>meanwhile all they do is sell kebab and wörk shitty jobs
>meanwhile all they do is sell kebab and wörk shitty jobs
Here in Dearborn, they worked their ass off and are beyond set.
Many are pharmacists now.
i love deer meat
Did you see the pet dear murdered yesterday OP?
Oh hi ShareBlue.
tbqhf that's exactly why i don't like 'em
Good day, deer poster!
they commit a lot of violent street crime in australia and are over represented in incarcerations. lebanese muslims especially.
except the rapes
lack of jobs
fucking shitskin
>sell kebab and wörk shitty jobs
That's not all they do, OP.
Pic and link related, it's a map of the refugee crimes in Germany that have been reported so far in 2017.
I love dear meet
And you don't even want to see the THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of rapes, assaults, robberies, and kidnappings they were responsible for in 2016:
>oh look, it's the map made by racists again
>refugee crimes in Germany
Yeah too bad most of it isn't even about refugees and that which is, most of that is about refugees bashing each others heads in due to being confined in camps.
A lot is funnily enough about Eastern European scum.
> dear
Good goy.
>Oh look it's another suicidal deerfucking kraut thread
Enjoy having you kids raped and the chrges dropped against the syrian that did it because it was a 'sexual emergency' and putting him in prison would be racist
Spotted the Turkroach shitposter.
Do not trust this Ahmed false flag posting cunt.
Majority of Germans hate all kinds of muddies. The votes are staged. Kebab will be removed soon.
>most of it isn't even about refugees
Let's suppose you're correct, and "most" of the reports are somehow inaccurate.
That still means thousands of German women and children have been sexually assaulted by refugees.
You honestly believe the rape of women and children is an acceptable price to pay in exchange for sheltering over a million third-world barbarians?
>wörk shitty jobs
Yeah no, in UK only eastern europeans work in shitty manufacturing jobs/cleaning streets every muslim is either driving taxi and raping children in free time or has his own halal shop where other muslims can spend their money from benefits.
>being an attention seeking obnoxious avatarfag in 2017
Hunting season when?
>I can't disprove it with facts so I'm just going to claim racism and ignore it
Back to tumblr.
No not inaccurate, just not about refugees.
>You honestly believe
Sure, whatever floats your boat of retarded fantasies, you mongrel.
t. cuck
Good job avoiding the question. By ignoring the crimes, you are harming German children, by pretending the threat does not exist. You are exactly like a woman who looks the other way when her boyfriend rapes her daughter every night.
If you are white, you are a traitor to your people.
If you are brown, you are subhuman, and need to return to your desert where you belong.
Also, what is wrong with denying refugees and making them fight for their country? 99% of the time they refuse to assimilate or be productive at all. They just take the handouts, fight and relax.
So all those girls raped themselves on NYE in Cologne, huh?
You do realize you are pretending that the reality that Germany is self destructing as a nation because of muslim immigration is not true?
Cologne 2017 New Years avoided previous years event only with 15 times the number of police present and racial profiling of NAFRI's.
That is how this delusional marxist utopia of multiculturalism can be temporarily maintained. 15 times the law enforcement and racial profiling.
But since all extra cops were in Cologne there were not enough cops in Frankfurt, now were there?
And nothing what so ever happened in Frankfurt.
He's probably a shitskin himself, or a troll looking for b8.
>democrats constantly yell about "omg trump is hitler"
>meanwhile all he does is shitpost on twitter
and make deliveries to joyful christmas markets, hug german girls at festivals, airports and town squares and play with german boys in swimming pools, also they sell spices on the street corners and culturally enrich people with money, being hard workers and never relying on the state for financial help, adapting to the host cultures they come to, not to mention their imams constantly preach peace and understanding
such a nice bunch, can't really say there is any fault with 'em
The fuck is your problem, you weirdo?
>traitor to your people
Oh I see, you're mentally ill.
Why does shariablue keep going with this shitty deer meme
>sell kebab and wörk shitty jobs
These kebab are screens for drug money.
Not a single one sell enough kebab to stand.
There's 12 kebab in my town, in the same street. We have a huge problem of corruption with the turkish mafia and their algerian small hand.