How can we save Bill?
How can we save Bill?
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That fucking jacket she has
Delivery tasty pizzas to him
Rare picture of a sorcerer walking his pet zombie?
why is his mouth always open?
>lv99 Necromancer
He thinks he's a goldfish or something.
quick a man was taken hostage by a crazy feminist
who can save him?
He'll be fine
let's do this
no saving him or her. sad
Deep state pedos out for a walk. How noice!
Looks like Bill is drooling for flies!
We shall liberate him from the life-sucking succubus
is doubles
taking the shot...
It actually looks kinda cool, too bad she's old, fat and ugly and ruins it
what in the fuck is she wearing
Is that a photo of that gay french fashion designer ?
nothing to see here mortals, move along
Nothing can save him from the fires he is going to embrace.
The best he can do now is ask for forgiveness for his sins to the Lord.
Van Damme on that Streetfighter movie.
Looks like my grannies curtains.
That's the face of a man who truly believed he (or his family) was on his way to ruling the world, only to realize he is the fall guy when push comes to shove
I'll handle this.
by deporting that yurotrash pig motherfucker and his whole pinko family back to his his continent of origin
or just drag them out on the streets and shoot them
By putting her in jail so Bill can spend all of their foundation money on hookers.
I'm not shooting his dick
Bill reminds me of Brendan Fraser for some reason. I just want to help him but i dont know how.
Smite evil
She feeds on him as he feeds on children, slowly draining him. She needs to - Moloch has left her. Her power wanes. She needs the soul of her consort to sustain her. And then? Who can say? Perhaps she will beg the great Bull for forgiveness. Perhaps she'll sacrifice more of her inner circle. Her failure is absolute. She knows her ultimate fate - devoured herself, to sate Moloch's hunger.
what in tarnation?
When you hit some acid and walk around the festival grounds
if trip$ kill both of them kek please
Bill has always been surrounded by positive women in his life. His wife is a cunt, his daughter is an ugly fucking cunt and his mother was a drunken cunt. He's most definitely a privileged white male!
Tell me why we should? By all accounts he is one of the worst US presidents ever.
kek This is exactly what I thought.
Someone needs to run in and force feed him burgers. It's the only way to restore his vitality.
Bill is Steven Seagal in the 80's. Hillary is Steven Seagal now.
so lil Danny Williams will have a dad :'(
>Growing up without father figure
>Growing up with Bill as father figure
Why do you steal jokes from the Internet?
bill did nothing wrong. just look at his jacket and what hillary is wearing. it tells you everything
He is seeing the Lord, he is repenting, but it is too late for him. Only swift trial, fast death penalty. He won't be delivered to eternal damnation, I still consider him to be victim.
it's too late for him
You joke stealing shit-gobbler.
Destroy the witch!
I got your back, Mr President. We'll STOPHER and MAGA
get another secretary to orally exercise a demon out of bill's penis. Worked the first time.
bill might've of been a globalist piece of shit but he was Gangster asf