Have you ascended?
Other urls found in this thread:
who is the shitskin before Peterson?
>told a friend about Jordan Petersen and his view on religion about a month ago because I found his "maps of meaning" very interesting
>now he's suddenly an alt-right house god
What the fuck, man.
>Alex Jones not full assension
Peterson before Jones and the rest of the cucks behind
Jones needs to be at the bottom of that pic.
Other than that it's correct.
Same. What's worse is I've mentioned him to close sjws I know, who I've been trying to hide power levels hidden from.
I guess it's all in line with living truthfully if you take his philosophy to heart but still.
i have taken the ultimate ascension
living your philosophy truthfully and having a job are often things that don't go hand in hand.
Ben Sharpiro is literally Milo minus the gay and constant hyperbole.
>peterson and not stefan
Do you support me being shot????
Yes that's my problem as well.
Where is Styx and Stefan Molymemes?
Share some Peterson stuff before shills completely destroy this thread with Bogshit. and no one can post.
What did he mean by this?
>no bogdanoff
what did he mean by this?
Cuck Shapiro
Pretty sure he's Ben Shapiro. although he's not 3 feet tall so i'm not sure
Alex should be right before Peterson
>putting the jewish traitor anywhere on the list
Which one? There's three of them.
i was not aware of this.
was referring to shapiro
The right man in the wrong place, can make all the difference in the world.
this is correct
Just tell them you didn't know he is a racist sexist otherkinphobe
What should be on the bottom?
Kek, obviously
This is the only right answer.
andrew breitbart
Esoteric Kekism
Give in to globalism.
Globalism is makign one big elite class of 1000's whites ruling mudshits everywhere.
Yeah, if we kill all the kikes first, and Schulz is a kike, and Clinton only serves her own interests.
>Give in to globalism.
Way to make yourself sound like Palpatine, Schlomo.
I will never give into globablism.
Jordan B. Peterson will save the world.
So you have no problem if instead of jews you'd have whites at the top of the chain fucking everything up for everybody?
>fucking everything up for everybody
The idea here is that we wouldn't. I hate the idea of globalism, even if it is just whites, but it might be feasible if we're doing space exploration/colonization and need to focus on a single goal rather than get tied up in pointless politics.
its insulting to Peterson to be in the same image as those others.
Imagine if you could be somebody workign directly with Soros and making loads of money in the mean time? All the while you'd be ruling over dozens of countries (((infleuncing))) their politicians and media.
Wouldn't it be worth it?
What makes Space exploration different? Why would you then be ok with globalism?
Top kek
I'd burn in hell for an eternity, so no.
Get over it. Hell doesn't exist. Nobody gets rewarded or punished after you die for anything you do here.
Shapiro, Milo and...?
Peterson has the ashkenazi IQ gene
>Implying that space travel would be politically tenable project under a globalist superstate.
Why wouldn't a truly global community see it as some kind of unnecessary nationalist excess? We've made it so far already because of competition.
This is the path of my intellectual development
Memes aside I legitimately believe Alex Jones to be really fucking smart, he just comes off as a loon sometimes (often). Or maybe he's just the best bullshitter alive and he's accidentally correct all the time I don't know
Haven't really listen to Petersen, can somebody give me the quick rundown?
His basic thing is the necessity of religion so it won't be substituted by all governing ideology, as seen in soviet Russia and Nazi Germany, with a base in Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. He talks a lot about Jungian archetypes and the evolutionary basis for religion and truths in mythological tradition.
His political stance is kind of centrist (probably liberal ten years ago) where he thinks that we need both conservatives, to make sure that we have the order of the archetypic good father, and liberals control the tyrannical aspects of that archetype. Basically, both are right but see only part of the picture. Recently he's been in the spotlight for the support of free speech and fervent disagreement with the new liberals and their social justice warriors.
I think his Joe Rogan podcast is a good intro to him, honestly.
Huh sounds like my kinda guy. Thanks for the petersenpill sven
Whites cannot be as smart. He must have the ashkenazi gene.
