>White """people"""
White """people"""
Other urls found in this thread:
>White """parents"""
They had it coming
>White """civilization"""
>White """empathy"""
>White """environmentalism"""
Those mountains are beautiful. Where is that?
Why do white people allow this?
leaf posting this hard
looks badass
Pretty sure it's the Faroe Islands.
A better question is why wasn't I invited?
Whale tastes good, fuck off
Weren't you Danish the last time you made this thread?
I agree with you however that it is barbaric to treat whales like that. It is not an exclusively white practice, though.
Wtf i hate white people now
>every other day the same thread
You must be from Toronto because you're not good at this shitposting thing
why are you such a faggot OP
Watch this video and become educated.
What you will see will most likely disturb you.
Faroe Islands based Nordcucks.
God bless them and may they slay many whales and PETA faggots.
>mercury tastes good
You are POISONING CHILDREN. Hope you sleep well tonight knowing what moral depravity you've caused.
That's awesome.
Looks comfy
Fuck you.
Probably sarnia, the fumes must be getting to him
>murdering intelligent mammals is based
Non-humans don't have souls. Killing them is not cruel. They exist to serve man. They aren't torturing them they are just hunting them.
So you're using Christianity to justify this immoral act? Christ was a vegan.
>Dickies shirt
Oh boy we got some fedoras in the house. I bet you guys have no issue with abortion but killing "intelligent" whales makes you weep.
Are you vegans? You don't think pigs and cows suffer in the terrible conditions of modern farms? I would rather kill a wild animal that has lived a good life than a mass produced animal that has been kept in a cage its entire life.
>Christ was a vegan
Have you read the Bible? You realize Jesus ate fish and lamb, and the Bible says that a man that does not eat meat is a weak man. I don't care if your vegetarians but don't get butt hurt when 99% of people want to eat meat and be healthy.
Whites are sick in the head.
Religion really is evil, this is becoming clear to me.
Looks like fun but maybe thats the barbarian in me talking
Tiny Trudeau is mad that he'll never have a Dad show him how to be a man.
This is what happens when you have parents raise you instead of a nanny state
>I would rather kill a wild animal that has lived a good life than a mass produced animal that has been kept in a cage its entire life.
Or you know, like, not do that.
>Have you read the Bible? You realize Jesus ate fish and lamb, and the Bible says that a man that does not eat meat is a weak man. I don't care if your vegetarians but don't get butt hurt when 99% of people want to eat meat and be healthy.
>pick one
Humans > Whales. Last I checked whales don't break into your house and eat your whole family. Whales are superior to people and should be left alone. They developed the first GLOBAL communication network, not us.
John Wayne was right, you can't fix stupid.
>OMG the poor little animals.
Humans are predators, humans are omnivores. Remember to take your b12 supplements so you don't die buddy. I'll get mine from meat like a normal human being.
That picture screams, I kill wild whales in-necessarily because a thing call imports exist and we already have too much fucking food.
USA can give you some, because they are turning into whales anyway.
MUH FAROE ISLAND TRADITION, yeah when the population was small, can't kill every whale pod to support a modern big population, retards.
Same retards who couldn't even let one dodo exist.
Or those who killed every elephant bird in sight and made them extinct in Madagascar, they had other food but noooo. (see pic).
And thats why i support christians and despise fedora atheists despite beeing a filthy agnostic myself.
stop beeing such a little pussy and get into your head how nature works
You either have a beautiful planet to live on or a infestation of sweaty ass holes wanting more and more.
Nope. Try again. Remember to take your...oh wait doesn't matter you're definitely gonna die of colon cancer.
Why am I so superior to you without even trying? I'm completely healthy, and I eat things I grow myself without having to justify murder with fake science and "b12" memes.
>tfw your conscience is actually clear
>tfw you won't die of colon cancer
I can tell you where you failed in life. Your failure started when you decided cancer is better than taking a vitamin because "muh burger". What a fat fuck you are, disgusting.
So yeah, you do what "normal" (mass majority, sheep) people do. I'll do what intelligent evolved people do.
lmao that kid is gonna be bald
>leaf "country"
When you can spell being, you can have an opinion, till then, everything you say is null and void. It's just how nature works.
