How do we save the Nords?
Just HOW do we save those pure Nordics!?
How do we save the Nords?
Just HOW do we save those pure Nordics!?
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Just your average Swedish family
Look how miserable those girls are, they are fucked literally.
Jesus Christ have any of those girls even got to hold a white boyfriends hand yet, or anything else? Will they ever do anything with a white boyfriend or ever have white boyfriends?
I see 3 Swedish children & 2 Syrian children.
Clearly they were never very smart or pure. Not wort saving. Mediterraneans/Anglos are very obviously the master race. I don't understand how this is up for debate. Would you rather be a pretty savage with a massive craving for black dick, or a genius race of empires that invented everything?
Yes, you're making a good point.
we dont need your help britcuckcunt!
Not at all. They're going to be sold off and blacked
Fuck this makes me sad. I just read an article about pizzagate :(
Sweden needs to change its flag to brown. They went from blonde and blue eyes, to just total brown.
Yeah Syrian children, the mainstream media repeatedly tells me people who look just like this are Syrian children, should I not believe them ?
Norway and Denmark are far better off than the rest of "attractive" Europe. It's only Sweden that can compete with the UK/France/Netherlands/Belgium etc.
Our birthrates are actually going up slightly from 1.8.
I think they're telling you that they are refugees, which is inaccurate too
Also, the context of the image is a teacher exchange project with a school in South Africa - but it's still a very strange photo
Sweden is vowed to become the next sicilia; Blond hair, blues will get replaced by brown eyes, nappy hair due to massive race mixing. History is doomed to repeat, with the difference that it was done with violence in Sicilia (rapes) while it will be done with consent in Sweden.
>due to massive race mixing
Race mixing is not common. What will kill Sweden is that they will be outnumbered.
>dumbass snownigger actually thinks Sicily was EVER a place with blonde blue eyed people
if anything, the Normans who increased that percentage
>You jealous white boi?
>dumbass snownigger actually thinks Tarantino is an authority in anthropology
Let the norse do the job.
If they can't they deserve to dissapear
Damn that hits me in the race bone real bad. Remove them now.
At least you will always be here for us Brazil.
>dumbass snownigger thinks a barely controlled area for barely 150 years is enough to wipe out the locals
>dumbass snownigger doesn't know Sicily was controlled for a much longer time by Normans and other Europeans afterwards
no wonder you dumb albino niggers are being replaced
Civic nationalists would approve of that pic
*laughs in Uralic*
Zhang pls, in case you ever drop the Quran and open some other book, you might find out that middle easterners and north Africans exist from thousands of years, they didn't magically pop up with arabs
Are you trying to counter that Italians are part African, with that we are part East-Asian? :D
Also remember that we have Sami people that are literally Uralic/Mongol. The average Norwegian have less Uralic DNA than the average Italian have African DNA.
Nevertheless East-Asian >>>>>>>>>>>Chimp>>>>>African
some Italians are partly related to the ancient near easterners, yes
the "african" includes north Africans, btw, and could've gone there with Phoenicians and the like
meanwhile, you're not even fucking fully caucasian, and Siberians are pretty much as useless if not even more useless than niggers
sorry, i don't want to have a feud or anything but if you look up at the dna studies, you will see that the haplogroup e is prevalent in Sicilia.
you mean a haplogroup which entered the continent in the neolithic? ok
>you're not even fucking fully caucasian
Most Norwegian are yes, the ones not mixed with the Sami. Not many are mixed with them because they are short and generally ugly. They are easy to spot.
Most Norwegian are fully Caucasian (at least as much as anyone is), meanwhile you have literal Sub-Saharan DNA.
>siberians are pretty much as useless if not even more useless than niggers
Siberians have around 100+ IQ, and able to survive by themselves unlike your cousins down in Kongo.
are you sicilian?
>Most Norwegian are fully Caucasian (at least as much as anyone is), meanwhile you have literal Sub-Saharan DNA.
clearly not given my pic, you don't even fit as fully west Eurasian, try again Chippewa
no, just tired of illiterate snowniggers projecting their cuckold fetishes on history
But clearly we have something called the Sami people. Google them.
