Literally seriously actually genuinely what the FUCK did Donald Trump mean by this?
Literally seriously actually genuinely what the FUCK did Donald Trump mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nobody is rigging the election
-CNN in october
>Trump winning means russia hacked the election
>CNN in november
There's a difference in rigging votes and numbers to skewing public perception
half the country is accusing the other half of treason because they don't want to explain to their donors that they're not a national party anymore
That's a misrepresentation but even still it doesn't explain how Donald Trump came to the conclusion that the intelligence agencies are trying to protect... Hillary Clinton?
Come on. Cant you guys fight it out like in the old days?
Another one added to the list
They're not. Hillary has always been the boogyman
he means, quit shilling for Hillary
intelligence agencies became coopted by obama
theres segments loyal to her and clinton
the only opposition to obama and hillary was mid levels of the fbi
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Right so for simplicity let's all just assume that the FBI = Democrats by another name. So the democrats (FBI) are releasing all this russia stuff not to disparage trump and get him impeached, but to distract people from hillary clinton's losing campaign, who everyone has forgotten about? That doesn't make any sense at all.
But yet there is proof of bad polling and no proof of rigging.
Hillary voters blame Russia for cheating because they are sore losers and cannot accept they've lost the election.
>cannot accept they've lost the election
The election ended like 4 months ago, are you still going to be running the sore losers line in a year from now when people will still be criticising Trump? Most anti-trump people are probably left wing, which means they would have only voted from clinton as a not-trump vote in the first place, because clinton was a repugnant, centre-right, virtue signalling waste.
>That doesn't make any sense at all.
I knew a guy once who told a small lie. He was nearly caught in the small lie, but he managed to dodge detection by telling a slightly bigger lie. The average person on the street cannot reach "Our President has literally conspired with the enemy" level of lying, but CNN can.
Just go back to /reddit/ tripfag. You're missing the forest because of the trees.
The bloviating about Russian intervention in the election is deflecting from Clinton's incompetence. Nothing more nothing less
>Literally seriously actually genuinely
I went to college, y'all.
But who gives a fuck about Clinton? She's dead. She's politically toxic. She's utterly irrelevant. Nobody talks about her anymore (except for trumpfags as a deflection tactic)
He was just trying to be nice, cunt. Let me spell it out for you.
I tried.
Good luck reading the newspaper.
But you didn't even try.
>deflecting from Clinton's incompetence
Deflecting from what exactly?
CNN intentionally tried to blur the lines between email hacks and vote rigging with their use of language. Whatever did happen (if anything), the story was manipulated by major news outlets into making Trump's election win look completely illegitimate and to skew general public perception the other way.
Trump is a agent KGB. He keep from 1992.
>journalism is unethical election rigging
No wonder CNN can report on it. They're pretty safe there!
Whenever Trump said "rigged" it was pretty clear he was referring to the institutional bias against him at every turn.
That he's a Russian spy and we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
What the left is really upset about is the fact they were dumb enough to vote for Hillary. Their upset that they were ultimately wrong and ultimately tricked by the media who was paid to get her elected. The left is not actually upset with Trump they are upset with them selves for being stupid and blindly supporting The worst and most corrupt presidential candidate ever
No I'm definitely pretty upset with Trump
No you're not you're upset because you're stupid enough to support Hillary Clinton. You're upset because Bernie Sanders was cheated and you excepted it and voted for her anyway. Just remember that it is your fault Bernie Sanders is not president if you would have done something you would've been able to help Bernie Sanders.
The left was too scared to actually come out and support Bernie Sanders the left was too scared to stop Hillary Clinton and her criminal enterprise. So you try to blame your own problems on Trump
More like
>media: stupid drumpf you cant hack the election LOL and theres no proof of voter fraud
>hillary lost???? Russians hacked the election and used voter fraud!
>Trump: let's actually investigate to see if there is voter fraud in our election
>media: wtf drumpf?? There is no proof of voter fraud thats racist you cant investigate!
This is exactly what they are trying . If they don't impeach Trump the media will be out on the street they will lose their jobs. The New York Times is almost out of business in CNN and maybe only last another year or so realistically
Why? What is trump to you? Also you got the legit answer in the first post.
he meant
>this russian bullshit
>is bullshit
>here is why it's bullshit
If you haven't been following along, I'm not gonna spoonfeed you.
