What exactly happens when Trump gets impeached? Do we get Hillary, or does Obama come back? I mean either or would be great! But I think it's about time we have a Madam President.
What exactly happens when Trump gets impeached? Do we get Hillary, or does Obama come back...
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T H I C C. A modern version of Monroe in the wind.
He has to commit a felony to be impeached.
Fuck you Yanks are dipshit.
Pence gets in. Pence is a classic neocon and liked by all of the GOP.
the presidency is a hereditary primogeniture you dumbfuck, barron would just become president
Treason is a fellony. Now that he shat all over Russia, it will probably leak some incriminating shit.
>tfw no donald rump
>and here he is, President Autism
>what's your first order of business, Mr President?
If for some reason he doesn't, then Ryan would be president.
>be American
>not knowing what happens if a president is impeached
Congratulations! You will have Mike "Turning fruits into vegetables" Pence
He hasn't even released his taxes. Maybe he didn't pay them. Boom. Felony.
>tfw yanks have the best critical thinking
>this is the average libtard voter's intelligence
Kill yourself
>Do we get Hillary
How would you come to that conclusion? That's not how this works at all. They don't give it to the runner up.
Why not? She won the popular vote. Wtf how does any of this make sense to you people...?
He's not getting impeached.
Even if he did, Pence would be President. Then, you'd end-up in an electric chair.
you're gonna have tens of millions of pissed off Americans, cops and military libtard.
Good luck.
3rd world flags aren't welcome in this thread. Also, he will not divide us. Don't forget that.
Nothing just like every other president who was impeached in the last century
You'll get Hillary of course. Because her (((friends))) invested a lot of money on her.
The Liberals get killed by Thor
Gee guys, remember when al gore became president after Clinton was impeached? No?
The vice-president assume I guess
They won't impeach Trump because he was smart about his vp choice. The left are way more scared of Pence taking control if for no other reason, because he has the Washington knowledge.
If you make your vp really fucking frightening, you don't need to worry about being impeached ever.
Yep mega retardation here
23 replies? Fuck, Sup Forums, I thought you would have learned by now. Obvious shill thread, worthy of a sage but not a retort.
Hope you get martial law.
Future President Hillary's husband, William, wound up staying in the Oral Office even after impeachment. So, that means Trump stays? Wtf
I'd become President and I'd make it illegal to be a progressive or communist without being identified as such with a gold jew badge that says "belongs to jews"
You shills are terrible at your "jobs" You aren't even trying at this point
I'm asking a simple question. Why are schreeching autistically?
"Hey guys, what happens when the inevitable happens and Trump is tossed out of office like a side of beef?"
That'd be ultimogeniture, learn your inheritance laws.
he spent 8 years dividing us. so glad that king nigger is finally out of office
Lol faggot
If you're larping as a redditor you've got the syntax down. Maybe step the retard levels back a couple notches to make it more believable. We all started out like you, kid. You'll get there.
3rd world flags need not apply here.
report and sage niggershit shills threads
kys op
Thanks buddy I'm learning the ropes here. Thanks for all the You's, guys.
>self Sage
We get Pence which is much much worse for the Democrats. That's having someone who is actually competent and will do things normally in charge of a republican controlled congress. He also has serious anti-LGBT and other socially conservative views while Trump just holds whatever views are convenient to him at the time and then denies he ever held any other position than the one he's currently shilling. The democrats really haven't thought their cunning plan all the way through.
Pence would become President, but it won't happen. The Republican establishment knows they would get eaten alive in the primaries next year if they ousted Trump.
No he doesn't. Congress can impeach people for any reason it wants. The reason impeachment won't happen is because the Republicans are in charge of the congress.
No, you get President Pence and electroshock therapy for being a faggot.
That's not very nice.
> What happens when Trump gets impeached / assassinated?
Well if he gets assassinated. CNN and all the other outlets will blame it on Russia and say: that trump did not obey the russians and therefore got killed. Then take your pick:
1.Martial Law
2. Nuclear War
3. President Madame Hillary Rodham.
Impeached / assassinated / kicks the fuckin bucket. The guy is a fossil and looks terrible. Kek's will is finnicky and chaotic.
u get pence, and bannon starts ww3 and you and youre family and friends all die horrible rape torture deaths.
youre welcome.
President Pence, or President Ryan.
your a fucking idiot no president did that til after the fed was created
>that thicc ass
kek at this dumb fuck trying to tell americans about their political system.
congress can impeach a president for any reason.
No way man, Donald's thighs look way nicer than those chicken legs.
So for over 100 years? You conservashits really are stuck in the past, aren't you?
>not even an argument
You get Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence
Fuck I always cringe so hard to this
Still waiting on my answer here...
