CETA just passed through the EU parliament

CETA just passed through the EU parliament.

Looks like someone REALLY wants to crash this union with no survivors.


It still has to pass ratification of ALL national parliaments. So, who is gonna block it? Would the Visegrads dare?

no, we need to build bridges, not walls

Maybe hungary and maybe spain, thats about it.

We're expecting it to get through here in Canada, media seems to think it's pretty much a done deal.

It sort of is.

CETA is two parts - first part is the small agreement that they made to supposedly break ground. As in with this ratification, SOME rules will already be in place.

Then all the national parliaments have to ratificate the rest.

Fact of the matter is, if someone rejects it, they still have the first part which they can eventually, subtly, evolve into the whole thing. The Juncker method. That's why this isn't such big news, because they want you to think you still get a say in it. Except the only real hurdle was the EU parliament, that actually had to consent to the whole shebang. Which it did, today.

So in a manner of speaking, it is already through and a done deal.

The problem with opposition to it here in Canada is there is no mainstream politician actually opposing it. There is also not enough of a grassroots movement to stop it despite the ISDS court provisions which essentially mean investors are above the flawed law of the normal people and get to use special courts, and all the copyright shit that further encourages the centralization of wealth underneath intellectual property owners.

2015 election had no anti-CETA candidate.

It's worse for us, because we're gonna get lower standards on some crap like sugar drinks and more.

It's all-round stupid.

>shit happens
>nobody gives a damn

Ok, guess it's time to defend more jews who stood next to Trump that one time.

Wow we're literally sending all french and english speaking sandniggers to Canada before crashing the whole thing haha

most of Sup Forums isn't against free trade tho

Free movement of goods and services doesn't mean free movement of people.. CETA will see your markets flooded with Canadian goods, cheaper than your own goods, if anything you're about to be made worse off than you currently are.

I know you think you are winning some game here but the Anglo has jabbed another knife in you, using the quiet gay child called Canada to do it.

Payback for the Turbot war you fucking taco raping fucks. Have fun with that.

>Looks like someone REALLY wants to crash this union with no survivors.

Mind describing how exactly is this beneficial trade deal "crashing" it?

>trade deal conducted behind closed doors in close cooperation with the big corporations who would benefit it
>biggest change is subverting law to allow corporations to effectively be immune to law
>free trade

And that, Hans, is why you will elect Merkel. Again.

ISDS (or whichever bastardized version you choose), benefits only big corporations.

What the hell are you basing "beneficial" on? Somebody told you?


Was it Belgian regions that repeatedly shot down this CETA because of beef produce saturating the market and bringing the prices down?

I'd imagine the vast amount of fish that Canada can catch will also bring the prices down on fish within the EU, harming countries like Italy and Spain that rely on fish exports.

>beneficial trade deal
Wooden language.

>benefits only big corporations.
Their capital increasing indirectly benefits me lol

>click on ID
>check this guy's last post
>literal delusional fantasy of an assdevastated brit that somehow this was all orchestrated by his mighty government to hurt the EU

opinion discarded

fuck off, I want your delicious cheeses EU


Picture very much related.

>Their capital increasing indirectly benefits me lol

Well, I wasn't expecting an explanation of why Bulgaria is the lowest income, lowest GDP country in the EU, but hey, it seems you never know what you get.

Fish is not that concerning, because it, like most goods we actually export there, is affected by distance.

We'll manage the fish. It's shittier for sugar drinks, which Canada produces by the shitton. Not only are we going to drop our standards on ingridients and such to accommodate them, but prices will drop hard leading to lots of losses for us and health issues.

Among other problems.

>turbot war
This is the first time I've heard of this. The part where British and Irish fisherman flew Canadian flags is heartwarming.
>eu tries to sanction canada but gets vetoed by UK
kek, noice

Wtf i hate canada even more now
No seriously, i hope every single canadian gets cancer and dies while suffering as much as possible

no argument spotted

no argument spotted

It's like I'm arguing with memeing children lol

Sell us your cheeses and we'll sell you our syrup

We should bomb the EU parliament.

Not even kidding anymore.

