afaik Spiegel or SZ recently did an article on those people, and I myself know at least 5 people (18-23, excluding myself there) who joined the SPD after Schulz.

So you are fuckt.
Educate me Hans, how fuckt are you and what is to be expected


His ideas should not be strange and abnormal. It's instead just the current environment being crazy. You can find a very similar example from the left, from the founder of Der Spiegel, in a column that was written when the holocaust memorial was in its planning phase. That column had basically the exact same critique about how Germany is not in a healthy place about how it treats patriotism, history, etc.

>SPD 25%
>CDU/CSU 20%
>Linke 10%
>Grüne 10%
>AFD 15%
>FDP 5%
Sounds about right

AfD is at least 12% in every poll

It's a plot to stop the media whining about "evil nazi Höcke". The judges who will decide over his fate are all his friends, he'll stay in the party.

Your point really does stand.
CDU is actually just an Union between CDU and CSU, CSU being a conservative right leaning party that only operates in Bavaria though.

It's funny, they were the only ones next to AfD to criticize Merkels immigration politics, while being in an close alliance with them. Many say they should simply form their own federal party instead of being a right wing mole on CDU's face.

And if you just like money and centrism you vote FDP.

Remove kebab, by any means necessary you stupid fucks

>AfD is at least 12% in every poll
>I'm too lazy to follow the slow motion implosion of my favorite maymay party


>and I myself know at least 5 people (18-23, excluding myself there) who joined the SPD after Schulz.

Antifa in no regards should be considered "people". Go prep the bull, pseudo kike-Hans.

As I've stated before, you delusional neo-commies need to hang. I care not for the young, brainwashed zombies that populate degenerate areas such as Berlin or Munich. Nothing but subhumans adhering to the values of cultural marxism.

Thats all? Fuck Germany. You guys are going to burn in hell. Hans, come to America before the Islamists rule your country.

Geert is at 26% and rising



>AfD gaining a respectable 9%

According to this poll, 46 % of Germans want something that's MORE LEFT than the current Merkel.

>Green party stealing the election from Hofer
>allowing 16 year olds to vote

Two can play this game

His "ideas" are racist nonsense, you AfD cuck.

If you're ok with that, kill yourself...an hero right fucking now your life is worthless

Höcke was the only real Person in there.

I will vote for Leftists or Green to accelerate the downfall of Germany so we can rebuild from scrap.

This state must die

>check flag
>can't see it

Not comparable looking at the numbers.. 9% is pathetic no matter what.

He just had tlearn how to word his thoughts and make them appear more rational.

Instead he went on crazy WW2 Aesthetic speeches and used vocabular that he must have known is not going to work in this country.

If he simply made a rational point about our country being allowed to love itself and not having to be afraid because of what happened in the past instead of going "Schande schande schande" he would have not faced such backlash.


I really hope thats the result of your next voting. You will get Merkel again

>Feminist party

>make them appear more rational
Did you just unintentionally confirm his dumb shit not to be rational? :^)

>His ideas should not be strange and abnormal
His idea is to turn WWII commemoration 180°. He calls for Germans to therefore say that the Nazis were the victims, KZs were good and Hitler did nothing wrong. That would be the complete opposite of what we are saying about WWII right now.
This might work on Sup Forums but not in real life especially not in diplomatic politics. You may want it to be that way, but it is non-practicable.

meant for

Posting this quote is standart countermeasure against schulz-shills trying to advertise their master of multiculturalism

Or desirable, unless you're a braindead fragile angsty white neonazi afraid of le evil brown people.

> 9% is pathetic no matter what.

It's suppressed media polls, tho', coming straight from the propaganda-state Lugenpresse. The real polls might take them at 15%-20%, depending on geopolitical fluctuations in the upcoming months.

I wouldn't be surprised if the party implodes by that point, tho. Germany has a long history in making their Bundesnachrichtendienst infiltrate and destroy potential popular right-wing parties. That and the constant nazi-labeling from the MSM is most than enough to scare off any support.

Hell, you can go to prison in Germany for merely posting something on Facebook that is mildly offensive. You can go to prison for just speaking out the truth, like that family that got fed up with refugees in their city. That should tell you everything about this failed social experiment called Germany.

>hurr not desirable
Can you please just shut the hell up and not make this about your ideology vs. their ideology?
You're completely destroying any argument youre having with this shit, if you had an argument to begin with other than
>He's bad because he's a nazi and those are bad because they're nazis.

>It's suppressed media polls, tho', coming straight from the propaganda-state Lugenpresse. The real polls might take them at 15%-20%, depending on geopolitical fluctuations in the upcoming months.

All news is fake news as long as I dislike hearing it! This is why you're a goatfucker gypsy.

I am not ashamed of WW2 or some jews or any of that shit, and none of us should be.

It was him basically being butthurt about losing a war and shouting schande about how we humbled ourselves to the past events that ticked most people off, not the idea of guilt tripping our country like we do nowadays in history lessons and in general.

Schulz shills now trying to appeal to pol without the M E G A bullshit but still have no arguments but blind hate for the afd

>trump can't break the 20% ceiling

I do not think anyone is buying it.

What, you're saying Nazis weren't bad or something?

>guilt tripping our country like we do nowadays in history lessons and in general
I don't even know where this keeps coming from. You've either never been to school or have watched too much neonazis yelling dumb garbage devoid of reality.