You're right about competition helping out human advancement. There are only two problems. First, trading nowadays is much more cost-effective instead of just taking/stealing goods from others. Once it's cheaper for the US to just invade and occupy the world and use their resources instead of trading with them then you'll see competition rise. Second you forget that nuclear war could just wipe out life on earth. Once one country will be able to invent some kind of huge AA specific for atomic bombs and have 99 succes rate nobody will be willing to start a war.
Hell, I'm going to check how much the US spend on invading and occupying Iraq and how much trade got into the US from Iraq and Afghanistan. Should paint a good picture why globalism and '''global''' peace will stay and competition will probably not resurface.
Link for the morons:
and to bump the thread
I only agree with the last one
Man Benny Boy looks so fucking evil.
I don't care if he went full kike during the election, I still like when he BTFO lefties.
Maynskreem Medeor man Infront of Alex
Havn't you ever seen those documentaries about people that come back after flat lining? You experience an afterlife, for atleast ten minutes or so. And ten minutes can feel like a life time, ever heard of salvia? 3 minutes feels like a few life times.
The invasion plus occupation costed $0.815 trillion for 2003-2010 + extra's for veterans and others.
In 2012 USA got $19.2 billion worth of goods in.
Let's say $20 billion for each year, so $140 billion which is barely 17% of the costs.
True. The brain releases chemicals which makes you dream about an afterlife. What kind of dream you get depends if you yourself believe if you go to hell or heaven.
Have you taken the PewdiePill yet?
So you know you're going to go to hell for supporting globalism, right? That's what your last experience is going to be, you can spin in anyway you want, deep down you know its wrong, and you know what that gets you.
Why is globalism wrong?
I felt my mind warp when Alex dropped that redpill on joe rogan
I haven't been the same since.
100% accurate
You faggots need to being zombies and take the kermit pill
Was there when no one else was :')
>give me the rundown on the bog pill
The bog meme is just the peterson pill coated in multi layered irony
It's dishonest. If you want to take over the world, do it by force and be open about it, or better yet, let counties be sovereign, don't cuck people and manipulate them, its obvious that it they lie cheat and steal to stay on top.
>be open about it
The ends justify the means.
ITT: dafties
The end is mutually assured destruction you idiot.
How come?
link me
oh gosh the retard shitposter noticed me
We have globalists in power, they have us using nuclear power in a large enough portion of the world that if a nuclear war happened between russia and the us, the nukes would emp eachothers grids, powerstations cant run on their own power for more than a few days, they would have meltdowns.
Just the plants in us and Russia alone are enough to kill everyone on earth. And you know Europe and asia would be involved too.
Even got banjo lips.
Can someone give me a basic gestalt on this?
What video? I've never heard of him.
stop pretending like you know things you dumb waffle
all of those people are bluepilled and not one of them believe in white / european identity, nor do any of them care about our replacement.
This, fuck the midget jew and PJW
>david icke not at the pinnacle
lizard shill
the only retard is you who can't search yourself
Come again. What does globalism have to do with nuclear power?
same to you, you don't know shit about the world except that mississipi is the last state in anything.
I dont even know his name but the faggot last on the list is a fucking hack and I dont approve of him, he a huge faggot and someone should rape his face.
Pierce is the only true leaderish type.
and when i say bluepilled, i mean that all of them are still classical liberals who probably think MLK and Mandela were saints, and that, as Peterson said, we "should align with immigrants because they are more conservative"
They are memes, all of them
>alex jones below shorty mcjewstein
no joke, alex jones is far more intelligent than people give him credit for. He isn't on the jordan peterson level, but he has a fleshed out epistemology and a depth of research that most people could only hope to reach. He may be a conspiracy theorist, but his intellect is far greater than people give him credit for.
>same to you
that was my only post in the thread, so you have no way of knowing what I know. you don't even understand IDs you dumb shill
Oh really? Am I talking to God the all knowing?
What does that make Sargon?