>Among other problems.
Yes, like beef produce and beef farmers going out of business because the sudden influx of cheap meat, and other things but you're right about the sugary drinks.

DOG BLESS AMERIGA! Oh and expect your milk to have a shit load more hormones in it lel.


I posted an argument.

You ignored it and responded to my following post, ending in a "lol".

In addition you yourself have posted 0 arguments.

I've concluded, therefore, you're either a shill, or clinically retarded or are now attempting to present yourself as a troll to hide how fucking stupid you were.

Go away.

(You) have to go back!

>or clinically retarded
Look at his flag.

big corporations produce the most benefit to society. shouldnt they get the most reward?

I've seen plenty of not so bad bulgarians on here, although the majority are major sheep for nationalism and shit, they mean well.

This guy is something else.

Observing "argument" here >ISDS (or whichever bastardized version you choose), benefits only big corporations.

Option A: Status quo maintained and big corporations are not benefited
Option B: The controversial "bad" deal is signed and big corporations are benefited

Option A doesn't increase the EU's inland capital (which is subject to both taxes and controlled inflation), while option B does. Option B is more beneficial

Romania was also refusing to sign it till Canada agreed to lift the visa requirements for our country.

Trudeau accepted and since we now have another place to export our gypsies to get rid of them and we're too poor to actually have Canadian goods brought here it's irrelevant to us what will happen.


Is Canada part of the EU?

I wouldn't object, death would be nice.

And you can quantify democracy and sovereignty?

Because while the corporations will win a marginal amount of money, the investor protection clause will allow corporations to dismiss national law.

In addition, what about the major amount of small businesses that will lose more money than the big corporations will gain?

What about the beef producers quoted above, fish producers, sugar drinks producers?

I'll fight you m8.

There is a difference between a free trade deal and a ''''''''''free trade'''''''''' + IP reform + ISDS court deal

Income inequality is rising and it's causing social issues which will inevitably lead to economic stagnation. No, we shouldn't give more rights to corporations because they're just so special.

EU should be called Jewropean Union.

Bulgaria gets a hell of a lot of EU funds, they are reaping the fruits of the EU now and haven't been exposed to the bad stuff yet, hence their zeal and desire to protect an institute that will in time call upon Bulgaria to hand back what they've been given, of course Bulgaria won't give a penny back, it'll do a Greece on it and be useless.

But I see it from the other "non" countries like Checkemslovakia, Croatoan and the other pooskin nations near the Balts (Shatvia and Shituania), their zeal and desire to see the EU protected and it's all wonderful and jelly and ice cream according to them.. Until of course they get forced to accept a quota of ficki ficki or have to pay back a few hundred billion euros then you'll see them do a complete 180 and be demanding the EU be nuked from orbit.

They are retards that must be obliterated in the near future.

>American education

Might want to read up a little more on this trade deal.

Well Cuckdeau in charge he was bound to take your undesirables but I'd imagine the Cuckbeqians that live there will be enough to annoy even your Gypsy filth.

if you want more money, produce more benefit to society. basic income will provide for your basic needs

Mate, Bulgaria is heavily against CETA, TTIP and all other such things in general.

So are Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Polish and all the others who get benefits from the EU.

They defend sovereignty more than anyone in the EU.

That is indeed a great way to get more money.

I'm still against giving more rights to corporations for no reason.

they're like niggers fighting to keep their food stamps

>In addition, what about the major amount of small businesses that will lose more money than the big corporations will gain?

Doesn't happen. Both sides' small businesses can now export to a wider market, negating negative effects

>What about the beef producers quoted above, fish producers, sugar drinks producers?
Observing argument >Not only are we going to drop our standards on ingridients and such to accommodate them, but prices will drop hard leading to lots of losses for us and health issues.
Prices dropping due to inefficiently-imposed government quality (much like the massive and unnecessary safety laws regarding most professions in the EU) are a good thing, as they are now more competitive on the global market. The arbitrary "quality" enforced by the government was impairing their marketability worldwide.

>health issues
You have full control of your own capital, you are always free to buy stuff from companies who will uphold the quality anyway (it will be FULL of them anyway).