But as I said, I would rather be 50% Asian than 1% Sub-Saharan.
>no, just tired of illiterate snowniggers
Says the literal nigger
nothing to do with Sami, those are ethnic Norwegians, try again snownigger
and pardon me I'd rather be an Italian nigger than a useless snownigger
>pure Nordics
Looks like IE migrations then importation of Slavs to Norway along with Hunnic wives to Gotland made Scandinavia so pure. So really gives a whole new meaning to "multiculturalism is what creates purity" doesn't it?
>those are ethnic Norwegians
Sami count as Norwegian. Most Sami people live in Oslo now. A representative genetic test of the population here would include the Sami.
But if not - doesn't bother me at all.
>and pardon me I'd rather be an Italian nigger than a useless snownigger
The Sub-Saharan DNA probably came after your Empire.
Are you so delusional that you think Sub-Saharans are more productive than Siberians?
Or are you just so butthurt over the fact that you have Sub-Saharan DNA?
i never said anything about cuckolding.
you should do the ancestry service from 23andMe, it will give you answers.
also, in , you wrote
>>dumbass snownigger thinks a barely controlled area for barely 150 years is enough to wipe out the locals
you should know that the world population was much much lesser than now. reminder that there is now 1 in 200 men who share DNA with the great Genghis khan who lived around the same era than the Sicilian emirate.
You can't
North Germanic states are Cucks on Earth.
Says the Ottoman rape baby
>The Sub-Saharan DNA probably came after your Empire.
you wish snowchimp, and most Italians don't pick up any sub-saharan, Sicilians are a case of their own and their sub-saharan might reflect very ancient events that got nothing to do with history
maybe you are just butthurt you are hardly any pure and it shows in your history of nigger tier uselessness
>you should know that the world population was much much lesser than now
completely irrelevant since that would be true for invading armies as well
of course you didn't say anything about cuckolding, that's your subconscious projecting on history
Fuck African Niggers and fuck Snow Niggers
I respect every other part of Europe then them.
Turk please.
Their empire never invent went to sub-sahara you Nigger-loving Cuck
The weak will die off; the strong will survive and thrive
fpbp :'(
Never saw any Turk here,but saw plenty when I visited Malmo,Sweden
liberal regions usually have the highest rate of segregation
New York is the most racially segregated city in the world
I am guessing it is the same in Sweden.
>teacher exchange
>Literally has 'negro' in his country's name
yuck, how can Europeans do this to themselves. disgusting.
Icelandic singer Bjork.
I wonder what did you do with Eskimos...
These parents should be murdered
I'm starting to think we need more murder in general. Too many women and limp wrist adult children are allowed to have a say
>what is latin
>I wonder what did you do with Eskimos...
I bet you felt really smart coming up with this "counter argument", you swarthy shit
>most Italians don't pick up any sub-saharan
Clearly most of you do though.
Southern Italy = 5-10% Sub-Saharan
Central Italy = 2.5-5% Sub-Saharan
Northern Italy = 1-2.5% Sub-Saharan (only good part of Italy too, so the nigger genes clearly have had impact).
Meanwhile Norwegian are 0,5-1% East Asian which is 100 times superior to sub-Saharans. Saying anything else is being delusional.
Why would I be butthurt? I'm glad I don't have sub-saharan DNA like Italians. I guess only in Northern Italy you can find "pure" Italians left.
>our history of nigger tier uselessness
Put a swarthy manlet "Italian" with African DNA on useless soil and harsh climate and he would die the first winter.
So those 2 are south african teachers with swedish students? That's extremely disturbing, who the fuck allowed the girls to sit in their lap, it wouldn't even be appropriate if they were swedish...
Look some post up, DNA tests show that your country do also have Sub-Saharan DNA :D
You literal nigger
Of course they're from Syria, fleeing war and poverty you colonialist Swedes made. What are you a racist?