By tripfaggot.
He isn't your president fuck off
rly this guy doesnt give a fuck about what people would think about him
Kinda like Obama blamed bush for everything 8years later
>But who gives a fuck about Clinton? She's dead. She's politically toxic. She's utterly irrelevant. Nobody talks about her anymore
I was just reading a tweet from Sally Kahn hoping for president Clinton. Are you trying to say that Sally is infact a secret trump supporter?
>DNC operatives didn't admit to bussing people around for the exact purpose of rigging the election
>I'm a goldfish
here's your (you) benjamin fischbein
>4 months later
>still bitching about hilldawg
lmao making hillpepes was a good idea
>Instead of attempting to fix the problem he just falls back on his same old butt hurt mode and blames someone else
At some point his constant shifting the blame and making shit up the spot is going to backfire on him just the like the media he's been trying to discredit for months. I can't believe people can still satisfied with what he's been doing when it's been shitting himself on twitter back to back and gets fuck all actually done in the white house.
>Gave teeth to agencies to actually combat human and drug trafficking
>Wall is approved and funded for the first half
>Multiple agencies(DoD and the agencies created under Dodd-Frank) have begun the groundwork to make larger changes he promised
>EO to fulfill his promises to drain the swamp
>Media focuses on every tweet and smear they can, work gets done without the cameras there
>Buttmad libs dont even know about the record high stock market reports that just keep coming since Trump was elected
What did he mean by this?
It's just pathetic now. Sad!
>read post
>can a trump supporter be really upset with...
>see flag
>Literally seriously actually genuinely what the FUCK did Donald Trump mean by this?
Uranium One cover up.
How do you faggots feel now that Drumpf is bringing up Hillary in a desperate attempt at blaming something other than himself? He's gonna get impeached and it's glorious lmao, more Reps. are turning on him now. Maybe he can be arrested after that, and his assets liquidated to pay for his exile in Russia.
Could he ever leave the states, especially to russia when he's been briefed on some of the hottest buttons in american intelligence? I know his cabinet is already leaking left and right so there probably isn't much they don't already know. I really don't know how that would scenario would pan out.
>tfw when Trump literally tweets the lugenpresse out of buisness
Someone show me proof that DNC hack was state sponsored.
Liberals are too stupid to understand this
>doesn't explain how Donald Trump came to the conclusion that the intelligence agencies are trying to protect... Hillary Clinton?
If you ever bothered listening to Alex Jones/Savage, they've been yelling about a leftist purge of the IC for the past 8 years. The rightwingers were all pushed out of key areas.
They are now fully in the tank for the Democrats (hence the multiple leaks per day).
witnessed and confirmed
>explain how Donald Trump came to the conclusion that the intelligence agencies are trying to protect... Hillary Clinton?
It's called the Deep State.
Are you dense?
Did your ancestors come from Sub-Sahara Africa where the average IQ is 60?
Are you a shill?
The government has been packed with leftist Deep State operatives during the 8 year Obama presidency.
God damn his constant whining is getting tiresome. It isn't the campaign season anymore.
>are you still going to be running the sore losers line in a year from now when people will still be criticising Trump?
They won't let go.
They will push us into CW II.
They think "this time is different" where their Marxist agenda is concerned.
History tells us that Marxism ALWAYS fails, and in the process ends up killing tens of millions.
You will probably be one of those.
You still don't get it?
We put Trump in office as our WMD aimed at the establishment.
Where as Marxists like you want to continue on with business as usual.
But that always ends...always.
Look to history for answers.
>Whenever Trump said "rigged" it was pretty clear he was referring to the institutional bias against him at every turn.
And that is why he won.
this and pic related
He means his fuck ups are so massive that blaming Obama is not enough, he has to blame Hillary too.
Wrong, there's a genuine serious effort to begin her campaign for 2020. Not just a meme, campaign people are starting the actual legwork to do it.
Preibus is trying to purge Trump of his American First cabinet to reinstall a RINO White House and is colluding with the Democrats to push the false Russia narrative
You do realize Trump has oddly openly lied about so many things, right?
Fucking rob schneider I love you