No Belgium you're being taken for a mug by them, they are milking the gibsmedat start up funds and the FTA cheap stuff, the cheap prostitutes and drugs but they have no intention of contributing anything of value. Like Poland, hogging lots of money with very little to show for it in return.

They must all be nuked to send a message, a clear message that you stop being lazy (like Greece) and start producing and industralising and start spending the money on factories and farms instead of Thai ladyboy hookers and Peruvian cocaine.

Now you do as I say or I blow you up.

Don't talk about shit you don't know Abdul.

there is a good reason, corporations provide much more benefit to society than you. they should have more rights and power so they can better achieve their goals

He's right though, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland etc have all had enough time to start showing promise and returns on investments, they have failed to do so, therefore they should be blown the fuck up. Or maybe some sort of biological weapon, or Sarin or something, don't want to lose the buildings and things really, need to claw back as much wasted money as possible.

If they literally name their nations after hunger and pain, we don't need them.

Every single country can block it. How democratic is that. No forced rules.

You completely ignored my major argument about sovereignty and democracy and strawmanned the rest.

Well shilled.

>Both sides' small businesses can now export to a wider market, negating negative effects

Small business by and large cannot export to Canada. The logistics of exporting to Canada is too difficult for all but big corporations and some very niche parts of the economy.

>Prices dropping due to inefficiently-imposed government quality
>You have full control of your own capital, you are always free to buy stuff from companies who will uphold the quality anyway (it will be FULL of them anyway).

Those are stupid arguments, when you get flooded with cheap goods produced under low quality regulations you will end up with a market of cheap goods with low quality regulations. Prices of quality goods will jump up and you will be exposed to the low quality ones.

Please, educate yourself before you embarrass yourself. And don't ignore arguments, it's really embarrassing because everyone can see it as just an admission of how clueless you are.

Corporations don't provide much more benefit to society, because right now they are causing social issues by causing increasing class stratification. My politicians are corrupted as hell.

Income redistribution to resolve this is also highly inefficient, for basic income to keep people above poverty line, taxes must be high enough to chase away everybody rich.

The neoliberal bullshit idea of giving corporations more rights so you can tax them later to fund shit like basic income is retarded if that's what you're getting at. Neoliberals will all perish on the day of the rope because of this whore lie that you can entrench all the power inside of a few hands and then you'll just get them to spread the love around later.

You do realize that, to join the EU, all those countries had to sign a large amount of provisions that signed off or destroyed national assets that are worth MORE than what they got?

Basically, the EU forces them to drop their regulations on a certain amount of goods they produce, so EU countries can move in and claim the market.

They even dismantle the energy sector in some of them, so Nuclear France and the oil-rich can take over.

The Eastern countries get the poorer end of the deal and the only reason it's signed is because it also allows sweet access to EU posts for their politicians.

Don't fall for (((their))) deception.

there is always going to be a natural hierarchy, as long as people have reasonable living standards there is no problem with superior people living in superior social classes

In our defense it's mostly because our politicians are corrupted to the core.
There are a shitload of projects that used the EU money to actually improve shit here and the EU keeping an eye on us managed to cut corruption and in Romania arrest a lot of them.
The problem is that for every project that improves shit you have 5 mayors that use the money to plant flowers in the city for 20 times the normal cost.

This is why you won't see us giving back. The majority of the money gets stolen and the population sees next to no improvement. Then when the people hear that the EU wants stuff back they get angry because they think the EU didn't do shit for us.

What's Canada's fucking problem?

>don't ignore arguments
>doesnt link any and forces me to scroll through the thread to pinpoint his retardation

Link a specific argument and I'll tell you why it's wrong.

>Prices of quality goods will jump up and you will be exposed to the low quality ones.
Oh nooo I'll be EXPOSED to low quality ones unlike I currently am, the horror. What a shit fucking argument lmao

Indeed you are very much correct, the EU lovers are under the impression that deflation of wages and an endless surplus of labor (without the tax to cover for the increase in demand on public infrastructure) has been rather problematic, of course there are many more problems but I'd be here for at least an hour listing them all and I have to go out.

