Why is the US Education Industry so fucked?

Are degrees really this worthless now?

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>What is supply and demand

Wtf makes them think people graduating high school don't know how to use computers? They're born in the information age.

the funny thing about the colleges is that all it would take to depoliticize them is for the government to stop subsidizing students.

thats it.
simple as that.
White Christmases, prosperity and happiness for all.

demand would plummet.
prices would go down.
frivolous degree seeking women and minorities would vanish overnight (over 4 years). Jobs will soon be less stringent on whom they hire because fewer people will have McDegrees, Those satanic HR people would have less work and have to get real jobs (most are those self same frivolous degree seeking women who would probably end up actually becoming homemakers, two birds one stone)
this would free up resources for companies, and would allow people to relax at work, lowering stress related illnesses (cancer for instance), and if you screw up your entire life isnt ruined and you arent blacklisted from working ever again (fewer on welfare).

The government has been inflating the bubble (quite literally poisoning the well of truth and light, not through malevolence, but in the same manner that a plankton will poison water if there is a population surge), if they stop it will deflate and normalcy will restore itself in line with the natural order (instead of the new world order)

Did you ever notice how the beginning of the spiral into madness began in the 60s? Guess what decade the government starting politicizing the colleges.

Its funny isnt it?

Why don't they just teach skills in highschool instead of liberal propaganda? Problem solved.

Because they themselves are clueless about how uncomplex computers are.

>what's degree inflation
soon you will need a associates degree to flip burgers at McDicks.

>Going to school for comp sci
>looking over class requirements for first 2 years
>only 4 actual computer sci related classes

it's highschool 2.0
only now you have to pay for it.

> college degree needed to use a computer