>More white people are dying than being born in most European countries
>Fertility rates in Nigeria are only increasing. Those that are falling are falling extremely slowly.
We are literally going to go extinct.
>More white people are dying than being born in most European countries
>Fertility rates in Nigeria are only increasing. Those that are falling are falling extremely slowly.
We are literally going to go extinct.
less fingols = less shitty menes
shitty memes are white culture
Perkele sauna
First, anybody who thinks we'll just stop breeding and then all die is a literal retard.
Second, this is the hidden part of the "climate change" conundrum, more and more people (third world, look at the charts) means more consumers making more pollution....but talking about it is racist.
japan manage just fine.
all part of plan.....
Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.
anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food
Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)
Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits
Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children
So the fix is to make african birthrates go down. Or death rates up.
At the very least we should stop foreign aid.
>not factoring in fatalities before they can breed
lookie at dem numbers
There is a close to 100% chance we will see a migrant crisis that dwarfs what we've seen so far. It will make the 2015 great migration look like nothing. There will be tens of millions who will want to immigrate from Sub-Saharan Africa. Yes, We're stuck with African Americans, and without changes, we'll eventually be stuck with Africa's Muslims.
I'm referring to the incoming population bomb from African population boom. Big picture:
There's nothing wrong with having nigerian girlfriends. What are you, a faggot?
Women have to much power in the sexual market place, with only the top 5% of men getting any pussy, of course birth rates are falling
arabs and chinks dont have this problem because they control their women
niggers dont have this problem because they are like animals
>remove aid
>stop giving condoms
>stop telling them what stds are
>stop telling them they cant get rid of stds by having sex with 9 year old girls
how does this help?
i'd rather go extinct than have sandniggers boost our fertility rate
So? Just make immigrants assimilate so your culture lives on.
Nothing wrong with that. Finnish nature can't support even current population and we rely on imported food.
It's not racist at all to talk about it.
Many 3rd world citizens pump out babies like crazy because they lack education, specifically life ed and sex ed.
Studies show that birth rates are lowered as well as std rates when there's higher levels of education.
In order to slow the exponentially increasing population and curb excessive ghg emissions we need to educate the masses.
>nigerian birthrates increasing
And nigeria has a 7.2% infant mortality rate
When are shit-tier bait threads like these going to become a ban-able offense on Sup Forums? They are tanking the quality of an already notoriously low-quality board
>So? Just make immigrants assimilate so your culture lives on.
Immigrants that can't be assimilated should be sent back. Automation beats niggers and sandniggers.
could finns even get more based ?
Haha maybe if you went outside more and excercised/practised better hygeine you would have more success with women. Quit projecting your bs women hate thread statistics and get some actual life experience
Dont worry the increase in death/birth ratio is only because of all the elders born in 1940's are beginning to die off (there are a shit ton of people born in 1940's). Thus the increase in deaths. After that is over the ratio will stabilize again.
Helsinki is not having any kids. 1.41 for every couple. Where I live it's 2.17.
they dont wanna breed, we should just collect all their genes and start cloning them, maybe genetically amplify finnish autism abit.
and then use our million finn clones with military training from age 5 to wipe out muzzies.
facts and truth
the average guy cant get an average girl, he has to settle for a real gross thing or nothing at all
Is that personal experience?
Will we end up being legends like the elves of old?
I'm dating a lovely black lady btw. My genes will endure.
You overdosed on redpills buddy.
Personal space is very important.
yea put the sub 70 iq's into tax funded schools, that will solve it
White people don't have kids because they don't see any personal gain in it.
There's no avoiding this fact. White people have been made into selfish, me-me-me consumers by (((corporations and advertising))). Babies are boring. The latest video game or that vacation you're planning isn't.
meant for
>the average guy cant get an average girl, he has to settle for a real gross thing or nothing at all
I'm nothing special and my gf is a 9.5/10 with millions in the bank
Just be yourself my man
>Caring about "muh culture" over genetics
Fuck off reddit.
So what's the end goal?
Tell your tribe brothers to stop.
turning women into "men" who dont want to have kids was a mistake
No problem, we will give them free boats to GB
Never insult the Fins on Sup Forums because they will actually kill themselves. Open your heart to the Fin and let them live!
But white people are easy to manipulate though and they don't really resist subversion.
They already own the culture, finance and education. How could they possibly have any more control?
But Japan does not tolerate shitskins.
