#1 Conguitos
Awesome things that are deemed 'racist'
Other urls found in this thread:
Speaking proper English.
Adolf Hitler
where is this from?
Hell Seger!
Even better
You win
this is the noggest
Also this
Un-awesome people who are deemed racist: drumpfkins
I always imagined if you Moors were butthurt about us taking over your language and making it relevant like you could not.
We've got those on Portugal as well. No fucks
Are these good? What do they taste like?
Chocolate covered peanuts
So is there nothing special about them? Or are they really good chocolate covered peanuts?
>And all other men sharing the same skin colour.
Flag of our great city of Evora.
No fucks given, a warning of kebab removal.
Go find some flags like this. I know you Spaniards have them as well
It's slightly darker chocolate than the usual processed crap. I like them but they are nothing special.
Okay, thanks.
The current crest of Aragón, Spain
>still showcasing beheaded muslims
Like the head of a conquered beast.
>forgot pic
Yes, Brazil made Portuguese relevant for being the only language people taught monkeys how to use.
Koko can speak sign language.
Well, we were the first.
Yet the monkeys are the only ones doing subtitles while you bitch about it and do nothing. Your language sounds like shit, we improved it. Suck it boy.
source of that webm?
Zwarte Piet.
If you can't handle a few faggots dancing around wearing blackface and handing out candy and presents just fuck off.
We used to call pic related "Jew farts" well into the '60s. Beat that
How is that racist? Looks like it could be a fair trade product.
>"Ok. Vou estar a escrever direito"
Say the only Latin ones who doesn't use gerund. Plus, declaim Camões with Portuguese accent kills the decasyllabes.
Portuguese is Down Syndrome Spanish (French-Spanish) ... and French is Down Syndrome Latin.
Some Korean news show. I don't remember the name.
Bantz so shit they end up funny.
dats raycis
You should have posted a pic of this cultural icon of the Netherlands. Kids love zwarte Piet.
Voter IDs and an immigration policy
French is the least latin Romance language, you retard. Galician/Portuguese, Catalan and Italian are the least retarded ones. But what does a Burger now about language?
Who the the fuck uses subtitles?
Osama was ok, bought the war to U.S.
Apparently the plebs in your nation who keep bitching about our cultural takeover, try to keep up with the thread matey.
Criminally underrated
Sorry, I was busy being a person in a country where it's citizens aren't trying to genocide themselves.
>Galician/Portuguese, Catalan and Italian are the least retarded ones.
>least retarded
That's subjective. Your language is just Spanish with a gay lisp and some French-ish accentuation.
>But what does a Burger *know about language?
Enough to know that you're speaking mine, not the other way. :^) That and Portuguese is Down-Syndrome Spanish.
Just learn Spanish instead and be done with it.
We wuz flour and shiet