>nature works how I say it works
>I control my own destiny
>I'm above primitive animal urges
Since I don't see it in this thread yet:
>the red is algae blooms
>the whales are dead already because of suffocation from the algae
>the algae is caused from runoff from farming that makes the water excellent for plant growth
>the Finnish people (I believe, not 100% sure on this) that are butchering the whales are attempting to make use of this tragedy in some way so that the whales' deaths are not in vain
As always, when you see a leaf thread, just go ahead and hide it.
who cares. it's a fucking whale.
'animal cruelty' is a meme.
>white people
Pick one and only one
"X is a meme" is a fucking meme you trashcan
You are literally worse than an animal. You have no worth and you shouldn't be allowed to exist. You are a disgusting accident and you don't deserve to live on this planet, the least you can do is realize youre an abomination and have some respect for the life forms who know how to live their lives without destroying the whole earth. Absolute degenerate, you belong in Sup Forums
As long as they do not allow the animal to suffer in agony I have no problem with this.
i really hope you are a vegan.
you are a hypocrite. all farm animals get treated like shit. farmers are desensitized.
i wouldn't kill a whale but i simply don't care.
fuck off you virtue signaling hippie.
Look at this trigger-nigger getting BTFOed hahaha
Check the flag, people.
Canadians should be barred from starting threads.
Being hunters litterally prepared us for civilization.
Tools were invented for hunting and piecing animal meat. Afterward, fire was used to cook it.
Being carnivorous is the reason why we all can shitpost on this board in this day and age. Otherwise, we`d still be dumb monkeys living in trees.
What's so wrong with killing a bunch of fish? They're not endangered, not even close.
Go out into the jungle, let's see if the "kitties" or ooga boogas don't do the same to you.
>Sup Forums unironically defends this shit
It's unbelievable how hypocritical nords are.
Are they fighting Ludwig?
Honestly though, isn't this against international law? There should be some measures against this.
>A fucking leaf
Why would you post this? What is wrong with you?
really makes you think
You're one to talk, leaf
Souls don't exist. God doesn't exist.
this is stopping for the most part eventually because of rising mercury levels in the meat.
there is zero shame in hunting animals to feed your people btw, especially on a tiny ass island with no farm land.
humans don't need to eat wtf are you talking about
They have stores. They can buy their food.
Humans don't have souls, either.
Might as well go all the way.
Literally what's wrong with killing seals? I agree the method if fairly barbaric, but there are 3 times more seals now than they were in 70s and Canadian state administers some 100 000 to be killed. I really don't see the problem.
>tfw my icelandic grandfather and uncle unironically hunt whales
Whale tastes fucking great btw. It's genuinely like a more flavorful beef.
That's what the Mediterranean coast should look like.
They try to falsely equate humane hunting of seals to inhumane slaughtering of intelligent dolphins.
Lol this isn't even close to anything.You anons should really see animal sacrifices we do here in Nepal desu.
Awe leaf got his fee fees hurt
Nothing wrong with killing seals, just like there's nothing wrong with killing cows, chicken or pigs; the method is what gathers attention.
>Clubbing baby seals to death with blancks of wood with nails attached to them or anything similar
Nah, as long as you don't torture the animal it doesn't care that it dies.
Your flag is stupid.
This must fit under some definition of child abuse
>Being this jealous
>That ID
You can't hide your nip ancestry any longer Canuck.
You keep posting this bullshit photo, yet nobody knows what it's supposed to mean.
It's an exercise in futility, OP, and you're a total autist for not realizing that.
*chomps down a bacon double cheeseburger*
Unless you're a vegan, shut your fat fucking hypocritical mouth.
>whites are even better at hunting than niggers who have been doing it for centuries
>where game is fucking everywhere and not under a hundred feet of ocean
wtf is this
Christ was not a vegan retard
I could chew on tried whale meat all day, best food there is.
Why do vegans always characterize meat eaters as fat? The most fattening and calorie intensive part of a diet isn't protein, it's carbohydrates, particularly sugar.
The red sea doesn't stay red without white people. We need a red sea and you can either deal with it or fuck off.