Oh I'm aware but they know and I know and you know that the EU won't last, so they'll cream as much as they can from the rich states so they can snort lines of coke. I want some coke, they need to fucking share.

No... You share the cocaine now and stop being greedy.

The argument about sovereignty.

>And you can quantify democracy and sovereignty?
>Because while the corporations will win a marginal amount of money, the investor protection clause will allow corporations to dismiss national law.

>Oh nooo I'll be EXPOSED to low quality ones unlike I currently am, the horror. What a shit fucking argument lmao

The economy doesn't work like that, dumbass.

It's not about exposure. It's about dumping and taking over.

Ironically many of those goods will be resold from the third world. China in particular. Expect a lot more "made in China" goods in Europe.

They don't get any coke. The only thing they actually GET is that some places that used to rely on production of potatoes that now have 0% employment because French GMO potatoes are cheaper got a grant to build a water treatment plant so they could drink water.

Europe is just a fucking dictatorship.

They negociated that fucking CETA treaty without telling and asking the people if they wanted it.
They hidded everything about CETA and TAFTA.
On the other hand they call anyone "muh complotist" everytime they didn't agree with them.
They also call any political opposition "Muh nazi, muh fascist" in order to prevent the population from voting for more sovereignity.
When the population reject an agreement by a legal referundum, they always find a way to apply the agreement.

Europe isn't democratic anymore.

>No... You share the cocaine now and stop being greedy.
Never going to happen I'm afraid mainly because no one is going to force us.
The EU is fucked beyond believe, we know this. Also because the EU did shit about Greece besides some threats that they never followed trough proved the EU is a bunch of fucking pussies that care more about making the EU look good than to make it fucking work.

Mark my fucking words, the only time the EU will actually try to do shit to fix itself is when they see that they are at the brink of collapse and at that point no one remaining in the union will care what they say.

>the only time the EU will actually try to do shit to fix itself is when they see that they are at the brink of collapse

We're already there, they started trying to shill their way back but then they just did stuff like CETA again so it's back to dying.

democracy is a shitty meme. the EU is far too democratic

Great, I hope more people get put out of jobs and vote as extreme right as they can to fix it.

Standard tactics for politicians.
They got to the top through layers and layers of opposition by relentless charging.
Now they are in the top and the opposition is the people.

They can't change now. Charge the people! Form the SovietUnion v2.0.
Quick before the people demands democracy and gets to vote on politics instead of puppets.

>democracy is a shitty meme. the EU is far too democratic
Muh tolerance !!!

Okay let me rephrase
The only time when the EU will actually try to do something to fix itself is when the collapse is so imminent that not even their denial won't hide it.
The EU still thinks that things aren't that bad yet.

Maybe they'll realize how bad the situation is when Britain fucks them over during negotiations and other countries will start the process to leave the union.


>And you can quantify democracy and sovereignty?
There is the problem. You're implying that I'm losing sovereignty, when it's actually a very arbitrary concept. Your city is not sovereign from your country as well, how about that one? And an additional thing, every EU member's agreed on the membership, which indirectly makes the population agree on that transfer as well since they elected the government that did. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but on top of that there were actual referendums regarding joining the EU, all of which passed, right? So tell me again, where is the supposed "loss" of sovereignty if it's the current de-facto ruler (EU)'s own decision to do it? It's like disagreeing with Trump's policies and claiming that he stole the americans' sovereignty.

>Because while the corporations will win a marginal amount of money, the investor protection clause will allow corporations to dismiss national law.
Oh, you're maybe trying to imply that corporation ignore national law (sovereignty)? Well, the above point applies - your population willfully agreed to join the EU, transferring sovereign power regarding decisions like that to it, both legally and peacefully, exactly like your city does to your country. So where's the problem exactly? Not a single of those decisions were enforced upon you via war or other illegal means.

Eternal Anglo, at it again.

I heard the pro-russians won some election and are winning in Bulgaria.

Man, no wonder if people like you represent the pro-EU pro-west.

I'll stop paying attention to you now.