This. This is the reason it might actually happen. It will be funny as fuck, libs thought trump was bad...
Its b8 m8
You're autistic if you can't see that
>tfw you believed Trump was the champion at 4d chess
>tfw Pence checkmates Trump with an impeachment spurred on by Pence's cabinet suggestions
>tfw Pence basically invents 5d chess
Nope then Pence starts in, then its Ryan,I know Mattis is like 7th in line for the Presidency and he could do that in about 5 minutes with a pickle.
>mfw people think Shillary would become president if Trump is impeached
god damn burgers, get your shit together
Hillary? Lol, nope. You'll get Pence. Think you don't like Trump? Wait until you see what Pence will do.
I wish Hillary could assume the office or Obama would come back. Pence will take over after Trump is impeached. Ryan will assume the office if Pence is involved. We could have a special election though and elect Hillary.
If trump is impeached it goes to Pence. And he tows the party line. It's leads to the future where everyone eventually suffers.
This. Your God emperor needs a finger up his ass so he can finish. Trump is all a front because there isn't anyone else charismatic in the GOP anymore. They tried and failed with McCain. Needed someone that could stir the pot and get the sister fuckers excited, otherwise they'd have a repeat of 2008 and 2012.
Fuck those pieces of shit.
What will be do?
You get Kanye
Nothing. Pence loves the system. Trump is up there screaming "drain the swamp!" And getting "Joe Workingman" excited about turning over Washington. Pence will have him murdered before he lets Trump actually get close to hurting the salaries of his friends in Congress. You seriously think gators want the swamp drained? You seriously think one wrinkly old man and his motley gang of saggy-balled circlejerkers can make it happen? Hahahahahaha I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant.
So nothing will change? Good, because America is already great. I was always on the electric fence when it comes to Pence, but I can't wait to see him get a promotion! Hopefully sooner than later, though.
If Trump gets impeached Mike "If you're in his cave, you'll dig your own grave" Pence becomes President.
Why did Pence back Cruz over Trump? And why would Trump not care and still pick him as VP?
nice sentiment, I'm sure that will help when the reality of the situation comes crashing down upon you and you have to deal practically with half a nation enraged.
Pence is a supporter of electro-shock therapy for turning faggots back to normal.
>tfw Pence gets in office and we can call ppl faggots IRL again too
Pls impeach Trump
Look into what Pence wants. He is 200 times worse than Trump.
I'd rather keep the bullshit I know over some hit or miss real estate tycoon that tries to relate even though he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and got to start out life borrowing a couple million from daddy. Trump just wants to see the world burn because he can, and shit if he cares. The only thing that matters to him is him and his own. That's it. What's the point of ruling the world if it's on fire? Trump is too stupid to realize that, but the crocs in Washington do. At least they'll let me live my disgustingly meager 80 years, if that, in peace.
Trump is a cuck, if you can't tell already
Pence isn't as dumb as Trump. He'll keep things mostly status quo so he and his buddies can keep low-key milking the system for everything it's worth
This happens
>trolling or not people this stupid exist in this world
fuck it all
Im sorry, but I don't want someone as my president that can barely keep on her feet and sound like she's got some rocks loose in her head.
This is more than likely b8, but I don't care.
Go fuck a kangaroo ya dipshit. He's gone.
>You can sell uranium to Russians in pay4play but negotiating sanctions is treason
He will not divide us.
*rolls eyes*
Good, go back to Somalia where you'll get beheaded before you even finish your sentence
I'd rather live in a PC society where I can bitch online, anonymous or not, than in a society where people get beheaded for having an opinion. Not like Somalia can talk. It's a shit country that can't even access social media 90% of the time
Democrats and neo-cons are so treasonous that they basically made treason the new normal. Who is gonna be punished for all the stupid wasteful wars America fought the last couple decades, who will be punished for moving all American industry overseas and who will be punished for giving away America's wealth and resources to America-hating shitskin spics?
>Do we get Hillary, or does Obama come back?
You have no idea how our government works, do you? You're just another product of our dumbed-down educational system.
Tell me, desu. I want to know. I really hope it's Hillary.
>being from america and not knowing how your country works. Maybe if you read a fucking book that wasnt harry potter you would be such a dumb cunt 19 year old wasting your money at college to "try nd git smurt"
Well maybe if republishits didn't lower taxes I'd get a better fucking educations. Plus I'm not talking to you, maple cuck. Why do you even know what happens in our political system? Goes to show how irrelevant you are that you have to look to USA.
>obama was in office the last 8 years
>brought in common core that was a fucking joke that made more drop outs than anything Bush/Clinton ever enacted
>blaming republicans