There's no point in living when this is the world we're forced to live in.
Last chance to fix things was 70 years ago, now there's only suffering.
enough from you, molymeme
yeah but race is the ultimate form of nationalism and you can have a raise as you did in 1934.
Once race is gone there's no come back, ideology can change, race don't.
>But white people are easy to manipulate though and they don't really resist subversion.
Are you kidding me? We have things pretty comfy right now but things are going to get worse in future especially as populations rise and resources become scarce. Quality of life in western countries is going to see a dramatic fall this century. The (((elite))) are aware of this fact, but they will not want to give up an inch of their privileged, luxurious lifestyles. The goyim will bear the burden, and it will be much easier to make them carry it if they have no identity or cohesion.
White people are known for overthrowing unfair ruling classes. It's happened time and again throughout European history. When pushed to our limit, we push back, and we push back hard. They can't risk this happening again. For now they are keeping us distracted by flooding us with immigrants and using those as convenient scapegoats, and also using them as opposition against us with identity politics and so on. But this isn't enough. They want us gone. They have to get rid of us and they have to get rid of us fast.
>tfw all my neighbors are niggers or single mothers with mixed niglet children
>tfw no eesti gf
Come on lads, time to stop naking memes and start making kids
What for, so that they can be a hated minority in their own country?
I thought Finland was Neo-Mongol Spurdo paradise?
>Israel is a sacrificial nation
I hope every last one of them dies in the longest most painful way possible. I rather to end the world before I live my home
This is utterly defeatist thinking. We are nowhere near done yet. They want you to think it's all over. They want you to think it's unwinnable. What's the worst that can happen? A couple of your descendants might get lynched in 100 years time. So what? I assure you, your ancestors have been through similar and worse to bring you into the world. And they would hate the thought of you simply giving up because the future looks bleak.
Better to at least take one last roll of the dice than to fall on your sword.
I think it's mostly fear of childbirth. It's fucking horrifying to watch. Will this work?
>It's possible in put someone else's fertilized eggs into another woman.
>Find clean non-whites to do this for white eggs.
>They get gibs, there's more white kids.
>Your spouse doesn't have to shit herself and have her genitals literally torn apart and reconstructed by a large fishing hook looking utensil, (unless your baby is severely malnourished and horribly premature this ALWAYS happens, contrary to common belief of childbirth being a beautiful thing) followed by a month log period of nofap and even weirder hormones.
Several month*
It's begun. The mice utopia
Globalist jews knows that Israel means their defeat.
That's why Hilter made the Haavara agreement, to help jews to move to Palestine in order to finish the jewish influence in the west also, they knew that those jews (globalists) didn't even belive in God or respected the jewish traditions.
It's by design.
Then I wish them all to burn alive.
>fertility rates
That phrase implies it's biological.
But the problem is social/societal/governmental.
Having children has been disincentivised and living a narcissistic/hedonistic lifestyle has been pushed by the media/academia and even governments themselves.
>This is utterly defeatist thinking.
It's because it's over. Or do you seriously expect that we, as a people, will suddenly wake up one day and decide: hey, this whole diversity thing wasn't that good of an idea, so now we're going to deport them all? Because that shit's not going to happen - especially not the way our countries are set up and our demographics are changing. Think a 50%+ "minority" country is going to vote for the deportation of "minorities"?
We will awaken before it is over, and slam the door of history shut. The house, society will crumble in the hands of muslims and spics and niggers. And all that will be left if the door: the last thing the white man touched, the entry to civilization he so graciously opened to barbarians.
>muh birthrates
It's literally a good thing to have a population that declines every now and then. It's all about oscillating between growth and stagnation to strike a perfect balance and keep your population not only sustainable, but also environmentally harmonious.
Shitskins and libs in general don't seem to understand that constant population growth is bad for our environment, even though they like to preach about protecting the environment.
You read too much Sup Forums, friend. Things are not nearly as bad as they are made to seem here. Whites still hold all the power in Europe, America, and the Commonwealth We still hold a demographic majority in all of these countries and we hold the most of the wealth. We won't have this power for long, if things continue as they are, but we still have time. There are already small signs of change in the right direction. Things can happen very quickly. All it takes is a spark. It's not over yet.
>If Im not getting laid no one is
Grow up. The problem isnt the high standards women hold. The problem is once you have them they dont want to have kids.
We are the next Sweden.