It's a language, you subhuman
Where did you get those ''statistics'' you Cuck?
Attacking others can't change the fact most of Norwegians are Nigger-lovers.Not you as individual but the people around you.
lmao, nice numbers pulled out of your ass there, typical snownigger
>monte = mountain
>negro = black/dark
Montenegro literally means dark mountain in latin, nothing to do with niggers. Oh and before you try and insult someone, make sure you don't look like a dumbass yourself first Bjork.
Yea because Slavic countries has contact with Blacks during history,sure Cuck what ever makes you feel better about yourself.
It doesn't change the fact that you two are literal niggers either
Is that surprising when you look at geographic proximity? Meds were always swarthy. Why wouldn't they be? The hotter environment begs for a darker looking people.
Yea. They messed up our country really bad. I'm getting closer each day to the idea of facism and natsoc.
ok Chippewa, go back to your reserve now
Iceland is inbreed island where people were marring their own family members for over 1000 years.
>How do we save the Nords?
Compromise our liberal values, let Sweden be the canary in the coal mine, outst the lying press, bring in a new age western nationalism, re-take Sweden, outs the sandniggers/niggers
Jesus Christ you are stupid. It takes a special kind of idiot to be this incapable of seeing through what is obviously a tongue-in-cheek comment. Literally everyone knows what negro means
red sea has nothing to do with nigs, notice how Sardinia picks less than fucking Finland
finland is the most red pilled of all Nordic countries.
Your cuntry is fucked, literally. Sort it out you are a disgrace to europe. Biggest cucking in history.
Are you promoting Afrocentric ideas now? Claiming Non-Blacks are Black
Good north Germanic Cuck but not as good as Sweden
Hopefully pewdiepie can lead a new Beer Hall Putsch and save you all.
Maybe because Finns are Finn-Ugric by ancestry?
By the way this is their Miss Helsinki very red-pilled ha?
Our long-lifespan, intelligence and lack of physical deformities suggest otherwise. Iceland has been subjected to a lot of outside influences as well which have diversified our genes. Good meme though (not really)
Seems like a situation the police shold be made awar-... oh nevermind Sweden has no police. They have 'community observers'.
Just two words - ethnic cleansing.
Literal sub-saharan is surprising. And it's not only 0-0,5% or something. That's only North in Northern-Italy.
Pic related, how your ancestors looked like
They are mongrels though. But other than that I have nothing against them.
Look at this map
Now you don't actually count in here though, but I guess you have some relatives from Albania :)
They are sitting on dicks, and the middle girl is cucked.
Did you know Sweden has it's own Black Life Matter movement?
Feminist party of Sweden stands firm with Black Men!
You can see the girl in the middle is sad because she has no black dick to sit on.
Why are the genetically superior countries being bombarded by negative comments by subhumans from shitty countries? Is it jealousy?
Sweden is a joke nowadays. Bunch of pussies
Shhush, that might actually make sense and counter his WeWuzian hypothesis which claims all civilizations ever during history were actually either Nordic, or governed by Nordic people until they eventually turned into evil arabs/africans. So the only real pure Nordic countries that are left today are a hotspot for race mixing and general degeneracy. But wait! There is an explanation, it is because DA JOOZ tricked them. These pure blonde giant master race geniuses are somehow too stupid to figure out that niggers can't into first world, and keep importing them en masse, paying their gibs and letting them fuck and breed their women.
>this is what your regular 14 year old Norwegian girl does
We need to overthrow the US installed puppets and make europe ruled europeans again.
Yea I should trust every map somebody created online.Was not Miss Norway 2011 also Black? Hahaha
why do the "genetically superior"(inbred) countries have to constantly start shit and project their black on white fantasies on history?
Sending students to SA is a fucking disgrace.
This country is extremelly dangerous. You Swede are fucked up in the head, even me a French cuck, whose people have been nigger loving degenerates for 250 years can see it.
Iceland all along.
Sweden is bad because of shitskins, but your country is pretty much 100% shitskin. Can't imagine how awful it must be