Wanted to post along this line.
I've never ever seen a canadian product apart from a single instance of mple product fair in idf.

The goal is to use it as a weight for future globalization.

There is indeed going to be a natural heirarchy.

There is indeed no problem with superior people living in superior social classes.

However, when wealth gets entrenched, relative inequality causes all sorts of societal issues. It's the factor most strongly associated with societal violence that we know of. It causes people to become divided within their own country because certain people can't go to certain areas. It causes unhappiness, the people who can't get a big house and a family because they're so relatively poor are the most unhappy, but the rich also become less happy too because everybody else is unhappy. It also causes centralization which in itself can be inefficient, corrupt, and make a society inflexible to changes in the environment.

When a society faces too much inequality eventually shit just stops getting tolerated, and things can end up going full commie, going too far to the other extreme, causing economic stagnation.

A wisely ruled country is one that correctly weighs the balance of rich and poor. Inequality is rising to historic highs in Canada, so I take that to mean, "Don't give corporations more rights". When you cause a bunch of inequality, and when the problem isn't getting resolved and is just getting worse, it will cause a bunch of pain to unfuck things when you finally have to unfuck them.

The best way to avoid socialism ending up happening in the long term is avoiding giving corporations rights that allow them to entrench their power.

>I'll stop paying attention to you now.

not an argument

There's quite a lot of canadian stuff that just doesn't make it to our markets. I think they produce the largest amount of sugar drinks in the world, but they fall well below EU health standards.

Also, food containing as much as 0.9% GMO will be called GMO-free food.

It just lowers our standards.

>when wealth gets entrenched, relative inequality causes all sorts of societal issues. It's the factor most strongly associated with societal violence that we know of. It causes people to become divided within their own country because certain people can't go to certain areas.

this is why countries are obsolete. the idea that someone should be entitled to special treatment because they were born on a specific plot of land is nonsense and only causes pointless conflict, it made sense when a nation had a real meaning, but since the last centuries those days are gone and its not something you can just rebuild or cobble together with broken pieces.

>When a society faces too much inequality eventually shit just stops getting tolerated, and things can end up going full commie

you avoid that by meeting everyones basic needs, not by indulging their envy. if you allow the principle of "he has more than me, so i should threaten violence against him to get some for myself" you are just enabling communism

>the idea that someone should be entitled to special treatment because they were born on a specific plot of land is nonsense and only causes pointless conflict

Boy, between you and Bulgaria flag over there, the EU shills really are starting to try and enter these places.

I'd be worried if they still weren't doing it as stupidly as they do anything else.

isnt it true? what the fuck is belgium anyway? civic nationalism is a joke

>0.12 RUB have been deposited into your account

Yep, but by pushing this useless treaty, they will use it to leverage worse one on us.
Like their next iteration of sop/ttpip

When we never needed canadian products to begin with.
Belgian know it but the time isn't rigth, they would be fucked even harder by yurobankers.
The french revolt is needed first, the usual sacrifice to save the world.

>implying it benefits the average european

Again, as I said above

>Don't accept treaty
Status quo maintained. Nothing happens

>Accept treaty
Corporations are now more profitable

Even if that newly-introduced capital wasn't subject to any taxation whatsoever, it STILL is beneficial due to the fact alone that those corporations are now able to produce more and better products, and even compete worldwide like the US companies

>Corporations are now more profitable
damn you are delusional

stop shilling for crony capitalism under the disguise of it being free market

> Hmm the EU is in shambles and people are getting upset at both the policies we make and the civil servants carry them out
> Reform? Hahaha this faggot thinks we need to replace civil servants and policymakers in our union, as if that would help

And so we have the biggest economical union in the world just crashing and burning down.

Enforcing artificial "quality standards" upon companies is the literal definition of market intervention, or not being free market. Removing them is freeing up the market

Additionally, tariffs are protectionism, or market intervention again. This treaty removes tariffs, additionally freeing up the market.


>So, who is gonna block it?
Block it?

See pic related.

There is no opposition.

Don't respond, shill or clinical retard. Most probably the first.

If he gets paid by the response, let him starve.