>You read too much Sup Forums, friend. Things are not nearly as bad as they are made to seem here.
>We won't have this power for long, if things continue as they are
Pick one.
>should be territories
not just Nigeria, about 12 African countries are averaging over 6 kids per mother.
I want to live there :(
Why do you speak retard and it so cold :(
i want more black qts here so i can breed!
I meant "not long" in a relative sense. We have about 30 years before things start to look really bleak. Say another generation. If there aren't signs of a reprisal by then, I will be on board with your hopelessness.
>You read too much Sup Forums, friend. Things are not nearly as bad as they are made to seem here. Whites still hold all the power in Europe, America, and the Commonwealth We still hold a demographic majority in all of these countries and we hold the most of the wealth. We won't have this power for long, if things continue as they are, but we still have time. There are already small signs of change in the right direction. Things can happen very quickly. All it takes is a spark. It's not over yet.
You have unfounded optimism. Just imagine what Nazi Germany went through to get rid of 1 % of their population. That's one percent. Is UK even 90 % white anymore? Sweden is something like 70 % white. It really is hopeless. The scale of a genocide we would have to commit for whites to have any hope to endure is so gargantuan that it's simply not possible. It would require a genocide on the level of an asteroid impact.
Prove to me that failing birth rates are a bad thing and not a good thing.
If you want to use to use the argument that others have high birth rates, you must first prove that their high birth rates is a benefit to them and humanity as a whole.
I would submit that humanity as a whole would be much better off if every nation had Finnish birth rates for a few decades.
I want to torture you to death, even if that was a joke.
>More white people are dying than being born in most European countries
wonder if it has anything to do with all the sand niggers they imported?
Anybody from finland wants to employ me? It's either me or a nigger. Take your pick.
Lose your passport and paint your face black. Our government will not find you a job, but they will get you a salary.
Stop living in subsidized housing.
>We have about 30 years before things start to look really bleak.
And what do you think is going to change in the next 30 years?
holy shit I thought the finland personal space was just a meme
Damn I wish I was born as a nigger.
>tfw to intelligent too breed
subhuman shitskin races are not intelligent enough to participate in modern forms of entertainment such as using computers and playing video games all day, so they have nothing better to do than socialize IRL and fornicate every day. this will inevitably lead to the extinction of all intelligent races like whites, japs, and jews.
Well the bleakness levels are going to rise. Obviously.
I have something you can use.
I'll allow it, kike. I despise being around or interacting with people.
so close
Genocide isn't necessary. Fascist governments could easily implement laws which increase white births and limit non-white births. Very simple stuff.
>21st century
come on dude
And you're going to put a fascist government in place in the current environment how?
Also, you might as well deport or kill them when you're going to limit their births, they'll scream bloody murder anyway.
You call this a shitty meme?
>this fucking thread
I thought Finns being autistic was a meme
>German Catholic with Polish Catholic wife: we have 5 sons, all tall and tough
>Best friends over last night - Austrian Catholic husband, Irish Catholic wife: they have 5 daughters and 4 sons. We are already discussing their daughters marrying our sons.
>Go to my TLM parish - full of families with many children - the children reject degeneracy and want their own large families.
When you say "we are literally going extinct" you don't mean "White people are going extinct"
You mean "atheists are going extinct"
In parts of Italy the TFR is 0.33
That means only 1 woman in 3 has a child.
Entire genetic lines are, yes, dying out *right now* all over the world. Africa, Asia, the Western hemisphere, Europe - birth rates are down *EVERYWHERE* and continuing a downward trend.
The future belongs to those people with the will to have children
Remind me, what's the birthrate of Poland?
White women will get moist from the thought of this. They cannot resist the alure of the superior black cock.
>It's fucking horrifying to watch
How fucking soft and timid are you?!
My wife has a kid, 20 minutes later she's polishing off a porterhouse, baked potato, and asparagus, washing it down with wine, and cracking jokes and you can't bear to *watch*?!
Atheist liberalism is going extinct. Even if all else fails the Mormons and the Amish will sustain the white race.
A shame you losers only realized the penalty for assassinating your own culture for the Jews too late. But hey, as you're being slowly replaced by your government and your women are being raped and your churches are burned down to make way for mosques, just remember, "at least Richard Dawkins would be proud of me."
I very much look forward to seeing his kids dragged out of their homes by Muslims and ISIS'd. It will be the final justice.